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Yo-Yo's Roomie

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Posts posted by Yo-Yo's Roomie

  1. Bret had different moves he'd do on bigger opponents too, guys he couldn't perform his regular signature moves on. Second rope clothesline and second rope or running bulldog spring to mind. I guess the key thing with Bret is that he wrestled his matches as though it was a real contest, and in that context it made sense that he'd fall back on the same set of moves that he felt he had mastered.

    • Like 9
  2. From the first time I saw Sammy I thought he was a whole lot of nothing, generic spot guy and couldn't for the life of me see why people were so high on him, let alone that he would be one of the four young pillars of the company. I don't know anything about what goes on backstage, but just judging by talent in front of the camera, Andrade absolutely smokes Sammy for my money.

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  3. Also, they really need to fucking push Miro. The treatment of Rusev was one of the big contributing factors to me packing in WWE (along with lots of other things, of course), and when he signed for AEW I was so excited to see him work for a company that knew his worth. But ever since he lost the TNT title its been a whole lot of nothing. Put the guy in the main event scene, for his God's sake.

    • Like 4
  4. That Miro shirt is amazing. Gonna be getting that one I think. I just wish they had it in any colour other than black. And for that matter, why is pretty much every single shirt they have only available in black? When did black become the default colour for wrestling shirts?

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  5. Thursday

    Jericho's phone rings. He answers.

    CJ: Hello.

    Daniel Garcia: Hey, CJ, it's me. I figured we should talk about what happened yesterday.

    CJ: Who is this?

    DG: It's me, Danny.

    CJ: Danny Trejo! What's good, my man?

    DG: No, Danny Garcia.

    No response.

    DG: From the Jericho Appreciation Society.

    CJ: Oh. Oh! How did you get this number?

    DG: You... gave it to me.

    CJ: Oh, right. Well, don't call me again, kid. We'll talk about this in the ring next Wednesday in a special Chris Crew Conflab!

    He hangs up.

    Friday. Phone rings.

    CJ: Hello.

    DG: Chris, I know you said not to call you, but I really think we need to clear the air here. You see...

    CJ: Who is this?

    DG: Danny. Look...

    CJ: Danny De Vito. The big dog. How's it going?

    DG: No, Danny Garcia. JAS.

    CJ: Goddammit, kid. What did I tell you? Save it for the Society Symposium next Wednesday. I don't want to hear from you again until then.

    He hangs up.

    Saturday. Phone rings.

    CJ: Hello.

    DG: Danny Garcia here. Listen, Wiz...

    CJ: Jerry Garcia? I thought you were...

    DG: DANIEL Garcia, Chris. Daniel Garcia. From your faction. Look, don't hang up. I've got a plan and I need to clue you in on it.

    CJ: Well, let me tell you something Daniel Garcia. Why don't you plan to clue me in next Wednesday at the Tribe Tete-a-tete?

    DG: But if I could just explain.

    CJ: Keep on truckin', Garcia.

    He hangs up.

    Sunday. Phone rings.

    CJ: Yello?

    DG: It'sallatrickI'mnotreallyturningmybackonyouguys.

    CJ: Cheney?

    DG: What? No. It's Danny Garcia. You know, this would be easier if you saved my number.

    CJ: I'm too busy saving rock n roll, kid. Now listen, next Wednesday we've got the big Jericho Juxtaposition of Ideas...

    DG: That doesn't really...

    CJ: So I'll see you, along with Sammy, Hager, Daddy Magic, ha Sammy Hager. Um, the two women, and the other one. Right here in this very ring, NEXT WEEK.

    DG: You know what, fine. You're the legend, you're the Wizard. If you want to do this in the ring, we'll do it in the ring.

    CJ: Now you're talking. Stick with me, kid. You'll go right to the top.

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