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Everything posted by nate

  1. Like a monkey with a red ass, ready to fuck other monkeys? Wait, I have that confused with "presenting." Carry on.
  2. *clompclompclompclompclompclompclompclomp *BAM*... *gasp* Bella *wheeze* joke? *koff, koff* Am I late? (Jesus, the stairs ...) YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!!By two minutes! YES YES YES ….. and so on. (Woulda been quicker, but as I mentioned, those stairs ...)But apparently his new squeeze has four titties to inflate to ridiculous proportions.
  3. *clompclompclompclompclompclompclompclomp *BAM* ... *gasp* Bella *wheeze* joke? *koff, koff* Am I late? (Jesus, the stairs ...)
  4. Hahaha! "... as a wiwy, grrrrrizzled vetwan ... *ruff* ..." hahahaha .... aheh, heh, hmmm ... Edit: Please bear with me ... long day at work ...
  5. Obviously, she's just paying homage to rappers Da Lench Mob. (voodoo, runnin' from my magic)
  6. http://www.amazon.com/WWE-Best-Saturday-Nights-Event/dp/B001KKU9EG Thank you so much, G. Best part of this is the nice surprise: I'm so far behind in watching wrestling dvds that I actually forgot I have this set! Day: MADE.
  7. Quick question: is the Hogan/Ordorff cage match where they both hit the ground at the same time on any DVD?
  8. Yeah, no shit.I've noticed this showing up a lot lately; apparently, the fallout from the misuse of "literally" is to now overuse the use of "metaphorically." Wish I was more committed to my forum activity, I would so attach a Punk grumpy face cap from "Grammar Slam" right'chere ...
  9. I think they're equal. I'll give you that.Show your work for full credit.
  10. This was the first time I think I've ever given a like to someone (jaedmc) and given it to someone else ... what a weird, wild, wonderful feeling it is~...
  11. I went to a ton of shows (maybe 40ish) between 2003 and 2009, but followed WWE throughout. I was into TNA for a while from 2003-2005 or so, but that burned out pretty quickly for me. Once Joe and Danielson were gone I just didn't care as much, and I was getting older and the time and money needed to follow this niche hobby became way too much to sustain. I followed ROH and WWE concurrently because they both gave me something I really wanted, and now WWE gives me both more often than not, and ROH, from what I've seen, gives me neither. It would be interesting to plug the TV equation into ROH around the time Joe lost the belt to Aries. Could they have grown into something through Summer of Punk/CZW/Best in the World Bryan Danielson? Yes, very much so. And then Faction Warrrz happened, and it looked EXACTLY like what an entire company built around a Nation of Domination/ Disciples of the Apocolypse/ Los Boriquas angle would look like. Doo. Doo. Butter. I think it was a misstep that ROH didn't really recover from ... I mean, yeah, all kinds of other stuff happened during that time, but that was the herald of the downward slope.
  12. In case you didn't read it elsewhere, he's demanding all the books.
  13. Danielson needs to align w/ the Wyatt family. Not because Bray Wyatt is his messiah, not because he's following the buzzards; simply because they share an affinity for great beards.I don't know that the Bellas are all that "great," per se.
  14. Doesn't count because he did too many "non-title match" jobs ranging from real guys like Cena and Bryan down to total numbnut non-entities like Ziggler and Kane during his bullshit longest reign. Modern history is just code for the "titles don't mean shit anymore" and stringing out Punk's reign as long as they did doesn't even make his reign anymore significant than JBL's. Besides by now cRyback's just the modern equivalent to The Warlord. And even he made Punk look like his punk bitch for the majority of those matches regardless of the end result."The Beast" gave way too much to the glorified tatted up sandwich artist. On the other hand, it really doesn't matter because by now it's clear Brock's only there to swap wins with the top guys even if they're glorified sandwich artists undeserving of the rub.I'm amused at the implication that Punk's reign needs an asterix next to it. Good luck with your petition.
  15. Has Abraham Washington twittered about Young's coming out?
  16. This guy? No doubt that man loves him some titties!
  17. Maybe it's the similar contacts, but he looks like a super young Kane. Give Joey six months and he will look totally different. Never encountered a wrestler who could shift shape like him. I looked him up because - for some reason, ungodly as it was - I thought you might have been saying he was Joey Mercury (back off me, okay, it's been a long day ...), and I found that he wrestled a tag match against the team of ... Marty Jannetty and Sabu. ..... Marty Jannetty and Sabu.
  18. Y'know, I could have sworn he got the shot, but it was in a four-way elimination match. (I might be wrong.)
  19. Maybe it's just me, but I wish they'd released Christy and kept Val. Hemme's at least a decent ring announcer. I'm not sure what Val was good at. To steal something said in another discussion, "I'm such a child." Another post where the avatar makes the post even better ... Also, ahem ... "Hobo with a Shotgun" ...
  20. I could be totally off base here, but the one to Gail Kim doesn't look so bad; she looks like she landed alright for the move, plus, hey, Hernandez ... handful of titty, good on ye, esse ... And it's easier watching the one to Doug Williams, because he ended up okay ... But being that's the case, I CANNOT watch the one into the pool without cringing at the near-miss to paralysis. I mean, motherFUCKER! Both of those individuals are idiots ...
  21. Who's made more trash than treasure: John Carpenter or Wes Craven?
  22. Cursed. I just recently rewatched that film - $1.99 for the DVD through Amazon, why the hell not? - and motherfucker what a horrible ass film. Due to all the behind-the-scenes shenanigans, I can totally understand why the film tanked, but a werewolf film without a single solid transformation scene (there's that one scene where the chick turns into ... something ... but ... c'mon, really? If you wanna count that, be my guest ...). Such a doo-doo film ... and YET ... likeable in its doo-doo-ness. My favorite bit of shit dialogue: Ellie (Christina Ricci): “Can you cover for me at the opening?” Kyle (Michael Rosenbaum): “What? And miss Jake’s big opening?” Ellie: “I can’t make it” Such a redundant bit of words, it's maddening to hear them echo in my head. Definitely, for me, a so-bad-it's-good movie.
  23. Shame there was no Powers of Pain vs. Hogan/Warrior Summerslam main (or at least a Saturday Night's Main Event). I think that would be a match we'd still talk about to this day ...
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