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Posts posted by Swift

  1. We've been bingeing it lately. It's a fun show. I don't think I've seen too much of Selena Gomez, but she seems like a poor actor here, all unexpressive and monotone. That might just be how she's playing the character, because I assume coming from the Disney TV sitcom world (I think?) she'd have to have been bouncy and peppy before.

    I found the episode in question a bit too gimmicky tbh. I'm glad someone is trying something different, but I guess I found it a bit too goofy to have silence in scenes where the deaf character wasn't present at all.

  2. 3 hours ago, Technico Support said:

    Thank god.  I don't want her hopping around the ring and pooping everywhere.  Though that may get over in some circles.

    Now that  Plane Ride From Hell has aired and we're all understanding all things misogynistic and whatnot, hey, maybe we can go after gendered insults next.  Unless he's complimenting Cage for being flexible, able to take a pounding, and good at giving life to the world.

    Maybe Cage has taken over Allie Kat's gimmick and Buddy is just breaking the news to us?

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  3. 4 hours ago, AxB said:

    Having MJF do a heel promo in the ring, being cut off by Pillman who just brawls, and then cutting to an 'Earlier in the day' backstage sitdown with Pillman was a smart move. Like it was nice that he got to talk in front of the people in Cincy, but he's not really ready to be doing that regularly. He needs a catchphrase to lean on, or something.

    Pillman had a line in there like (paraphrasing) "Don't be fooled by my nice clothes and how I clean up well, I'm still feral" I'm totally out of the loop if an obscene mullet and tiger print clothes are an example of "spruced up". Maybe in Cincinnati?

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  4. On 9/11/2021 at 2:44 PM, Matt D said:

    3. Weird rope dreadlocks.

    When we were kids, my brother dressed as Ruud Gullit for a fancy dress party with coal used to blacken his face and my ma's tights cut up and twisted to resemble dreadlocks. Finn's headdress always reminds me of that and looks just slightly less cheap.

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  5. 1 hour ago, HumanChessgame said:

    I don't think there are any heels better on the mic than MJF right now.

    Dan Lambert, not kidding. He could maybe slow his delivery down a bit but like all good heel promos there's a kernel of truth in what he says and he gets the crowd so riled up, it's great.

    MJF... I don't know if it's the Rosie O'Donnell thing or the song and dance with Jericho thing clouding my feelings, but he comes across to me as a musical theatre kinda guy trying desperately to be tough. Does he have a background in theatre, I've no idea.

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  6. 2 hours ago, RunningFromAmerica said:

    If we were in different times, I think we'd quite likely see some of touring promotion emerge to do Europe and Australia etc, especially given that AEW doesn't seem that interested in running much of a house show schedule. Obv. we will have to see what happens....

    Now that you mention it, that's a good idea. After WCW died, there was a group calling themselves World Wrestling Allstars doing that kind of thing. You don't need to have TV or do storylines for that. Just put on shows as an attraction. Hire Strowman to headline, have some other TV names underneath and then get local guys to work the undercard.

    Out of curiosity, I looked up the WWA show I went to. I don't think I remember a single thing about this show apart from Midajah ? If you'd asked me if I'd ever seen Sting or Luger or Sabu wrestle in person I would've answered "no" five minutes ago.

    (28.11.2002) WWA - Event @ RDS Arena in Dublin, Ireland

    Shark Boy defeats Nate Webb

    Konnan defeats Norman Smiley

    Frankie Kazarian & Nathan Jones defeat Disco Inferno & Johnny Swinger

    Hardcore Match (Special Referee: Midajah): Teo defeats Puppet

    Mike Sanders defeats Joe E. Legend

    Triple Threat: Sabu defeats Perry Saturn and Simon Diamond

    Lex Luger & Sting defeat Buff Bagwell & Malice

    • Like 1
  7. 14 hours ago, Contentious C said:

    Adventureland - The hardest thing to buy about this movie is the notion of Jesse Eisenberg's character being a virgin

    I've never actually thought about this before but I could totally buy his character being a virgin in literally every thing I've seen him in.

    • Like 1
  8. I caught about 10 minutes of this (the Miz/Morrison stuff) and immediately remembered why I can't stand WWE's presentation anymore AEW has spoiled me in its simplicity.


    Check out the amount of zoom/cut/zoom/zoom/cut/cut/cut/zoom nonsense when Miz attacks him at 2:05 in the video. IK know we all know they do this all the time, but seeing it with refreshed eyes brought home again how mind numbing I find it all.


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  9. They've been playing up the Darby Allin line about being best in the world, but I don't think he's publicly booked for this show right? Everyone assumed that would be where Punk comes in, but have they now moved Moxley to that spot? Or is Moxley referencing someone else and we get two debuts tonight? Open with Allin coming out to be interrupted by Punk, the crowd settles down thinking they've got their surprise comeback, then Danielson shows up later to face down Moxley when nobody's expecting it.

  10. 44 minutes ago, Zimbra said:

    Please enjoy this thread of the Irish absolutely roasting peoples' clothes.

    Yeah Ireland can be unforgiving sometimes.

    Back in my schooldays, we had a young teacher who wore a poncho once and was met with Morricone whistling in the hallways.

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  11. 4 hours ago, D.Z said:

    Keith Lee explained why he was gone for months recently in a new youtube video. (Link below in box) I remember when some people with VMDS tried to pin it on Vince.

      Reveal hidden contents



    It's interesting how Vince/WWE always immediately get the blame for everything.

    "The Kabuki Warriors? Good old racist Vince/WWE" "Oh, the wrestlers chose it themselves? Nevermind"

    "Breaking up the Iiconics? Idiotic Vince/WWE" "Oh, Peyton Royce requested it? Nevermind"

    There's probably a ton more instances, but I haven't been paying much attention to wrestling for a few years. This isn't a defence of them either. I haven't watched WWE in years. It's incredibly dull to me, and one of the many breath of fresh airs that AEW provides is not having Vince's brand of puerile humour all over it. They do deserve a lot of flack, but I also think they get a bad rap sometimes when not always deserved.

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