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Josh Mann

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Everything posted by Josh Mann

  1. Rodman understood heel ga-ga decently enough. But- and this really isn't his fault, it just is what it is- celebs who come in to play heel always come off like they're just mugging for the camera, even if it's not their intent. I completely grant this could be a how-I-see-it-and-can't-unsee-it thing.
  2. At my current rate I will have made six million dollars in about 130 years. If I'm getting by parsing it out like that, he can scrape by with his only online subscriptions being 1) WWE Network 2) Cider-Press.com Gold Premium Brie still gets an employee discount on the Network at least. So there's that.
  3. People who leave on the Nice List are usually looked after in some capacity. I can't imagine this not being the case, especially since they've been so adamant about him NOT wrestling anymore.
  4. Put it this way: I wouldn't put money on it in either direction.
  5. Is it a little too much of a coincidence that a day after Marshawn Lynch retired via Twitter that this happens? I'm not saying this IS a work, but it wouldn't stun me if that's how this plays out.
  6. Yeah, I went there:"@dannykanell Let's just ask the big question: How many cases of CTE did your father sweep under the rug with the Dolphins?" (Context: Kanell's father was a team doctor for the Miami Dolphins during the "rub some dirt on it" era regarding concussions. I don't expect an actual answer, BTW)
  7. Also, because it's good to have an occasional reminder of what a piece of shit he is, Bill Romanowski tweeted the following before deleting it and backtracking: "You'll never make it in the NFL with that attitude. The world doesn't revolve around you, boy!" Clearly Cam just needs someone, preferably a roided-out pill popper, to give him a good sucker punch/loogie in the face to set him straight.
  8. The problem is that it's going to fit right into the narrative that certain Hot Takers want this to fit in. I knew before the game Denver's defense was legit, and they just played their best game of the season. Carolina was forced to play left-handed on offense the entire game, and it showed.
  9. In a vacuum, TO gets in before Harrison does. Really, Drew Rosenhaus tainted his career in the name of his own greed.
  10. Bull has just enough name recognition to be able to book himself on the indies for a decent price. So there's that.
  11. It's like baseball. Not everyone from AAA gets the call. And if you're not, you need room for the guys in AA.
  12. Emmitt was one of the all-time great 3rd and 4 running backs. If you needed four yards, he would almost always get 5. Which probably to a point explains that whole comedy of errors in Philly that one game.
  13. Also it was a Red Herring clearance sale.
  14. I saw "intergender controversy" and my first thought was wondering if we were still talking about March Madness #WrestlingMessageBoardBubble
  15. It might just be as simple as the crew is probably overextended that weekend as it is, it's easier to set up/take down a smaller building, and it's not like the markup for tickets is above the demand curve.
  16. 8 power plays for the Caps, 0 goals. Panthers are still humming.
  17. Eagles re-up with Vinny Curry. 5/46.5/23
  18. The story about his father saying he was just going to the store, only to have him abandon his kids was heartbreaking. Me describing how Ron Simmons, one of history's great BAMFs, saying "...and I never got over that" does not do justice to how it actually sounded.
  19. Someone tell Dwyane Wade he's not supposed to be breaking ankles anymore.
  20. What I meant by that is that Owen WAS a great worker, but to say he was perpetually at main event level would be revisionist history.
  21. Barb was kind of Cena-like in that you think he should only be x-strong, but then you realize he had no apparent ceiling.
  22. I think if he does more on TV what he did in Pittsburgh, all the better. You gotta remember that guys like him are still trying to find their way. It's one advantage of NXT is the unspoken understanding that the Sampsons and the like are unfinished products and part of what makes it enjoyable is seeing who figures their thing out and who doesn't.
  23. Owen was another guy, like Tito and like Valentine, that you could plug in anywhere and he would make it work. So it's completely valid to put him there. I think he gets this weird elevation over what he actually was for obvious reasons. That said, his run with Bret was fantastic and there's no taking that away.If you'll notice, it's fair to say my definition of midcarder is like a utility player in baseball. Just credible enough to put them anywhere.
  24. Josh Mann

    30 For 30

    I'd watch the fuck out of that.
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