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Posts posted by Swift

  1. I haven't complained about the sound issues before because mostly it's been limited to not hearing the commentators when someone's music is playing. Not a big deal as I tend to tune the commentators out anyway. Last night I could barely make out the Jericho segment and missed some good lines based on the audience reaction. Too much echoing and that needs to be fixed.

    Overall not a bad show, but it did feel dull and skippable.

    • Like 1
  2. How many films were previously required in submissions? 100? 50?

    For me personally, in either case I think my lists would be composed of a lot of filler. I just looked through my Letterboxd and have a definite top 5 films I loved (though not sure of order) a handful of others that I wouldn't have a problem being in my top 10, but then everything after that is up in the air. I don't know if it's just me but it seems like fewer and fewer films resonate with me. Don't know if that's to do with growing older, seeing more and more films and TV, or being bombarded with media and attention is thus divided more. Sure, there are quite a few films I enjoyed at the time and rated accordingly on Letterboxd, but looking at them now they haven't stayed with me in the way films from previous decades have. It must be a memory imprint thing because I find the same issue with say, wrestling for example. I could name you matches from the Wrestlemanias of my childhood, but couldn't name more than a match or two from this year's edition.

    So, in short, I could get to 50 with a bit of effort, but 100 is a bit of a stretch. Plus, does anyone care what someone's 78th favourite film of the decade was?

  3. Very good show overall. It's smart of them to turn Rollins quickly when the fans are booing him instead of trying to swim against the tide, and also smart to use his perceived whiny internet stuff in there too. Everyone just walking away was kind of dumb though.

    I enjoyed the focus on lesser used talent throughout the show too even if some of them were just job fodder.

  4. 19 hours ago, SorceressKnight said:

    Honestly, it wouldn't need to be that far- if they really wanted their release and to strike a blow for the workers' rights, the better option would be to challenge the independent contractor system:

    "Oh, you think I'm an independent contractor but make us work like a regular employee to save money? Great.

    An independent contractor can legally enter a contract to work with any employers they want and are not beholden to one company.

    With that in mind, I've entered a legal agreement to wrestle at AEW/NJPW/Impact's next PPV event. As an independent contractor, I can legally do this. Now, either release me (in which case I've got my first non-WWE date lined up beforehand), or declare me an employee and subject to all employee benefits (in which case, I can no longer legally work this date and I'll happily cancel.)"

    I doubt it's that simple. I imagine the contracts are pretty airtight and say something along the lines of "I understand that I am an independent contractor and not an employee, however I agree to enter an exclusive contract with WWE and agree not to work for any other company within the period of the contract unless authorized by WWE"

    Genuine question because I don't know... how do other companies like AEW and TNA do it? Are the wrestlers employees or contractors? And how did it work historically in the territories? Did the Mcmahons come up with this? Are there equivalents outside of wrestling?

    • Like 1
  5. I haven't been paying as much attention to the ranking stuff as others here, so this may have been explained already, but... how does it work? So, Jericho has a singles record of 5-0 or 6-0 or something like that. I assume that's the best record in the company. If he loses the title, he goes to 6-1 let's say, so a record of +5. Let's say, the next guy is at +2. Is Jericho then automatically the next contender for the next few times until someone catches up to him? So Jericho could eat a couple of losses and still be the #1 contender?

    It looks like Scorpio Sky may challenge next, but I don't think his singles record would put him in that spot. Are they doing a thing where pinning the champion gives extra points?

  6. 12 minutes ago, Godfrey said:

    Re: PAC/Page, I thought Full Gear was the third match. I swear JR called it the rubber match. That’s my mistake.

    I believe they're counting the Nottingham match (at least in commentary) so that would make last night's match the 4th match.

    • Like 1
  7. 21 hours ago, AxB said:

    I have two questions. Firstly, did the Shadow know? And secondly, if we come up with a really good DVDVR Board meme in the next six days, will Punk then use it on telly?

    Punk stepping into the shadows to deliver his line to camera was a subtle nod to his DVDVR spokesman.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  8. 7 hours ago, The Great ML said:

    Janela is a goof with his ever careful tipsy toe down the ramp in his new cowboy boots and his inexplicable seizure while mugging for the camera...nothing about him screams dangerous, yet they’re trying to present him as some kind of threat.

    Honestly, when he comes out on the stage he looks like an extremely low rent Dolph Ziggler impression.

    • Like 1
  9. I guess these were popular in the 80s because I happen to have watched a surprising number of films this year with them. I feel they exist these only for viewers of the particular movie, as I can't imagine people actually listen to much of these outside of that, especially because they're generally by one hit/ no hit wonder types. If I was industrious, I'd create a podcast or a blog featuring an indepth look at these on a weekly basis, but I'm not so I'll just post them here. You too can post yours. The rule is that they have to actually mention the movie title in the song. James Bond theme songs are excluded as they're far too well known. Probably the most well known other example (as far as I can think of) is Ghostbusters. EDIT: I guess another well known example would be Shaft.

    Another well known example due to being featured in Stranger Things recently is The NeverEnding Story by Limahl.

    But here's some more random ones, kicking off with what is genuinely a fun 80s song.

    Revenge of the Nerds - The Rubinoos

    Shocker - The Dudes of Wrath

    Jewel of the Nile - Precious Wilson

    You Can Be a Garbage Pail Kid - Jimmy Scarlett & The Dimensions


  10. There's kind of an unwritten rule in Canada that it's crass to do so before Nov 11th (Remembrance Day). For me growing up as a Catholic, anything before Dec 8th (the Feast of the Immaculate Conception) was a no-no. I'm not religious, but I stick to the latter date personally, but have no problem with other people doing it a week or so prior to that. But the beginning of Nov? Ugh, piss off.

  11. Attempts at humour in wrestling often fall flat and just goddamn awful particularly in WWE. The Jericho video was very funny and cleverly written too, though I didn't understand a word Virgil said.

    Cody's promo and the wild ending may have pushed me to spend money I didn't plan on spending this weekend. $50? Fuck.

    • Like 3
  12. 7 hours ago, AxB said:

    I watched this Prince Devitt documentary from Irish telly on the YouTube

    Bizarrely I just watched that at the weekend. And even more bizarrely it was a DVD from the library here in Calgary.

    Along with the ICW ballsacks, there was also a funny exchange between Devitt and some Scottish indy guy.

    Devitt: Haven't seen you in a while. How are things?

    Scot: Aye, I was out injured for a bit.

    Devitt: What happened?

    Scot: *points down* Lost a ball.

    Devitt: Haha... wait what? You're serious!?

    Scot: Aye, only got one ball now. Crotched myself on the turnbuckle.


    • Haha 2
  13. 1 hour ago, Hagan said:

    Does anyone really think a pilot or airline workers was gonna say to a bunch of Americans "actually, the government isn't letting you leave?"

    If that's the case then, who's providing the info to Meltzer that it was government intervention? If it was truly the case, the "boys" wouldn't be privy to that information, but I can definitely see them speculating while grounded for hours and hours, talking themselves into believing it and feeding that to Meltzer.

    I think both explanations are plausible, but I don't see why people are automatically brushing away the mechanical difficulties explanation and shitting on wrestlers who say that's what happened.

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  14. When did it first become the brand supremacy thing? Back in the first brand split in 02? I never understand why anybody (wrestlers, fans) are supposed to care about it. They run about in their red or blue shirts and we're supposed to cheer on the blues or cheer on the reds even though they're a mish-mash of guys we're supposed to like and guys we're supposed to dislike. And for the wrestlers themselves, we're supposed to believe guys like Randy Orton, for example, really cares about winning for his brand when his character has been shown to be a self-serving asshole most of the time. Even worse are the schmoes like Heath Slater or Apollo Crews who run out there to back up their teammates during a beatdown, but shouldn't even be prideful of their team when their team has afforded them no opportunities in their career. (Though I guess that's a good analogy for warfare in general where some proud impoverished pawns are sent to fight other proud impoverished pawns in order to make their masters richer)

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