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Everything posted by Sammo~!

  1. I'm so happy that WWE is bringing back Lucha Underground you guys. Wait what? Oh nooooooooooo
  2. Every tweet needs to be the clip of him yelling "MY EYE!"
  3. Steve Blackman is such a weird case. Half of the Blackman fans I know like him earnestly, half of them like him ironically. And I don't know a single person who actively dislikes Steve Blackman.
  4. I'd take out vs Undertaker and replace it with the Piper match at Wrestlemania 8
  5. Modern Inoki looks like Papyrus from Undertale Pictured: Inoki reacting to a middling pro wrestler winning an MMA fight via split decision
  6. I just assume he went to a local Nordstrom and paid for one of those family photo shoots
  7. Weird that Florida is seeing a spike. They've tried everything they can. Both pretend there isn't a problem, and also ignore it and hope it goes away on its own.
  8. You know after the Gawker thing I always wondered "Why is Hulk Hogan immediately dropping N bombs post coitus? He must be incredibly racist if that's his idea of pillow talk. What kind of woman does he think wants to hear that garbage" Oh. Oh I see.
  9. Suddenly The Legacy's fashion choices make more sense to me
  10. I just thought Dax Hardwood was a tongue in cheek porn name like Sexton Hardcastle. Glad to see the Revival taking their cosplay of the 80s generation to the next level.
  11. Thanks, my immediate thought was "Oh no, what utterly moronic thing about the virus did he say now?"
  12. He decided that the Flippy Cup would be better if someone got some color. He offered to do it for the other team and it worked out because he convinced higher ups it was hardway and no one got in trouble.
  13. Think of it as your favorite bad wrestler, whether that means bad in terms of push, gimmick, or skill level
  14. Steamboat can't be a boy because he was NWA champion. Another kind of unspoken rule is they aren't supposed to be technically sound. There is an ongoing argument on the podcast as to whether Regal is a boy or not, he fits every criteria but they argue he's too good. If you had a strong affinity for someone like say, IRS, for example like I do, then he's an unequivocal Boy
  15. It comes from the OSW Review podcast, a Boy Stable are your favorite boys: wrestlers who were essentially glorified jobbers or midcarders for life. There are a bunch of criteria for being a "boy" but generally you have to have a shitty gimmick and have never won a major world title.
  16. I can't believe they would release Rusev on Rusev Day. Bastards.
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