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Technico Support

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Posts posted by Technico Support

  1. 21 hours ago, JLowe said:

    Don’t have a link to the post but Riho apparently broke her arm in that match.

    Yeah, looks like it was on the dive to the floor where she came up short and Frost didn’t make up the space in time to catch her.  The whole match was a disjointed mess before that, as well.  I hope Frost doesn’t get punished for it because she’s been pretty good up until now.

    • Like 1
  2. 15 hours ago, Dolfan in NYC said:

    Reports are that a sequel to The Devil Wears Prada is in the works with Meryl Streep and Emily Blunt returning. 

    It will follow Miranda who's magazine and career are now in decline, and Emily as a powerful ad exec who Miranda now needs to keep afloat.  



    I hate this movie on a visceral level.  Just powerful people being god awful to powerless people, a “worship the job creators” anti-labor narrative where the big lesson is “Andi should learn to love to eat shit,” all wrapped in a fake feel good veneer with a tacked on lesson at the end.

    • Like 3
  3. 5 hours ago, Raziel said:

    I'm pretty sure that the movie would be OK if they didn't recycle the character names from the first movie/comic.  

    I said the same in the Comic Movies thread...if this was just a Crow movie, that would be fine.  As the Crow movie, it's ridiculous.

    • Like 3
  4. On 7/5/2024 at 8:05 AM, JLSigman said:

    I saw a short trailer on Instagram, of all places, and is that the dude from the first XMen movie playing Sabretooth?


    On 7/5/2024 at 12:53 PM, JonnyLaw said:

    It is.

    You guys better put some respect on the name of former WCW superstar Tyler Mane!



    If they're doing a multiverse thing, I'd laugh if they brought back Liev Schreiber as the X Men Origins Sabretooth.

    • Haha 3
  5. On 7/7/2024 at 8:09 AM, colonial said:

    Appears Marko is now a youth pastor at a church in Olive Branch, MS. Hopefully he comes back again with the Christian storyline

    I had to re-read that a few times before I realized you were talking about Christian Cage and not advocating Marko should come back with a preacher gimmick.

    On 7/7/2024 at 12:02 PM, JLowe said:

    There continue to be some weird bookings. Like Rush essentially having a prolonged squash against Komander, while Fletcher and Takeshita struggle with Private Party.


    I'm assuming Rush just refuses to go 60/40 in JTTS matches.

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    • Haha 2
  6. 8 hours ago, Craig H said:

    There’s no way Hangman would lose again.

    I can’t express how much I’m looking forward to this Hangman heel/tweener run. Basically a Hanger driven by absolute hate for Swerve to do things he doesn’t want to do, like joining the EVP side for B&G, shunning all friends to do everything for himself and the livelihood of his family, etc. Basically a modern day DTA Hangman Page.

    Given enough time, he’s going to be a bigger face than he was before.

    I am SO FUCKING HERE for Stone Cold Hangman just beating everybody.

    • Like 1
  7. 13 hours ago, Curt McGirt said:

    Nice rib on Luger. Who knew Greg Gagne had diss skills on the mic?

    Greg drops diss tracks.  Verne kills a guy.  Is the daughter still in jail?  Whole family is as gangsta as Minnesota gets, I suppose.

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    • Haha 3
  8. Never seen the Jason guy before but it’s hilarious that the Sith dude is an impossibly good looking underwear model with dreamy eyes and pouty lips.  Did he turn because the Jedi tried to restrain his mojo?  Was Yoda like, “this rizz, contain it we cannot?”

    He was totally trying to distract Osha with his other lightsaber when he got out of the water.

    • Haha 2
  9. Speaking of Beverly Hills Cop songs, I specifically remember a local radio DJ announcing Bob Seger’s “Shakedown” back in the day and he actually quipped, on air, something to the effect of “Bob is changing his sound to appeal to the black audience.”  This was in Baltimore, not like it was a small market nobody was listening  to.  The old days were insane.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Craig H said:

    Acclaimed aren’t officially on Team AEW yet. They could have just as easily been building up to their tag title match against the Bucks since the Acclaimed beat them in a title eliminator.

    I hope so because I just cannot buy them as righteous babyfaces looking to get down and bloody to kill the heels.

    4 minutes ago, tbarrie said:

    Also, Swerve Strickland is likely to be on Team AEW (which would then give Hangman the impetus to be the Elite's fifth man despite not being buddy-buddy with them). Would The Acclaimed be willing to work with Sneaky Swerve?

    What if both teams claim Hangman as their 5th member and we need to wait and see who he sides with, Sting style?

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, zendragon said:

    Arnold Skaaland throwing in the towel when Backlund was in the Sheik's camel clutch was a screwjob

    Now that’s awesome.  Never heard that.

    58 minutes ago, Just Dave said:

    That one kid's older brother in every town that started the rumor, along with the rumor that (insert local summer camp) is where they filmed Friday the 13th...

    Not sure about the real Crystal Lake, but Blair Witch was filmed like 20 minutes down the road from me.

    • Like 2
  12. Just now, madl said:

    I know a lot of people who were extremely liberal and idealistic in their teens and 20’s but grew more conservative as they got older, had kids, got established in their careers, etc.

    Thankfully, Gen X, or millennials, I forget which, is the first generation where this hasn't happened. 

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  13. I'd love to hear some actual, not made up wrestling conspiracy theories, like "Hall and Nash were sent to WCW to destroy it from within."  As a believer in Hanlon's razor (never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by neglect, ignorance or incompetence), I don't go for that one.

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  14. 33 minutes ago, Zakk_Sabbath said:


    I don't disagree - it's a weird thing, because if you recall the talk during the lead up to "the bidding war of '24" it was all about how he shouldn't go to WWE because they would neuter him in a scripted environment - but I think a lot of people kinda forgot that he actually really excels doing the melodramatic stuff.

    We were in the house for the promo with where he talks about people throwing change at him for being a Jew, and Punk came out with the "Max, is it true?!" - that dude had the whole building eating out of his hand. That could have come off SUPER offensive in less capable hands. Or how about Le Dinner Debonaire with Jericho back during COVID? It wasn't necessarily my cup of tea, but it was an early example of how well MJF actually thrives doing those sorts of things, but will also turn around and, as you guys allude to, go back to the well on the cheap stuff.

    He's the rare guy that I think might actually benefit from having a couple bullet points handed down to him

    Yes, exactly.  Great point.  Was that the same promo where he talked about looking up to Punk, having his picture taken with him, etc.?  That was just masterful.  But that's what makes him so frustrating.  It's a shame that for every one of those great promos, we need to sit through "herp derp I can't understand the Mexican!" or MJF saying a "clever" line and then mugging for a response like he's Pete Rose cutting a promo on Boston, "HOW BOOOUUUTTT IIIIIIT?"

    • Like 3
  15. 8 hours ago, HarryArchieGus said:

    I can't recall a shittier sell for a PPV opponent than MJF's 'a poorly drawn comic book character'. I also can't recall anybody calling their win over said PPV opponent 'an easy dub...' Is Friedman on his way to a heel turn or just a plain old shithead? The Mad Scientist is incredible and deserved better than this poorly promoted TV showcase. I need to see that Sabre bout to wash away this foul smell. 

    He has terrible instincts with regard to promos.  I’ve said it before, but for every one good one, he has many more where it’s just cheap heat, burying his opponent, etc.

    • Like 4
  16. 1 hour ago, NikoBaltimore said:

    Unfortunately yeah.  It's mainly an excuse to make somebody and level up their stats.  It was fine the first couple time going through but that was enough for me.  I haven't even unlocked Paul Wright which is done in one of the chapters.  But with how random it feels it's just not worth it to me.


    Yeah, when you have to go on the game's subreddit and find a link to a spreadsheet that lays out all the possible plotlines, which you have to follow to a tee to even have a chance to get all the unlockables, that just sucks.  Nothing was more disappointing than finishing one storyline and then seeing the next one is one you've already beaten for its unlockable so you're just wasting your time.

    I reach a point with a lot of games where I'm just like, "am I enjoying this game or am I just grinding to be a completionist?"

    Don't even get me started on how horrible tag matches are.  I thought I hated tag matches where AI controls your partner; then I got a PS5, played Fire Pro, a game where your partner acts like he's actually trying to win a wrestling match and tags you back in when it makes sense, and realized I just hate terrible AI.

    • Like 5
  17. 19 hours ago, AxB said:

    Yeah, I haven't seen The Acolyte yet, but I have no idea if it's any good or not. Because it's hard to parse whether it's an actual bad show, or it's a perfectly acceptable show that is being hated due to certain people hating it's comparative lack of Straight White Men.

    Exactly what @Eivion said.  The shitty parts of Star Wars fandom are getting all the headlines for acting exactly the way you'd expect, and if this show is trolling via the lack of white males in key roles, I heartily applaud the creators, as I've said before.  Tuning out all that noise, the show is just fine, not bad, not amazing, but the last episode sure did have some, let's say, interesting choices that I hope are redeemed in the final three.  Nothing as egregious as Boba Fett's multicolored hot rod kidz, though.

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  18. 38 minutes ago, Curt McGirt said:

    I can't. 

    So, honest question, what do you watch and enjoy?  Because I feel like everybody does the "finisher kickout" stye nowadays.  That shit goes back to AJPW/Noah, if not earlier. 

    37 minutes ago, AxB said:

    The thing about Bryan selling like he's injured... firstly, Eddie Kingston sells like that too, and I don't see anyone complaining about that.


    There's a difference, though, isn't there?  Eddie didn't have to retire due to concussions and seizures.  People legit worried about Danielson when he came back.  So when he sells by faking a seizure, it's kind of in poor taste.  It would be like Angle faking an OD during his TNA run.

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