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Patrick B.

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Everything posted by Patrick B.

  1. I saw quite a bit of the tail end of NWA Wildside's existence. Most of their TV history is on YouTube somewhere. Heel Lawler's commentary reminds me of where heel Cole must have learned it from. Really strong main event. First match had a close finish with the reversal into the pin, but the Codebreaker earlier in the night made the difference this time around. Also, nice move psychology with Jericho countering the springboard forearm that Styles used to win the tag match.
  2. Naomi belongs in the mix with the NXT callups. Wish it hadn't taken so long for people to see what she can do.
  3. Really disappointing to hear that if it's true, having known Delirious and Daizee since their early days in The Biz. They've been together for a LONG time.
  4. Was never even aware that Delirious/Daizee were married, just thought they were a long-term thing. Still: Ak.
  5. Like Bayley-Carmella a lot. Going in, both were popular though Bayley was clearly the crowd favorite (as the commentators noted). After the two suicide dives, Carmella was getting some How You Doin' chants. The pin reversal sequence made it a close finish and Carmella looked strong in defeat after not really being expected to win.
  6. Would that be the Cranky Vince-noted giant motherfarging square desk?
  7. I've heard people say that Harley definitely regrets doing it. He needs a walker or motorized wheelchair to get around these days.
  8. Bayley had a boyfriend on Breaking Ground so I don't know. Finn should focus on Becky. Because if you go by those Finn Special looks before the Tokyo show, Becky is sure as hell focusing on Finn. The dirtsheets never said they were a thing.
  9. Blair Socci ‏@blairsocci Ur boyfriend will never look at u like he looks at Daniel Bryan ----- 1) If I had a girlfriend, her missile dropkick wouldn't be nearly as good. 2) Dumb joke because Daniel Bryan fans don't HAVE girlfriends anyway. #amirite #hi5
  10. Hey, us zealots get what we deserve.
  11. Sure, throw a softball. I don't feel like being ban number three for the week, though...at least not at this particular moment.
  12. Nowadays I see far, far more poorly-done low-bridge spots than well-done low-bridge spots.
  13. When Reddit is looking like a preferable alternative...
  14. So what would satisfy you? I honestly don't know. I have asked repeatedly to be banned.
  15. As far as getting wound up about winz and lossez(ratingz), I'm not so much "learning" as I am "letting go". Oh well.
  16. I avoid fantasy-booking like the plague nowadays; I just would have saved AJ's first WWE loss for a bigger show.
  17. I'm not anywhere near as "down" on Jericho as other people on here. Probably a nostalgia thing on my part. Still, it's weird that AJ's first loss would come on a random Smackdown. Not even upset about it, just "oh...okay, that happened".
  18. She has several better finishers. Split-legged moonsault(probably too flashy for a heel), the Spider Twist submission she occasionally uses, plus I think she's used the low-flying rana that Kalisto's been using lately. (EDIT: Corrected a misspelling, though I wonder if there's a really weird indie gimmick where a guy calls his finisher the "monosault".)
  19. I wonder where the exiled DVDVR people congregate. Is there a Reddit group for that? (Wanting to know for when I finally get the axe.)
  20. Doesn't matter. #debbiedowner #beatingdeadhorse #megoingtosulkinlandofconfusion #maybethisshouldjustbemysig
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