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Mr. Monday Morning

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Everything posted by Mr. Monday Morning

  1. The 3rd one of these appears not correct as they announced all the teams. Think it was more of a 'please in future' deal
  2. Dream Tag was a fun show, felt like a bit of a throwback with the costume switch and the odd (mostly old) partnerships. Probably never be a draft again but I do wonder if the roster could do with a bit of a bigger shakeup. I know some folk had been asking for OT or QQ to disband in the buildup to the cage match.
  3. Thought I read somewhere Tony said in the presser he was open to working with them again - I hope for his sake he was bs'ing. Even in this business they stand out as carnies.
  4. Think this is spot on. Some of the reactions from where I was weren't what I was expecting, not sure if they came across the same on TV. My memory's a bit off but has Ibushi even been on AEW TV? He just showed up for Blood & Guts and then showed up here, unless I'm mistaken. Hard not to think it hasn't played a role in the reaction. That said, I had good seats, enjoyed it, was a little late getting in but got there as Aussie Open were entering, so didn't really miss much. I was honestly surprised that it didn't feel like it dragged (at least, to me) - felt like the card order was done well Got a pretty decent pic of Stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing, will have to up later after sleep
  5. ZSJ not being on the card atm sticks out like a sore thumb (to me, at least). Have a hunch there'll be some kind of Zack/Bryan/Nigel interaction.
  6. Not sure if there's much interest in Baka Gaijin but the show earlier today was pretty good. It will not be for everyone, but conversely at the same time there was a little bit of something for everyone: Maya Yukihi and Shinno Hagane kicking the fuck out of each other Ram Kaichow bullying Antonio Honda Mecha Mummy doing a plethora of 90s puro impersonations Oh and Chris Brookes tried to kill Yoshihiko https://www.youtube.com/live/6dChJxJkoV4?si=y6UmsZG9q4xOzi02
  7. Shibata will be in town. Not exactly his forte but they can probably keep him safe and avoid any unnecessary risky stuff. He & OC have a mutual respect thing going on, so not completely left field. Plus I'm pretty sure he'll be happy to kick the crap out of Yuta again.
  8. Not sure where it has come from but Reddit scuttlebutt is saying Fenix might have visa issues
  9. Personally, if it's not FTR then sorry but I don't want half a team. Vacate the belts, ask Aussie Open to pull double duty - they're more than capable of pulling off something great with the Bucks.
  10. I'm not super au fait with the US legal system but could they have arrested him because they weren't aware he was going to be leaving the country? I.e. a literal flight risk
  11. They have apparently cleared 80k according to Wrestletix - less than 4k off capacity Not even getting into the WM number as it makes people unreasonably upset
  12. They announced some fairly spicy matches for the Stardom Dream Tag Mayu Iwatani/Saki Kashima vs AZM/Starlight Kid Tam Nakano/Mina Shirakawa vs Saori Anou/Natsupoi Giulia/Suzu Suzuki vs Utami Hayashishita/Maika Are the standouts, value to be had all over though.
  13. Oh also, here's hoping for thousands of Hangman figures at Wembley
  14. Curious how ZSJ is going to slot in, if they do put him on the card. For a long while it seemed like a lock but I'm not so sure now with so many other actual AEW guys still open. Maybe he'll be X alongside Eddie/OC vs BCC? Good as he is not sure he fits in a straight brawl like that though.
  15. That tag was super fun and Eddie went out of his way to make Fujita look great. Has he been on excursion yet? Honestly not been paying attention, though I'm assuming with the black YL looking gear maybe he hasn't.
  16. One day I'll remember how to tweet (or X, or whatever it is now) embed, but today is not that day Shibata / ELP vs Finlay / Kidd w/Gedo has been announced. Wonder when the last time Shibata and Gedo were together was...
  17. Alright so I guess now Komomo needs to blindside Giulia while wearing a Donald Duck jumpsuit?
  18. Well that was going great until the end. Hope it's not too serious but it doesn't look good. As for the post-match - yikes.
  19. Ah its no big. I only remember as I was looking forward to seeing Miyu in that environment, be interested to see how she did (or does, if it comes around again)
  20. Was that the 5th anni match? If so think that was Momo Hanazono, Miyu had to pull out Stardom Sunshine spoilers 5 star blocks were also announced Red Ami Sourei Natsuko Tora Hazuki Natsupoi Starlight Kid Suzu Suzuki Syuri Saya Kamitani Mayu Iwatani Tam Nakano Blue Utami Hayashishita Hanan Mariah May Mina Shirakawa AZM Mirai Momo Watanabe Saori Anou Maika Giulia
  21. Maybe I'm underselling the politics involved but the obvious choices would seem to be Ospreay, Ibushi & Okada
  22. Stardom Flashing Champions spoilers The first batch of participants were announced for the 5* as well - down to 20 this year -Mayu Iwatani -Hazuki -Utami Hayashishita -AZM -Saya Kamitani -Natsuko Tora -Starlight Kid -Momo Watanabe -Giulia -Maika -Tam Nakano -Natsupoi -Saori Anou -Syuri -Mirai -Ami Sourei -Mina Shirakawa -Suzu Suzuki -X -XX Last 2 spots come from a tourney June 18th No Koguma, Saki Kashima or Thekla probably the most notable names not in (yet)
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