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Did someone say Davey Richards?




Prince Devitt vs. Davey Richards


Prince looks like 14 years old in the face here but he jumps out fast with a dropkick off the bell.  But Davey catches him with a knee to the (taped) ribs.  Davey does a pretty decent job going to the injury with everything he does being aimed there.  This is probably the best time I have seen the "drop the guy on the ropes suplex" spot.  Davey dominates for a while and drops a ... howling headbutt on the ribs but covers like a total snot so Prince can get out.  Richarss goes to the abdominal stretch and this is not the spot fu I was really expecting through the first 4 minutes.


Davey of course follows that with a tope con hilo and sells it way too much in my opinion despite landing the thing.  Then once back in the ring, he acts like there never was a problem.  Top rope superplex into a sharpshooter and I think we may have veered too far into a position where Devitt shouldn't be able to come back.  Davey puts him in a corner and yells...


"I'm going to kill you Mother Fucker"


Really there is a time and a place for that.  This isn't it.  You don't kill mother fuckers unless there is a fine reason to kill that fucker.  This felt like an opening match.  You don't kill fuckers until the third match from the top when you are dealing with a Bunkhouse Buck/Dustin Rhodes match.


So of course Devitt comes back with a corner dropkick and a top rope backdrop suplex.  Because of course he does.  Missed kick by Prince leads to a discus lariat and man Davey, shut up!  I like guys like Bully Ray who can be heard above the din but Davey never shuts his big yapper.  Devitt gets the knees up to block a shooting star press and dives to the outside.  He follows up with a double stomp to the back.  Davey gets the sharpshooter again and Prince counters into a small package for 2.  


Lariat from Davey for 2.  Counter, counter, counter... Devitt hits his under hook DDT for the win.


Not so bad but I would recommended slowing down young men.  






Sell something for a minute before going to the next big spot darn you.  Kurt Angle watches this and said, "Hmm, too much selling."  But he's CRAAAAAAZY.

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Try this one, same teams but more of a brawl. If you don't like this then maybe modern CMLL isn't your thing. If you weren't aware, Tiger and Puma are Felino's sons and Cachorro and Black Panther are Blue Panther's boys.



Wins for theme music alone.  SHOT THROUGH THE HEART!


Fall one was an entertaining bit of what Blue Panther does best.  Mat wrestling exchanges were on point here as two nice extended sequences led to mutual respect hand shakes.  I though for sure the third would lead to a cheap shot but instead the Panther Cult gets three submissions on to wrap up the fall.  I didn't hate this.  That's a marked improvement.


Second fall is a bit more... goofy?  The handshake comes back in a way that is pretty silly and I've never been a fan of working the second fall silly if the silly is coming from the team down a fall.  The submission fun is seemingly over as Blue Panther does what he does not best.  That would be anything else other than mat working.  Tiger and Puma do a fusion dance from Dragon Ball Z and are now...  TUMA!  PUGER!  SMAKER!


Fall three is ready and for a moment I thought I was going to see a second rope package piledriver.  I don't know if that would have been a good thing or not.  But it would have been better than what we got.  Which was lame.  The match kind of falls apart as Felino and Blue run the ropes to unsurprising results.  Submissions on from Tiger and Puma and that is that.


Better!  Not great but better.

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Did someone mention Bunkhouse Buck vs. Dustin Rhodes?




This was during the everlasting Rhodes vs. Stud Stable feud and post Arn Anderson turn so we were heading towards the War Games blow off.  But that's just time frame, the story is that Buck and Dustin will fight to the death for your amusement.  They really just have so much chemistry that you think lead is going to be turning into gold any second.  


Buck works the untrained brawler gimmick better than most and shows it off with appropriately Dean Ambrose-like awkward bumping and by working Dustin's arm like he don't know how them there things work so he'll just punch and tear at it until it comes off.  Dustin comes off like a (slightly pudgy) man on a vengeance.  His timing here is just so on point its incredible.  


And the hate?  The beautiful, beautiful hate?  If at any point either guy would have verbally threatened the other with murder it not only would have weight, but the other guy would spit in his eye and order him to bring it.  Because that is what hate is Davey Richards.  That's what hate is. 


Dustin wins and a we have what we call a ruckus with Arn Anderson, Dusty, Meng and Jungle Jim Steele and his hysterical get up making appearances.  Play particular attention to the foot ware and enjoy early nineties footy fashion watch.  

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Did someone say Jungle Jim Steele?




No one has ever said Jungle Jim Steele.




Mike Barton & Jim Steele vs. Masa Fuchi & Kawada


Okay, my interest is peaked.  Mike Barton is probably better known as a Cohen Brothers Film starring John Turturro.  He gets bounced around a bit by Kawada as we are joined in progress.  Kawada and Fuchi strait double kick him in the mouth.  But Fuchi can't seem to go toe-to-toe with the Brawl for All Champion.   


Steele comes in and he is sure in the ring.  Yup no doubt about that.  Nothing he does really looks better than not good including a chinlock which is impressive.  He's another talker too.  "Come on!"  Shut up Jim Steele, no one likes you. There are times when I think he can't make pin covers properly.  There are others where I wonder how he got dressed that morning without appearing on Botchamania. 


Fuchi is guy in peril as Barton and Steele take turns working him over culminating with a top rope elbow from Barton and a Superfly splash from Steele that to his credit, doesn't look like complete hot garbage.  Fuchi gets a backdrop suplex to get the tag and Kawada does his best to not murder the lump.  The rally doesn't last long though before Barton punches him in the stomach and the ANNOUNCER GOES BATSHIT.


Impressive helicopter drop from Steele and he gets a near fall on Kawada.  But when Steele goes to the top, he gets caught coming down with a kick.  A high kick later and Fuchi gets a tag to make a cover for two.  Fuchi puts on the mounted crossface but Barton breaks him off with THE BATSHIT LEFT and a diamond cutter.  Kawada kicks Steele into a Fuchi school boy for two and Masa gets the crossface again as Kawada keeps Barton at bay long enough for the submission.

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Bart Gunn vs. Faarooq



Faarooq is accompanied by Clarence Mason, D Lo Brown (with hair that would make Donald Trump jealous)Crush, JC Ice and Sir Wolfie D because I love the Nation of Domination.  Faarooq took quite a while getting back in the groove after getting to WWE if I remember correctly.  He just seems off here with his spinebuster looking like crap and that is like Spider-Man looking like crap swinging from a web.


Stuff.  Stuff.  Stuff.  


Dominator and boy are we lucky he never crippled a guy with that thing.

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  • 5 months later...

Did someone mention the Wild Youtube Ride?  


Fuck no.  No one mentioned it.


But I don't feel like talking to the family tonight.


The Godfather & D'Lo Brown vs. Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn



D'Lo is playing Godfather's mini me at this point and lacks chest protection.  This is also Radicals era so there is also a lack of dresses, mops and 007 theme music.  Really this is a rather scathing indictment of Attitude Era style and production.  Nothing get particularly over other than catch phrases and signature spots from Godfather.  Nothing else really gets a reaction.  Even the announcing plays into this production as Perry saves Dean from a Ho Train avalanche and Jerry Lawler literally calls Saturn an idiot.  Which makes zero sense unless you look at it from a perspective of 'people will be sad no Ho Train".  Which as a commentary point isn't his job.


Dean and Saturn were much better produced in WCW even though there was a ceiling in place.  They were never going to get major runs regardless but they were mostly taken as serious threats.  As it was, they were left behind by Guerrero and Benoit and ended up doing some majorly dumb stuff that did neither of them any favors.

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