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Posts posted by Zakk_Sabbath

  1. 11 minutes ago, Octopus said:

    Young Bucks vs Omega & Hangman

    Yo, great shout. I think I like this one for the same reason @Go2Sleepliked Ospreay/Danielson: great mix of killer work and again, that liiiiiittle eye dropper full of sports entertainment at the end with the 'maybe' buckshot tease (and the awesome 'Wait.. did I.. did you guys just see...nevermind' call from Schiavone that accompanied it)

  2. 28 minutes ago, Sex Machine Gun said:

    Danielson/Omega remains my favorite AEW match ever. Maybe that'd change with another viewing of Danielson/Ospreay but I don't think it will.

    I'll say this: since Danielson/Omega, I think Danielson/Ospreay is the only other match I've seen in recent memory that got a "holy shit!" before they even locked up. I thought that was kind of an interesting parallel when we were watching

    Edit: I went back and read @Matt Ds post (excellent as always) and given his take on the crowd I guess this post became slightly prescient

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  3. 10 minutes ago, Technico Support said:

    I'd guess he's a surefire pickup for AEW or TNA.  I put slightly better odds on TNA but I hope it's AEW, as I've missed the Carolina Caveman.

    Slightly off topic, but I happened to catch Impact from the first week of April on the YTTV channel, and they're pretty quietly building kind of a cool roster - like, I definitely didn't have Mustafa Ali vs Rhyno or Ziggler vs Alexander on my bingo card this year (at the f'n ECW Arena, no less). Don't get me wrong: I'm always down for more fresh faces in AEW, but dare I say it, I'm beginning to think TNA is no longer quite the death sentence it once was post-Hogan & Friends

    • Like 6
  4. 14 minutes ago, The Natural said:

    Bryan Danielson vs. Kenny Omega from AEW Grand Slam Dynamite 2021

    It's this one for me - but I acknowledge the bias I have from being in the house, and that whole show overall being probably the literal peak of my 30 year fandom. If I lived in St. Louis you might get a totally different answer.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Octopus said:

    Idk if I post this here or elsewhere: if Jungle Boy becomes a super over heel for a sustained period of time, then TK was right to show the footage. I will admit being wrong. If it becomes meh, then I’m right and should become the new booker.

    This is a tough one because since the airing, he's really only been in front of smart-leaning crowds with yesterday and NJPW the other week - I mean no disrespect to Perry or the promotion as a whole in saying this, but I think the real test is gonna come when he appears in front of a smaller TV crowd.

    And this goes without saying, but a LOT depends on how the follow up is actually handled - continuing on like last night for a few months, and playing the "what's he doing here?" game every time might be a bit insulting, a 20 minute promo chock full of insider references explaining the machinations would 100% kill him dead, throwing him out there for a random match with no fanfare is a shit idea - I'd say I'm equal parts excited, and worried they won't stick the landing.

  6. 19 minutes ago, Just Dave said:

    I also really liked that 6 man, too. I'm hoping this sparks a TNT Title run for Malakai Black. He deserves it. Cope doesn't need a long reign and I'd like to see HOB raise their profile this spring. 

    Yo, same - the only thing I'm kinda stuck on is this: I read a while ago that a lot of the stop/starting with them is because of Malekai's recurring back issues - with that, I'm kind of wondering if it might be better for both his health and the longevity of the reign/story to give them another big Trios title run instead.

    Another advantage in doing that instead would be that taking the titles off of Bullet Club would free Jay White up to start taking it to the next level as a single himself - I mean no disrespect to the Gunns or Acclaimed, but he's way, way too good for this material; we ought to be talking about him in the same breath as Ospreay, Danielson, PAC, and Okada IMO.

    Ultimately though, if injuries weren't a factor, I'd be fully on board for a TNT reign or possibly more - even a losing effort as the first Hogan-esque 'monster of the month' challenger to Swerve would be a great position IMO.



    ETA: @Phantom LordI too was waiting for Hanger, but even if he IS available, I get the sense it might've been a little too close to what they did with Sideshow Luke Perry's boy running in on the tag match

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  7. I 100% get where everyone who didn't like the Danielson sell are coming from, don't disagree, and there's no right or wrong answer - but personally speaking, I didn't think this was anything approaching the seizure sell at FD, and I'd actually go as far as to posit that this particular sell was possibly even performed with the feedback for that one in mind.

    Yes, it was similar to the FD one in that it played off of a legit injury history (which, again, no argument with anyone who felt uncomfortable) but for me, it had enough hallmarks of being a work that I never really got that same "Ohhhh, poor taste" feeling: Ospreay's music having been re-started, the ref (of all people) shooing him away, the announcers rushing to the next segment with a somber 'The show must go on, as they say...' as well as emphasizing that Ospreay must be wondering whether he went too far on someone he ultimately respects, with him looking back unsure a few times while celebrating.

    My read on the sell was that we're likely building to a rematch where Bryan sneaks by because Ospreay isn't as vicious as he was here, and second guesses himself to avoid inflicting such a "serious injury" again - think back to that NXT title match with Sami Zayn and PAC where Zayn almost cost himself because he wouldn't stoop to PAC's level and crack him with the title and hesitated - something along those lines

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  8. 34 minutes ago, Just Dave said:

    PAC/Okada was The. Shit. Hard hitting. Snug. State of the Art. I could watch a best of 37 series between these two.

    Seconded huge. This one and Ospreay/Danielson were worth the 50 bucks alone -  my expectations were high, and they far exceeded. The Bastard is just a nasty mother, straight up, and I thought that they were almost perfectly positioned as the opener (though it could've closed for the title and no one would've batted an eye)  - if I had the pencil (or Tony's ear) I'd be pushing to open at least one of the 3 weekly shows with a PAC match on the reg, be it with Buddy, Komander, Sydal, Andretti, one Young Buck, whoever - his shit is just such catnip for the eyeballs.

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  9. You know, I'm sensing a pattern: Jericho, despite his current staleness, can still go at a fairly high level; just a year or two ago was among his best ever in the ring IMO. But it seems like every now and again, he will have one of these plunder matches that are just simply well below standard. And on that note, candidly, I thought he and Hook looked like Steamboat/Savage out there compared to that Cole match from two summers ago. He also had one or two notable stinkers with Mox when they were still in WWE. Not saying I loved the match but I thought 'please retire' was a little unfair when he has been having these kind of matches once or twice a year for a decade now.

    ETA great call on the WWE 24/7 division "violence" @Craig H- perhaps that's part of why it's a bit of a shitty formula. He never looked that rough in any of, say, the Blood and Guts matches

    • Like 1
  10. 14 hours ago, The Great ML said:

    Plot twist: it’s his own.

    Lmao talk about a lob over the plate - well done.

    This is probably going to be a little repetitive in terms of discussions had on earlier pages, but catching up on this NYP story, I keep thinking back to some of the insight Gregg and others gave and some of the great conversations a bunch of us had about media literacy and that sort of thing early into this breaking - like, this article may as well have had Vince or his attorneys name on the byline, right?

    Like, I'm almost guffawing out loud at the of the idea of he/his team so nakedly obviously planting an article that emphasizes 1) giving away puppies and kittens rescued from overseas!!  2) maintaining contact with top WWE stars Rock and Cena, and 3) subtly planting the seeds for a 'total witch hunt' defense by mentioning his friendship with Don Trump.

    Whoever mentioned this the other day: the cats are so the new neckbrace

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  11. 40 minutes ago, zendragon said:

    I've long felt that Nyla as a heel has run its course, and they need to re-debut her as a face

    I'll agree with that - I think another part of it is also that there are somehow four women's singles titles between AEW/ROH but no tag belts, so even though her team w Marina was a lot of fun and gained some nice momentum there for a while, there was really nowhere to go with them unless they were gonna send em on excursion to TNA like I and a bunch of others here have floated

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  12. 9 minutes ago, HarryArchieGus said:

    also suspect many whom are upset by the Trent turn come around to the fact that they're actually buying the emotion more than they're giving themselves credit for. It's difficult dealing with the loss of such a beautiful friendship.

    You make an excellent point, and I think I really gotta count myself among that group

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  13. 1 minute ago, HarryArchieGus said:

    Or telling said foe 'I'm coming', and let the reply or match graphic later tell us 'it is happening'. In general, AEW could use to improve the timing of their match announcements. The turnaround of match graphics featuring two or more ppl that have immediately before said graphic been in a scrum is a bit ridiculous. Go to Renee for the update. 

    I agree, there's been way, way too little turnaround lately on the ol' "Tony Khan has made it official!" - I'd like to see them hold those graphics back until the usual Excalibur pre-main event card rundown for the weekend shows and the next week.

  14. 10 minutes ago, AxB said:

    They've announced Nyla as host for Zero Hour.

     I'm looking forward to this completely inapropos of the bullshit going on in OK. She's another Chuck Taylor type in that she rarely gets to be as personality driven on TV as she is on socials and interviews and so forth, so I'm looking forward to seeing what she brings here (and who knows, it may end up being a net positive and adding another dimension to her character if she's able to parlay this spot into branching out a bit more from just the traditional Nyla 'breaking-of-bitches' - which I must stress, I am also a fan of!)


    48 minutes ago, JLowe said:

    Given all the attention to Nyla, maybe they could have bumped the Trent-Sydal match that literally no one but Sue and Sydal’s brother care about and given Nyla a Zero Hour match,

    Man me, Sue, and Mike are gonna annoy the shit out of the other B-Dub's patrons 😉

    • Like 1
  15. It's obviously very serious and sensitive subject matter that affects multiple of us on a personal level, but I do have to admit: it kinda tickles me that depending on how this shakes out moving forward, a legitimate court may be forced to issue a decision working with only two options: A) trans women are women, or B) wrestling is a legitimate sport. Going by the state's own internal logic in those minutes, one and only one CAN and MUST be true, right??

    • Haha 1
  16. 31 minutes ago, Stefanie Sparkleface said:

    Guess where it's still legal to fire someone based on their gender identity.

    Go ahead.


    Ding ding ding Oklahoma doesn't protect you unless you're a direct employee of the government. So in that exact scenario, they can do EXACTLY what you're describing and it's legal.

    I know, I know, Wikipedia, but if you wanna be depressed: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_employment_discrimination_in_the_United_States

    Ah jeez, I feel like a huge jerk now, thank you for the link - I live in the northeast, and forget that despite dealing with a lot of the same idiots spouting the same crap, we really do have it pretty (socially) decent in a lot of ways compared to other regions of the country. I might have kinda "blue state bubbled" myself a bit on that one

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  17. 18 hours ago, Elsalvajeloco said:

    mean I am not completely anti government regulation. I

    I'm glad you touched on this - not to sound like one of those nutcases with the fake license plates, but taking the prejudice out of the equation for a moment, it just seems like massive government overreach to tell ANYONE when and where they can work if it's against the employer's wishes. (Or I guess "Contractor" in this case, since it's wrestling). Like, I don't think it would be right for the state to tell someone "Hey, you can't pump gas at the Tiger Mart in Tulsa" either. It's not like she's a felon or has some kind of 'crime of dishonesty' that precludes her from having the privilege to earn a living publicly - it's the state doing this shit, not the business itself (like, AEW isn't sitting there going "We refuse to bake a cake for two women" you know what I mean? She's a former world champion FFS). Imagine hiring her to paint your house, and some dudes with badges show up and pull her off the ladder - people would lose their fucking minds.

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  18. 1 hour ago, HarryArchieGus said:

    you, very fairly, have disliked much of Mercedes talking like the rest of us, are you sure you have a want for promo battles with Baker? That'd require as big a carry job as the match, but vice versa. No reason to fret, let's just be patient for the healing, and Hayter v Mone will be as wonderful as we both suspect.

    The last time we saw Hayter on TV I think she and DMD were still aligned - maybe a situation where Britt talks that shit, and Hayter backs it up for her could be the best of both worlds? At least until Baker is healthy. I didn't even know she was hurt until someone mentioned yesterday, I thought she was just taking a break and possibly aiding in Cole's rehabbing and so forth

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  19. 48 minutes ago, AxB said:

    Forbes article on the most valuable combat sports promotions in the world:


    Anyone who thinks AEW is dying should probably read this.

    Thanks a ton for this - truly looking forward to this data being twisted later on by bad actors. "Actually, UFC, NXT, Raw, and Smackdown are four different promotions so really AEW is #5 not #2 if you think about it"

    • Haha 2

    12 hours ago, zendragon said:

    Of all the things in wrestling that wouldn’t fly in a legit sport this is where they draw the line

    I think you cracked the code: the rampant transphobia is only occurring because of AEW's highly lauded sports-based presentation, it's confusing the hicks into thinking they're watching MMA. If only we'd left the rankings in storage poor Nyla wouldn't be catching strays rn

  21. 12 hours ago, Matt D said:

    … what if Chuck hugs Shane? 

    Ok you totally see what my brain did there, right? Apologies for the confusion! (For the record, I also wouldn't have hated this, either).

    10 hours ago, StevieNippz said:

    I love HOOK but the only promo of his I ever liked was when he just did the throat cut move accompanied by a menacing whistle. 

    That was a great one, but the one where he ends it with "Who the fuck am I?" after that dumb Jinder/twitter thing was awesome. He reminded me a ton of Taz in that one, back when Taz would close ECW TV with one of those alone-in-a-dark-room-rocking-the-towel promos. Tangentially related: part of me was waiting/hoping for a Tazmission on Jericho right there, it seemed like we were a split second away - to the point I was wondering aloud whether Ex would go with the old "KATA HAJ IME!!" call

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  22. Just now, Matt D said:

    What if he hugs Taylor instead?

    I mean, I guess I do have to admit it's both nice to see them all featured, and it's also a logistical way to spread them out a bit more among all the different shows in different denominations so I'd be fine with it from that standpoint, but I've always been steadfastly of the opinion that it would be sacrilege to split them up.

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