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Everything posted by Robert

  1. How many matches did they have to re-tape in Season 1?
  2. I think the most damning evidence Sexy Star sucks is that nobody wanted to work with her. Generally you have to be the dirt worst to actively be getting complaints like that. You may think she doesn't suck and you have full right to believe that but I'm more inclined to go with the people who have been in the ring with her and complained she's incompetent.
  3. Does that mean I can expect creepy women's wrestling fans to unite and be mad at LU for putting a mask on her?
  4. Shitty news about Andrew Everett possibly re-injuring his previously surgically repaired knee. Guy can't catch a break.
  5. I was gonna try to go this season with avoiding spoilers but that will be tough as I'm hoping to attend a live taping in December if I can score tickets. Might try to stay spoiler-free after that set though.
  6. Yeah. With either Sombra/Volador or Ultimo Guerrero/Thunder on top. So... YMMV. Wait to purchase.
  7. Sometimes you gotta prove you mean business.
  8. I want the Dragon Azteca character to be able to clone himself, hence why a new one appeared when the other died (?). Or triplets! Have Flamita & Rey Horus both as Dragon Azteca doing mirror spots.
  9. LA Park is a top freelancer in North America? He burned his AAA bridge, his CMLL bridge, has no US options, no Japan options & is now relegated to working indy shows for 1/2 his price. Last night he worked Naucalpan which is notorious for paying almost nothing to even top guys. Boy that unprofessionalism is working out great for him! Look no further than his absurd quote from last week saying his indy shots are paying better than he got those couple weeks in CMLL. If that's true then why'd he even bother with the CMLL gig? Guy is full of shit. Where has Wagner drawn? He has no drawing record. He's never even had the big match that all legends in Mexico have. He's made himself into a cult hero but that has never amounted to money. There's a myth out there that he's been a draw & I'd love for you to try and show it but it's just not the case. He's your prototypical big fish in a small pond wherever he goes. Once the bigger fish come alone, he swims away with his tail between his legs. Nobody said anything about dropping their masks in a flea market but way to take things out of context like a fool. Both these guys have one end game - a huge payoff for a mask match. Both have been offered it and have had promotions invest time in building it up to show they are willing to play ball. At the end of the day these two marks (they are exactly what that term meant in the early days of wrestling) either jacked their price up or intentionally ruined it some other way because even though they want the money badly, their egos always get in the way. So when they end up working in front of 200 people in Pachuca like Octagon & Fuerza Guerrera these days they have nobody to blame but themselves. The worst part is we've ruined the Lucha Underground thread talking about these two morons. Let's focus on actual important things like Flamita should totally be the new Dragon Azteca.
  10. I'm torn. I want more flippy fliers. As many as possible. But I also liked Big Ryck a lot as the season progressed.
  11. LA Park & Wagner can't even tuck their ego away on shows in front of 200 people that will never be seen to do a job for each other. They would never survive an environment where they'd have to trade wins or be laid out to set up future matches. They're unprofessional fucks who deserve to never get a mask match payday & live their lives like Octagon/Fuerza Guerrera do currently.
  12. My favorite thing was that goof Alvarez speculating everyone did reverse ranas at BOLA because of this match. As if the reverse rana had never been used on an indy show before. What a tool. The reverse ranas didn't bother me that much but I don't mind excess. It got a bit much during Fenix/Sydal since nothing was gonna top the one Andrews gave O'Spreay. The last thing PWG needs is agents. Just more communication between the locker room so 3 different guys aren't all planning to end their matches with 630's.
  13. Centvrion/Latigo vs Mr. Leo/Fly Warrior from CaraLucha 9/16 is top notch one of the best indy matches I've seen this year They absolutely killed it. From this past weekend Centvrion/Latigo/Fly Warrior vs Magnificos/Metaleon from this past weekend was ALMOST as good. Just almost because Fly Warrior/Metaleon had a rough exchange early on. Centvrion has turned into a great all around wrestler and turned himself from a flyer into a great base. I need this crew to keep being paired up.
  14. I might ask you to save me a seat for a December taping.
  15. Matanza debuted in AAA tonight. Or at least what I imagine Matanza looks like.
  16. I like to think every match has a secret move to win and only the first guy to smash the box open & find out what it is has the advantage. Or the box is a rib by Dario and it's one of those Russian doll deals where it just keeps revealing smaller and smaller boxes as Dario laughs like a maniac. They also mentioned some original concept of a scoreboard during matches and guys getting points for moves. I imagine dives would get more points as well as finishers? That might be too much Mortal Kombat for me. I'm happy with LU the way it is. Is it January yet?
  17. Did nobody listen to the MLW Radio with Chris DeJoseph? I want to discuss THE BOX.
  18. She suffered a serious injury about a month ago so I'm not even sure she'd be available if they wanted her in December. Good thing they have the storyline out to have her disappear thanks to that awesome ending sequence.
  19. Yeah but everyone lies about their true identity on the internet so I'm just gonna assume you are.
  20. I am normally super annoyed when crowds chant "this is awesome" before a match or one minute in but it was totally deserved for Zach/Pentagon. Not sure when those two will cross paths again...... ...... unless Zach is Matanza.
  22. You've got plenty of time before season 2. Even watching 1 episode every 2 or 3 days and you'll be good. Trust me, it's worth it.
  23. Going through my rewatch still... Fenix/Muertes casket match holds up as a sure fire MOTYC. The visual of Fenix dripping blood as Muertes stalks him is incredible. I'm not sure Mundo vs Angelico from episode 21 wouldn't make my top 10 matches list. That was batshit insane with the counters & creative spots on the outside. The Super Fly/Sexy Star mask match deal comes off even poorer on rewatch when you realize it goes nowhere and sets up Sexy Star one-upping Pentagon over and over again.
  24. Forget the Anniversary show and just watch the CMLL 3ra from tonight with Panther/Virus. It'll make you forget how fucked up CMLL is outside the ring and how they can be perfect inside of it when they want.
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