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Wyld Samurai

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Everything posted by Wyld Samurai

  1. I saw one on ebay for 350... it comes from some like like Pakistan though.
  2. I'm honestly surprised they haven't called Savio Vega.
  3. Isn't that Balor's DDT? Or a slight variation?
  4. He did some pretty poor attempts at mat wrestling in thst team wcw gauntlet tryout on nitro
  5. That's going to go over like a fart in church. I think Billy & Chuck would get a better reaction.
  6. USF would make a lot of sense. Gets you into Florida for recruiting. Cincy would cut into the SEC as Lexington is right there. Houston should be in the Big XII... Why not just go Big XIV?
  7. So you're saying "Four Horsewomen" just flows off the tongue? It's probably one of the most forced monikers I can remember. I could go further with this, but then I'd just be arguing over the internet.
  8. I'm still irritated they never went with the Four Fillies as the female version of the horsemen.
  9. It's a shame Dusty never worked this angle between a post accident TA and Tully.
  10. I just have to add that Sabre's octopus was the smoothest application I've ever seen. That was a thing of beauty.
  11. Brainbuster and Powerbomb. Both should be done by heels only.
  12. Wouldn't we all enjoy partying with Marty Jannetty?
  13. Scoops! Wrestling! Yokozuna is returning any day now.
  14. The most memorable guys of the last 36 years have been in that "acceptable worker/ great promo" category. The Rock is a classic example.
  15. Jordan is nothing but a tongue wangling, straps down hot tag. There was that one moment in the 2of3 where he was the FIP... but it's so played out.
  16. I think there's a difference between being carried and working a match by the #'s. Up until their last 2 matches against The Revival you could say that all of Aa's matches followed the exact same model. They went almost a year running the same shtick that they rehearsed who knows how many times in the PC. If anything it was a gift and a detriment to Jordan's development as he became a programmed robot woth his hot tags.
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