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Andrew POE!

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Everything posted by Andrew POE!

  1. If EA announced tomorrow that they are making Mutant League Football with the Madden engine for next-gen systems, I will shit my pants AND buy a PS4.
  2. I pre-ordered for PS3. Can't wait to play with some of you online.
  3. The great news is that the Wii U is now $299. Still won't get one this year.
  4. When I heard that Curtis Axel & Paul Heyman handcuffed CM Punk, I thought "they watched the Youtube video of Tom Pritchard/Dirty White Boy and they are going to try to hang CM Punk with a noose."
  5. I can't believe Eddie Gilbert ran out to pull Jerry Lawler away. That's like Moriarty saving Sherlock Holmes.
  6. I found the whole thing with Miley on VMA to be a ripoff of M.I.A. I'm also surprised that if Miley really wanted to say 'screw it,' she would record an album of Belle & Sebastian, Jeff Buckley, Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen, Scott Walker and other alternative indie acts' songs. Her cover of "Lilac Wine" is surprisingly decent.
  7. Fuck you to a girl I know who posted her engagement pics on Facebook and is pretending like she's some celebrity/reality TV star/actress. The guy she got engaged to looks like he runs a convenience store while she looks like a skinny model, so no loss for me. I'm not bitter, really (I can hear some of you say "yes you are"). I don't mind other girls I'm friends with/acquaintances on Facebook getting hitched because they are mostly not bad. But I just find this particular girl annoying.
  8. I hope you gave him a flying knee and shouted "NO!" repeatedly after that conversation. Nah, but I wish I did. I asked him to name me one good match recently from Randy Orton and he couldn't come up with anything. He also wants Steve Austin back in the WWE. He's a bit special. I was one of those people who argued that Nattie is a decent wrestler. I then realized that I could not come up with an actual match that was memorable and that was great that involved her. For all the talk about her 'Hart family bloodline,' she is a mediocre wrestler. If she were a male wrestler, she would be like The Miz basically.
  9. I talked to a guy I work with about the Daniel Bryan feud with Randy Orton and he's a Randy Orton fan and he thinks that Bryan sucks. Why? It has nothing to do with their matches. It has to do with a f*ckin' ringtone. He likes Orton's entrance music. I swear you don't need a functioning brain to be a WWE fan nowadays.
  10. I have absolutely no faith in the WWE given the title to Daniel Bryan or him gaining the upper-hand on the "Corporate Legacy." For one, Daniel Bryan is seen as too weak to do so and is not charismatic enough to do it. He's a great Everyman, but it's easy to see the writing on the walls with HHH's comment about "Randy Orton carrying the WWE title for him." And AJ's promo was great -- I would love to believe that it will lead to great matches with her against Natalya and/or the Bellas, but Natalya has let her ring skills lapse and the Bellas are awful as wrestlers. AJ Lee burying Total Divas is pure Vince McMahon -- if he had a problem with her saying that, AJ's mic would have been cut off.
  11. PSN: POEMan553 XBL (although I don't have XBL Gold so what's the point of trying): POENSis Steam: Apdiddy
  12. TJ Wilson/Tyson Kidd is a complete loser. Nattie Neidhart could do better than that. I mean Kidd's mom and his sister have the 'bitch face' disorder and TJ would rather spend time with them? Nattie is practically throwing herself at TJ and he is too smoked out to notice and won't stand up to his own mom/family. Plus, another guy is wanting to make the moves on Nattie because TJ is too stupid. Poor Trinity had to wrestle Alicia Fox, so no wonder she got winded. To me, Ariane is a blonde haired white girl trapped in a black girl's body (not being racist, just noticing her behavior). And she's not very good at wrestling, unlike Trinity who is serious about becoming a great wrestler.
  13. From what I'm playing of the game, it's OK but Steelport is completely boring to tranverse in. It's like a combination of SR1 (which I haven't finished) and SR3. I really hate the Blazin' speedrunning sections. One in Wesley Int'l Airport is "easy," yeah right.
  14. After Ballmer leaves, I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft unloads/discontinues the Xbox division and/or Windows phones. Whoever they get next may not fully understand video games and just sees the dollar signs from Xbox Live service.
  15. I'm not totally surprised that Microsoft is run by a bunch of assholes who don't have a clue on what people actually want nowadays. The launch games for Xbox One look suspiciously like current games from Xbox 360....so why would I spend $500 to get a system I already have? I feel bad about Sunset Overdrive and I hope Insomniac finds out a way to make the game multiplatform to recoup their losses. Not only that but there's an interview with someone from Capcom Vancouver where they are 'targeting 30 fps' for Dead Rising 3. From what I've seen of it on IGN, Dead Rising 3 looks D.O.A.
  16. Having played the demo, I'm glad that I didn't buy it. It's not very good.
  17. Because Triple H and Randy Orton almost always get amongst the loudest reactions every single time they show up on tv, and John Cena gets even louder ones? I mean, I don't completely buy his argument of "we don't decide" but the vast majority of crowds that show up at WWE tv and ppv shows fucking love Orton and Triple H, and either fucking love or FUCKING HATE John Cena, and they are the people who get the biggest reactions, along with Punk and lately Bryan. My point is that HHH, Orton & Cena get treated better because they are more vocal about how they are treated. In the interview, HHH points out that Austin would veto ideas if he didn't like them or didn't make any sense. It's natural to assume to Cena, Orton & HHH do the same thing. There have quite a few people who have come and gone that have gotten similar reactions as Punk & Bryan. Hopefully, Punk & Bryan will get to the point that they are making people tune in, buy tickets, etc. and won't just lose matches because their opponents have vetoed losing against them. But you know that HHH & Orton will try their damnest to ensure that Bryan is properly buried.
  18. There's a lot I like about the HHH interview, but even as one of his most fiercest critics, I think there's a lot that just bullshit with the guy. If everything that's done with him is because of 'creative,' then why on earth did he get a big push with the "McMahon Helmsley Era"? Why is that 'guys don't get pushed because we tell the crowd who to cheer" and yet HHH (and lately John Cena and now Randy Orton) are in main event feuds/matches? Why is that he's a focal point of the WWE when the "WWE Universe" may not actually care about him or are lukewarm towards him?
  19. I'm going to wait on a PS4 -- the launch titles seem a bit 'samey' to me and Infamous: Second Son (which is the only PS4 title I would want currently) is in February. Talk to me about this time next year.
  20. Divekick looks too much like a free Flash game and not very good. Color me uninterested.
  21. I don't know that Stone Cold was ever made to look like such a putz as to interrupt a show-ending heel gloat-fest without some kind of equalizer like a weapon or beer truck or such. Vegan food truck. After that, I got nothing.
  22. I wonder if TJ Wilson/Tyson Kidd is smoking a lot of weed to help with his 'rehab.' He acts a lot like stoner friends of mine from college. Still, Natalya in lingerie is better than Brie in a swimsuit. Seriously she needs to eat something and not that vegan bullshit food that she eats with Daniel Bryan. Like three or four steaks in a row.
  23. Looking at it, Tony Anthony seemed pretty close to actually killing Tom Pritchard. Imagine how this angle would have been viewed if he had. From the Youtube comments on this, one of the commenters claim that Tom Pritchard & Tony Anthony had legit heat with each other over Pritchard marrying Anthony's sister.
  24. Trying to do Call of Duty: Black Ops II single player campaign. Whoever decided to put the Strike Force missions in the game deserved a kick in the nuts. Horribly horribly designed.
  25. I'm not saying he would be a Hollywood star or even very good at acting -- I'm just saying he would be in those types of movies. He admits to being a fan of Chevy Chase....that sorta tells you something. And I picked Edge because I don't see Ziggler being a John Cena like "face of the company." I do see him as filling the void that Edge left and having a bigger following....not as big as Cena or Daniel Bryan or even Edge, but a large enough following. He could have that 'crossover appeal' as well that Vince McMahon seems to think is important. Then you have Cena himself making worked shoot/shoot comments on Raw towards Ziggler saying how he's nothing. But I guess it's cool to shit on ZIggler now.
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