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Technico Support

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Posts posted by Technico Support

  1. On 7/24/2024 at 6:39 PM, JLowe said:

    And yet the worst part of it all is Jacked Jameson or whatever, awful in ring and on mic.

    Does anybody remember them having a different manager for like a week, maybe on Dark?  They changed their name to Iron Savages but were still in the Bear Country getups.

    Edit: it was J.T. Davidson

  2. 4 hours ago, SovietShooter said:

    I believe Hobbs/Wardlow are friends & lifting partners. The one style of tag team that AEW has never seemed to have (or get behind) is a Road Warriors-esqe tag team of two big motherfuckers wrecking fools. When Hobbs & Wardlow heal up, I am all for it. 

    Aside from the aforementioned Gates of Agony, that’s what Bear Country should have been but now they’re…powerlifting analingus enthusiasts, I guess?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 4
  3. 1 hour ago, Zakk_Sabbath said:

    I'm not sure if this came across well in my post this morning, so I'm just quoting to say that I really, really hope I didn't offend you or anyone else - I definitely 100% agree it's a relic. Add a white guy, add a lady, add a gay dude, I don't give a shit - I just mentioned a lot of Black names 1) because I dig all the guys I listed, of course, but 2) I didn't want any Black posters reading to feel like I was taking something cool away from them, or trying to make it more "palatable" for non-POC audiences or something by throwing a white dude or two in the mix. It may have been an overcorrection by me to even mention it earlier, but I had only good intentions (and also functionally, it was a legit question - I never saw them on the show, and thought it might make sense to explain why I was floating like, Big Bill and Hook for a previously all-Black stable).

    Oh no man, it’s cool.  I didn’t mean to slight anyone in particular, I’m just tired of “new Nation of Domination” being the tired-ass beginning and end of creative for black wrestlers.  

    • Like 2
  4. 3 hours ago, HarryArchieGus said:

    Hurt Business properly invading AEW sounds like money to me. Replace Cedric Alexander with a suitable young or underutilized talent. I’d love to see AR Fox get another bone.

    I think the idea of “let’s team all these guys up because they’re all black” needs to be left in the past.  

    • Like 8
  5. 1 hour ago, SirSmUgly said:

    Douglas was never the most compelling guy in the company in my watch. The guys who stand out are Sabu, Sandman, Funk, Foley, New Jack, and Raven. Shane's like the glue guy, not the guy who compels me. 

    He's sort of like late-stage WCW Jarrett. Or TNA Jarrett. Useful piece, but doesn't have the star power of the guys who I really want to see. ECW has some huge personalities, almost overwhelming personalities in a lot of cases, and that's not Shane Douglas. 

    And on the flip side, he's a solid, but not great worker, so he's less impressive than Benoit, Guerrero, Rey, Psicosis, etc. when they come through. Nothing about him really stands out. 

    That’s exactly it.  Douglas didn’t fit in either camp in ECW.  He didn’t excel at hardcore or technical wrestling.  He was neither New Jack nor Benoit.  He was boring and beat dudes with a belly to belly.  Bleh.

    • Like 1
  6. Two injuries to women in the span of what, 3 weeks, and both on dives that came up short.  That’s a wild coincidence.  Shida should take that middle strand dive out of her arsenal.  Jumping from a standing position in the center of a rope gives you no solid base to push off on.  She fell from there like a rock.

    I vacillated between thinking that arena looked cool and thinking it looked like bad soundstage wrestling, like the XWF.  

    I legit lol’d at “and you can’t be a shithead!”

    I’ll do my man @JLowe better re drunk watching: I forgot this was even on and got hung up watching History of Horror on AMC+.  I am lame as fuck.

    • Like 2
  7. 3 hours ago, JLSigman said:

    According to the scuttlebutt, Crowdstrike's been slashing their QA department and running it through AI, so......

    When in doubt, just blame straight up corporate greed and you’ll probably be right.  Jesus.

    • Like 1
  8. 14 minutes ago, Kevin Wilson said:

    Where are all my IT brothers so we can lie in a fetal position together after the day we had

    Right here, man.  Been up since 2:30 this morning.  See the "your wifi is fucked" thread in Computer Games and Tech, DVDVR's catch-all thread for when technology inevitably shits the bed.

  9. 1 hour ago, Ziggy said:

    I heard AEW is on HBOMax does it have full PPVs on it?

    Say what now?  I just checked the app and there’s no AEW.

    AEW appearing on Max with no fanfare on a day where the whole world is experiencing technical difficulties would be amazing.

    EDIT: it’s apparently in some international markets but no US yet.  

  10. 27 minutes ago, Zakk_Sabbath said:

    I'm glad I didn't hear that, I would have gone nuts. I'm not some anti-Dave/Bryan nut like a lot of folks, nor conversely do I want to overrate this match, but come on - that's literally the story they are telling!!!


    13 minutes ago, HarryArchieGus said:

    I'm no Meltzer-hater. I generally enjoy hearing his thoughts. I also don't fault him for his personal opininon and a completetly inane rating system. That said, he's pretty much weekly oblivious to something like the above. He also doesn't seem to understand the purpose/story of most matches not trying to be a MOTY contender.  It's not a reason to hate tho. Alvarez and his whiny voice, and his consistent shitting upon Women's Wrestling, is another story, but hate is still too strong a word.

    Same here, I really don't mind them at all but yeah, at least once per week one of them, usually Dave, says sometime egregiously out of touch and bizarre.

    • Like 2
  11. 11 minutes ago, SirSmUgly said:

    People who have played sports games know that some video game athletes are on another level: Bo Jackson or QB Eagles in Tecmo Super Bowl, Michael Vick in Madden 05, Steph Curry in NBA 2K14, etc. 

    What is the wrestling game equivalent? My answer is Goldberg in WCW/nWo Revenge. He's the only guy who got that faux-MMA combo move, and it just KILLS opponents. He is a fucking BEAST in that game and so hard to reverse or block because of all the options he has out of the standing combos. He also has submissions that are good at positioning the opponent so they can't get to the ropes, especially that rear naked choke in his moveset. 

    Whichever game had Spike Dudley with the headbutt cheese.

    6 minutes ago, Zimbra said:

    Vader in any Fire Pro game.

    Semi-related, I had a friend with a modded Saturn and we played the fuck out of Six Man Scramble.  Flair's critical was set by default to technician/scientific wrestler/whatever, which led to me critical'ing a guy with a small package.  I lol'd

    But yeah, Vader was a force of nature in that game.  Nothing like critical-ing someone with repeated boxing forearms.

    • Like 2
  12. 9 hours ago, The Natural said:

    I'll guess Meltzer goes *****1/2 for MJF vs. Ospreay.

    I yelled in my empty car while driving during Dave's criticism of Ospreay not wanting to do the Tiger Driver, saying it didn't make sense because MJF is a heel.  Motherfucker that's what a good babyface is all about.  He doesn't want to injure anyone.  Hell yeah I underlined, bolded, and italicized that.  Heel or face doesn't matter because he's a decent human being.  Have decades of edgy babyfaces and cool heels induced brain rot?

    • Like 9
    • Thanks 1
  13. 6 hours ago, hammerva said:

    Nothing shows off your laptop ignorance then not being able to figure out how to get to safe mode on boot.  😑

    When in doubt, just run your finger up and down all the function keys, just Jerry Lee Lewis that motherfucker.

    • Haha 3
  14. 2 hours ago, Lamp, broken circa 1988 said:

    Time to dust this old guy off!

    Hey something you use today is probably going to be some kind of broken, and it's probably got to do with this! So be patient!

    can't remember the last time a busted patch grounded three airlines, but the world wasn't as 🌟interconnected🌟 as it is now.

    The fix for it is in this thread, if anyone needs it.  Why yes, I have been dealing with this since 2:30am and it's 6 now.

  15. 18 minutes ago, Dolfan in NYC said:

    He's speaking at the RNC tonight.  May be introducing their nominee.  

    (Additionally, Dana White and Linda McMahon will speak tonight.)

    Bigot, wife beater, and rapist enabler.  That tracks for the RNC.  Was Lex Luthor unavailable?

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