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Andrew POE!

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Everything posted by Andrew POE!

  1. I downloaded Rocket League (PS+ baybee!) and I'm ready. See you next week. Work? What's that?
  2. I finally beat Arkham Asylum on Hard Mode and I got the challenge trophies and two freeflow trophies left before a Platinum. Argh, my will is fading with this game....
  3. I realize I'm in the minority but to me, Hard Mode should have better health upgrades or more. Four health upgrades is not sufficient. Sadly, Arkham City is a GTA clone and Arkham Knight appears to be more Crackdown like.
  4. Batman: Arkham Asylum on Hard Mode is ridiculous. I'm nearing the end and I hate this game. I may or may not do the other trophies for a Platinum. The enemies take away too much health and the health upgrades suck. To me, Arkham Asylum has not aged well and is in danger of being overrated.
  5. I decided to try to Platinum Batman: Arkham Asylum (oh god the challenges) prior to doing Arkham Knight. So my question is
  6. Like an idiot, I decided to try to Platinum Batman: Arkham Asylum even though I have a copy of Arkham Knight RIGHT THERE. Did I mention I'm an idiot?
  7. I've bought so much bullshit at Gamestop over the years thanks to 18-22 year old female employees. I rarely see any female employees at the Gamestops I go to. Mostly fat bearded dudes.
  8. Yup, Telltale's Game of Thrones season pass at $12.50 is a steal. Oh and Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen is a pretty worthy $13 to spend. Plus, you can get all the bedwetter otaku weirdo JRPG's you want! -- I play them and own them all already
  9. Don't forget that Patrick MacNee did have an appearance in A View To A Kill.
  10. I finally Platinum'ed Enslaved: Odyssey to the West last night. I'm hoping to do Devil May Cry 1 HD this weekend.
  11. I picked up my PS4 copy from Best Buy yesterday. It's already the best looking game I've ever seen. Although I sorta think the M rating is a bit of a misnomer. It's no more violent thus far than Arkham City. I still want to Platinum Arkham Asylum, City, Origins and Blackgate Vita & PS3 before this though. Yes I'm nuts.
  12. Am I the only one who loved that game? It wasn't quite Virtua Tennis, but it was a super fun game. Rockstar Table Tennis 2 with GTAV's engine...HOLY SHIT day freakin' 1.
  13. Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen isn't too bad but extremely lengthy and kind of a weird game. I got one trophy left from a Platinum in Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. Getting Batman: Arkham Knight Tuesday.
  14. Eddy Grant - Electric Avenue M83 - Claudia Lewis
  15. I found this year's E3 to be incredible in terms of what's coming in the next few years but also great in what's coming this year and next. Just Cause 3 is coming out this year -- Fallout 4 is coming out this year (which utterly surprised me), Rise of the Tomb Raider has a release date this year, Mass Effect Andromeda and The Division are coming next year, Horizon: Zero Dawn gets announced, Dark Souls 3 is coming next year....and so forth. Even if you take away TLG/FFVII Remake/Shenmue 3 announcements, it is still a great E3. I just hope the strategy next year isn't to do announcements like this when the games won't be ready anytime soon; but I have a feeling that Sony (and Microsoft) are going to start doing this -- it wouldn't surprise me if Sony announces Beyond Good & Evil 2 is a PS4 exclusive and Microsoft announces Crimson Skies. Although I wondered why we hadn't heard anything about Scalebound or Phantom Dust (I personally think Phantom Dust is dead). The only thing disappointing was Nintendo and you can tell they are ramping up their "Nintendo NX" console.
  16. Part of me hopes that Microsoft is at least open to the idea of unlocking regions for Xbox 360 in backwards compatibility on the Xbox One since (please correct me) the Xbox One is region free. Can't wait to see people play Tetris The Grandmaster, Japanese idol games, and Cave shmups and other shmups on Xbox One.
  17. It beats the hell outta SimCity (2013), so yes.
  18. If Andromeda follows the events of Mass Effect 3, I think the story would be along the lines of this: Well?
  19. If Sony can announce The Last Guardian, FF7 HD Remake AND Shenmue 3 for PS4, then they can revive Beyond Good & Evil 2 and (for the hell of it) Psychonauts 2 at next year's E3. If they get Gabe Newell to announce Half-Life 3 for PS4 next year, it's over for Microsoft this gen.
  20. My haul during this Steam sale is relatively small compared to years past. I almost got Endless Legend & Civ Beyond Earth but I decided to wait too late on this. I got Danmaku Unlimited 2, Van Helsing 3, Developer Alliance bundle, Humble Bundle - Retroism, This War of Mine, and The Guild Collection and that's it. I'm thinking of getting Ryse and Dead Rising 3 since I don't have a Xbox One.
  21. That is total bullshit. In these games, I look forward just as much to winning friends and influencing people as I do to blowing things up. I am a charismatic coalition builder and a deadly warrior. PARAGON~! What I mean is I want it to be more of a 'space western' where the elements are just as likely to kill people in the game as much as the enemies. The first Mass Effect actually did this but the later games strayed a bit. I also don't want my main character to be "Space Human Jesus" like Shepard was in the main trilogy. I want him/her to just try to survive and hope everyone on his/her ship doesn't try to stab their commander in the back so they can get their cut. Sure, the character will have loyalty to others but it's more of his loyalty than their loyalty. Who knows, they won't do any of this.
  22. My concerns with E3: 1) No showing of Zelda Wii U whatsoever. The rumor going around is Nintendo is preparing the game for the Nintendo NX/Next and the Wii U may be the first Nintendo console without a mainline Zelda game. 2) Although Sony had a better conference, most of their highlights are not for games releasing in 2015. They have a very thin line. Not as thin as Microsoft's, but pretty close. 3) Microsoft's Rare Repeat is a "FU" to Rare fans. We don't want to play Knight Lore on Xbox One -- we want to play an original, new Rare game that takes advantage of the Xbox One. Sea of Thieves didn't really impress me and looks like a F2P MMO. I guess that's the problem with Microsoft -- they have executives looking at their phones when developers do presentations for them, not actual gamers. 4) As a Xbox 360 owner, I'm not very happy with backwards compatibility on Xbox One. Hopefully this won't speed up the process for Microsoft's Xbox 360 service to shut down. Maybe it won't and hopefully backwards compatibility is full compatibility (including multiplayer). 5) Rise of the Tomb Raider looks amazing and I can't wait to see it on PS4 in 2016 or 2017 (if at all). 6) Games that I wished were there: Dead Island 2, Sunset Overdrive 2, Quantic Dreams' new project, Mafia III, Aszu, Below, Homefront The Revolution, and some others. I was thoroughly impressed with Horizon: Zero Dawn. It looks to tap that Dragon's Dogma/Dark Souls itch....it felt like a Japanese game, but it was made by Guerrilla Games.
  23. People said the same about Yakuza 5 US release, Shenmue 3, FFVII remake and The Last Guardian. It would be completely in Sony's playbook (no pun intended) to do it at this point. Microsoft throws millions of dollars at the NFL, Sony makes fanboys rush out day 1 to buy a game.
  24. I hope Mass Effect Andromeda is more of a Firefly to Mass Effect Trilogy's Star Trek. Basically no amount of goodwill and helping other alien races will help you.
  25. What I noticed about Sony's conference is there were fewer games for 2015 and more for 2016 and beyond. Not really good, but they are relying on third party support which for the rest of the year is OK. The only thing disappointing is no confirmation of a U.S. release date for Persona 5. Since Sony has the 'big whales' captured -- they need to revive Agent, fund a Psychonauts 2, get Ubisoft to release Rainbow Six Patriots as a PS4 exclusive, and get Mega Man Legends 3 on PS4. Oh, and they probably could publish Crackdown 3 and Black Tusk/The Coalition's abandoned original IP while we're at it. They are seriously in Microsoft's position from last gen.
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