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Mike Campbell

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Everything posted by Mike Campbell

  1. We picked up some bbq sauce on impulse a few weeks ago, and I busted it open last night. It's a sweet and tangy honey mango bbq sauce, it's awesome for wings!
  2. My wife calls in a refill of her prescription on Friday. We go to pick it up today, and they have no record. It turns out that, because it's a controlled substance, scripts must be faxed or physically brought in to the pharmacy, not called in. Nice of her doctor to tell her that. So, we have to drive to the doctor's office to pick up the actual script, and then go BACK to the phramacy to get it filled.
  3. I get to work a double shift on what should be my day of. I volunteered to work half a shift of OT to cover a vacation, but, then they discovered that they forgot to get coverage for another shift and, hit me up for it. I could have said no, but, the wife and I are taking the last week of August off, and want to take the kids to a waterpark, and the money from the OT alone will more than cover admission.
  4. My wife just went a full 12 Rounds with Toys R Us, but we finally got our four year old the Disney Frozen Backpack she's been telling us she wants for school. Toys R Us had a sale where you buy the backpack and get a free lunch box. Score, right? Wrong! She buys it online, since that stuff flies off the store shelves, but they don't give her the lunch box. So, she just prints off her confirmation and drives to the local store to get one. Easy right? Wrong! She has to have the backpack IN HAND to get the lunch box. And, they just got the shipment in that day, so it'll most likely be sold out by the next day. So, she can go without, or she can purchase a backpack from the store and get the lunch box. And then cancel her online order. NOPE! Her order has started processing, so it might be too late. If it's too late, then we just have to tell the mailman, or the UPS driver we don't want the package. But, if they just leave it on the doorstep, then we're stuck with it. Well, she took the risk and bought it at the store, because of how much the kid wants it. Then, on her way to the car, she noticed that they also charged her $15 for the lunch box . . . . . .
  5. Anyone have any tips for good ways to clean a grill, or good cleaners? We've got small table top grill that hooks up to a small propane tank, since we don't need anything huge, but cleaning it is a real pain in the ass, and nothing seems to work.
  6. Those who don't want Taco Bell at 2 AM? I'll occasionally indluge in some Taco Bell. You've got to experience mediocrity to fully appreciate excellence. The same reason that the wife and I will occasionally patronize Buffalo Wild Wings, so that we know how much better Quaker Steak is.
  7. We had some amazing grilled chicken last night. I let my four year old pick out the marindate and she picked "Hawaiian" which gave it a sweet fruity flavor. She did good!
  8. Brother, I had to to work a full third shift, leave work, and go to the courthouse. So I could sit thelre all day, while they managed to select four jurors, and tell us to come back tomorrow morning. I'd have been more pissed, if I wasn't so exhausted.
  9. Could be one of those deals where some unscrupulous person is using a spoofed version of your card and the bank has shut it down due to unusual purchases. No, nothing that interesting. The bank just decided to shut off her debit card a month after issuing it to her. She'd gotten a new debit card a couple of months ago, but it had her maiden name on it. So, she went to the bank, and they gave her a new one with her married name. The first was one supposed to take precedence or something, because after X amount of days (which was Friday) they automatically shut the card off. So, now she gets to wait for *another* new card, that hopefully has the right name on it.
  10. My wife felt the bitter feeling for embarassment, for her debit card getting declined at Walmart, for a $20 purchase. She comes home, ready to scream at me, because I handle the finances. And I show our account has more than enough. So, it's off to the bank tomorrow, to find out WTF is wrong with her card.
  11. My father's health looks up to be on the upswing again. He had to have surgery to correct ahernia in his adboman, and apparently, had he waited another week to have it done, the man would have been dead. He started coming around, but then got struck down by an infection, and had to get opened back up again. But, he's once again coming back around. He's doing physical therapy every day, and can now take showers on his own. He should be on his feet and back home in a few weeks. I told him that I'm only 31, I should be *his* age when it's time for him to go.
  12. According to the puroresu spirit facebook and wordpress blog, the name change is purely cosmetic. Instead of being "Zen Nihon Pro-Wrestling" in Kanji, they're going to be "All Japan Pro-Wrestling" in Katakana. Suwama is back with the Triple Crown, as the Misawa-like company ace. It'll be interesting to see if Suwama goes back to three belts, or if they keep the one-belt design. I'll also be interested to see if AJPW attempts to tie down any of the outsiders they've been using regularly.
  13. I've gotten a bit complancent as far my experimenting goes. I spent the last couple of months just sticking with the usual stuff that I really liked. Then, my buddy turned me on to Untappd, and I'm back into trying different things. They may not be the most manly brews, but I'm loving the Ithaca Beer Co. Apricott Wheat Ale. I also gave the Booklyn '55 Penant Ale a try after having a few Pale Ales that were drinkable, but nothing I'd run out and grab a case of, and I'd definitely drink that again.
  14. The wife bought me a Roku player for my WWE Network enjoyment. The kids and the wife went strawberry picking, to leave me in piece and quiet. Then, they all took me to dinner at Empire Brewing Co. in Syracuse, where I had some excellent food and got a free pint glass.
  15. My four year old had to spend Tuesday night in the ER, after she'd swallowed one of the wife's diet pills. The kid managed to climb on the counter and take off the child lock to get to them. I got work third shfit, and then go meet them at the ER to get her discharged. Then I found out that they could have been discharged and been back home at 1:00 AM, but the doc wanted her for observation just in case and, more or less, intimated that a good parent would keep her there and that they don't call CPS on good parents.
  16. I'm sorry Tabe, that's awful. I was about to email you to ask about those UWF and UWFI shows I'd ordered from you, but I can see that you've got some stuff on your plate right now.
  17. Omori and Akiyama decide the Triple Crown on the 15th, and then they team up to challenge Suwama and Doering for the tag straps, and the month ends with Suwama challenging for the TC at the end of the month. I'm thinking Omori wins the TC, and loses it to Suwama. I'm 50/50 on the tag titles.
  18. Would an invasion style angle like NJPW/UWF or Ishingundan in AJPW fly in this day and age in Japan?
  19. Um, why? Is he still retaining ownership of the company (i.e., any profit the company made would be his in some form or other. What am I saying? AJ and profit probably don't belong in the same sentence these days)? Or does the AJ name have that little value to it? Or is it more a clase that Shiraishi can't make any money from it if the talent left? Me confused. Why can't AJ be like the other respectable Japanese wrestling promotions and split into two smaller, sleazier companies when it fails to turn a profit? From what I recall, Shirashi's company was only planning on buying AJPW just to flip it, and turn a profit anyway. Maybe they finally had enough and decided that it wasn't worth anymore time or money and just cut their losses.
  20. Good to know. That saves me some disappointment.
  21. My four year old has been going to a creative movement dance class all year, and she loves it. She has as much future in competitive dance, at this point, as I do as a chainsaw juggler, but it's been great for helping her come out of her shell a bit. Every time she talks about going, it's not that she wants to dance, but that she wants to see her teacher and her friends.
  22. My mother won an Empire Brewing growler in a raffle, with a coupon for a free filling. My wife is taking me there for Father's Day to sample some beers and fill 'er up. I'm looking forward to trying their Cream Ale, since it's brewed with nitrogen.
  23. Because of less than sterling track record for lousy matches and not putting over others.
  24. Seriously, I know it'll never happen, but it'd be swell if NOAH re-entered All Japan. If you don't count the freelancers and gaijin they usually hire, both companies have about 10-12 roster members. Together they'd have an actual, viable roster--though admittedly it would look a lot like NOAH from a few years ago, plus Suwama (and Akebono, if he's still able to wrestle). Maybe add Fujita to the mix. All hot air, really. Most likely course of action is that they both keep struggling along, with more and more wrestlers becoming freelancers. Aside from Fujita coming in, that's really not a bad idea. If NOAH shuts their doors tomorrow, I imagine a few would get scooped up by NJ, namely Marufuji and Sugiura. But, I could see AJPW scooping up the bulk of them, and the using Morishima and his boys as the new super heel group, with KENSO and a couple others joining in.
  25. I'd imagine it'd be Suwama vs. Omori in a decision match, with Suwama going over, since he's pretty much become the Misawa-style ace of the new All Japan.
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