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Everything posted by Horangi

  1. I have a lot of thoughts about Okada leaving, might try get them together properly before posting them though... but damn... it won't kill New Japan and I think they went through worse in the mid 00s but yeah it'll be interesting to see what a post Okada New Japan looks like. The 6 man between TMDK and Okada's crew has been shifted to Korakuen on the 24th and in Osaka on the 11th he'll face Tanahashi in singles instead.
  2. Not fussed about ELP or the GoD guys leaving, I just hope they've been able to keep hold of Zack and War Dogs. I do worry about the possibility of ZSJ leaving though with his recent relocation to LA from Tokyo. I'm not reading too much into none of them being on any cards beyond Osaka as the majority of the shows between Osaka and Sapporo are Fantasticamania ones. Between the poor Japanese economy at the moment and the company nearly going broke through the pandemic it's not a surprise that they'll probably lose a fair number of their foreigners (especially the higher paid ones like Cobb). Part of me does hope that a number of them do go as it'll either make New Japan focus on their younger guys or look at some other options for potential foreigner talent (the Velocities would kill it in the junior tag division). I could be completely wrong and the majority will re-sign, it will be an interesting few months.
  3. New Beginning cards announced, unfortunately it looks like Riddle is getting a Japan run (at least one match) and not just STRONG. But in much bigger more positive news...Zack vs Danielson rematch in Osaka on the 11th of Feb! Also Shota vs Narita on one of the Korakuen shows as well as Nemeth/Finlay and a J5G/LiJ singles series to end the tour in Sapporo
  4. RE VileOne's post: Thank you for that write up, only thing I kind of want to comment is that Uemura needed that win, Tsuji didn't. I still think Shota is the Ace of the group with Tsuji filling that Chono/Naito role as the uber charismatic anti-establishment guy who doesn't necessarily need the belt to be the guy. As for Dash...soooo much anger over Riddle. I have never seen a Riddle match so no idea what to expect, I only vaguely know about the speaking out stuff. Maybe it's just a one and done thing...(I hope based on the outrage) One other thing I noticed between J5G and LiJ was Taichi staring at the belt and squaring up with Naito before SANADA asked for a rematch. Taichi won their last singles match in 2021, maybe he finally gets a shot at the big one this year. As a TMDK guy, so stoked with how the main event went. Be a huge statement for Fujita if he can win gold before anyone else from his generation
  5. A lot of negativity about the NOAH show last night due to the main event and some of the midcard was fairly average, but I hope people don't skip over Kenoh vs Soya and Ishii vs Kitamiya which I thoroughly enjoyed. The House of Torture 12 man was surprisingly fun too. Also watched All Japan today, had very low expectations for Dempsey's TC match but was pleasantly surprised. Don't know if he should have been challenging really, but he more than held up his end. Maybe not a great match but really fun.
  6. I'll bite How much of 2023 SANADA have you watched? I'm not saying he's been amazing and a wrestler of the year candidate by a long shot, but there was a period between winning the New Japan Cup up until Dominion where he was really good and finally showing that spark and potential everyone has been calling out for from him. While not 5 star classics, the matches with Okada, Hiromu and Tsuji were great and well worth a watch. Being an afterthought in the second half of the year, starting at Forbidden Door and a very average G1 (Tsuji and Kiyomiya matches were good but he was definitely an afterthought to the Reiwa 3 musketeers story), as well as being lumped with EVIL afterwards really sucked the wind out of his sails and he has seemingly reverted back to old SANADA. And I don't blame him, the booking of him has been really shit. I'm actually quite interested in the match with Naito, from the perspective of seeing if SANADA can rise up to the occasion. I'm significantly more invested in Naito/SANADA than I was Okada/Jay last year. As for the new additions, couldn't give a shit about HoT but like the Kaito/Shota young ace team, but also very pumped for Tsuji/Uemura
  7. Well I guess looking for some kind of positives... it was executed well and it probably means less Yujiro in tournaments.
  8. Kento vs Nakajima by far. I did really enjoy Kaito's matches against Kenoh and Okada earlier on in the year. Marufuji vs Ospreay probably rounds out my favourites list. Very disappointed in Jake Lee's run, not that its been bad, I just had really high hopes for it.
  9. Hope it's Uemura, seen Nakajima and Ishimori listed as possibilities (don't know if Ishimori is cleared though). X = Shelton Benjamin? (He's got a no compete but so it won't be, but he does have a history as X)
  10. I remember doing a random attempt to watch every Jan 4th Dome show during lockdown and noticed the Lesnar/Nakamura match missing, which I was oddly interested in as I remember it at the time being the only Brock match that anyone mentioned being decent. Sapp fans can rejoice however as Sapp vs Manabu Nakanishi is on NJPW World! On a completely unrelated note, apparently Kenta Kobashi is coming to one of my local feds in Melbourne that I generally avoid. Naturally I forked out the $120AU to meet him. So excited but know I'm going to say something super dumb haha.
  11. He's doing a few weeks (possibly up to a month based on a tweet) of Australia with Robbie Eagles, but I remember Ohbari saying they were going to look at changing the excursion structure. I think Fujita may be the first since Tanahashi maybe that may not go on a real excursion
  12. Ospreay and Naito was bloody great, with a hot crowd pushing it to the next level. The end was scary though...
  13. The two matches you'd expect to be good were excellent in my opinion (ZSJ/Okada, and Ospreay/Finlay was an example of how shenanigans can work) Naito vs Hikuleo started very rough, but were able to turn it around and the last few minutes were a blast. EVIL vs SANADA was a heatless plodding mess. I don't just blame EVIL here, as I don't think the crowds are really buying SANADA as top guy (I think this was masked by his first defences being against one of the most popular acts in the company and a newcomer with intrigue). It's a shame, as I was digging J5G SANADA up until Forbidden Door. The EVIL match vs Takagi on the other hand was nuclear compared to this.
  14. Skipped Nagano (do want to watch Ishii/Takagi but I don't think it will be anything we haven't seen before), but really enjoyed the Korakuen double header. Okada/YH & SANADA/Kiyomiya are amongst the best matches of the tournament from the first night, Ospreay/O-Khan and Umino/Kidd delivered too while Hikuleo and Tanga Loa both had possibly their best tournament matches so far. I don't think I need to mention Cobb/ZSJ and Ishii/Kingston as others have, but I do want to highlight Mikey Nicholls in particular is really going all-out in this tournament. He's not flashy or overly charismatic, but he's really giving it his all in the G1 and the crowds are starting to get behind him. Match with Shingo was fun, as well as the HENARE match before the bad ending, really interested in his match with Eddie Kingston now. Also full credit to Shane Haste, getting a good match out of Naito who hasn't seemed motivated since the Ospreay program last year. Glad to see them doing well here & trying to make the most out of the opportunity, considering the rumours they were not meant to be in it originally (Aussie Open I think were in as per the rumours, but the injury to Davis/signing with AEW changed things).
  15. Night 4, outside of another really great Henare/Shingo match and a pretty decent main event is can be skipped. Tama came off really badly in his backstage promo afterwards...he's meant to be a face???? Night 5 on the other hand was great! A really hot crowd and by far best show of the tournament with Taichi vs Okada my match of the tournament so far (and a possible contender for New Japan match of the year for me). Loving grumpy Okada, and Taichi is really excelling as a fiery babyface (crowd was solidly behind him here). Kaito/Shota is a close second, a breakout match for Shota I think and Kaito played a great antagonist without overly being one. KENTA had his best match in God knows how long against Ospreay, bringing fire I haven't seen in a long time. Main was good, but preferred Dominion. Even the undercard was fun outside of Chase/Hikuleo, including YOSHI-HASHI getting something decent out of Tanga Loa.
  16. Night 3 quick thoughts:
  17. The Henare/Nicholls match was crazy and unnecessarily stiff, not surprised someone nearly got hurt. Was actually enjoyable until that end botch. As someone who has lived a long period with a Maori family and having gotten to learn and know the culture, I very much understand the importance of the Mataora and think it is so awesome to see authentic, indigenous representation in pro wrestling instead of watered down generalised representation. Saw people on twitter calling it a "stupid look", they can go fuck themselves, this is something much deeper than "a look", it is spiritual and representative of his culture and ancestors. Kevin Kelly tweeted a really good article about it - https://www.teaomaori.news/aaron-henare-first-maori-bring-mataora-wrestling-world-japan Night 2 was fun though outside of that, I think the 2 or 3 best matches of night 1 were better than anything from night 2 but night 2 felt overall more consistent. Kingston/Takagi was match of the night, but Finlay/Ishii was a lot of fun too. Main event was fine, if not a bit sloppy at times. Oh and really enjoyed ZSJ/Tanahashi with Tanahashi trying to wrestle Zack's style. More of that please Tana!
  18. Was gonna wait until after night 2, but yeah, I'll add myself to the list of people who thoroughly enjoyed the two Block A future generation matches. Umino and Narita do feel like they're still figuring themselves out to an extent (especially Umino), but it was a great first chapter to their rivalry. Tsuji on the other hand, I feel just has "it" and would not be upset if the strapped the rocket to him and had him win the whole thing. Taichi/Ospreay was really great too, though wasn't a fan of the concussion-sell job. Last 3 minutes were crazy, highlighting the sense of urgency the new formula brings. ELP/YH and Okada/O-Khan were both fine matches but not really worth going out of the way for. I really don't see how Tanga Loa is going to survive this tournament...that was not good. KENTA also looked rough. There's 2 guys right there who could probably do without being in it. Main event was an odd choice, kind of just there. Do think Taichi match should have gone on last.
  19. NJPW are now calling Narita, Tsuji & Umino the 'Reiwa Three Muskateers' Interesting that they've left out Uemura, but also perfectly sets up his return as the forgotten one with a chip on his shoulder.
  20. So my big takeaway from Forbiddon Door was how slow and banged up Tanahashi looked, and how good shape Kojima is in...kinda now wish they'd sub Tana for Kojima and give Tanahashi some rest...
  21. Definitely way too many guys was my initial feeling, but I do prefer the even 8 per group over the odd 7 from last year. I think in the next year or two we will end up with that 40 man G1 which is just insanity. I don't think the groups are that bad, but there were better combinations for sure. Blocks A and D in particular are interesting to me, I like keeping most of the kids separate from the bigger names to hold off on blowing their first big meetings in the G1 group stage but am also curious to see how they gel together too. D has my curiosity, mostly as ZSJ/Haste is a match I never knew I really wanted until now. Also it seems like the block that could be the most competitive in terms of who could advance to the next stage. As I don't really watch AEW, I only really know Eddie Kingston from this NJ STRONG matches so I am curious to see how he goes but guess Finlay tops the group with probably Tama or Shingo. Block B is probably the least interesting group, and I'm saying that as a big fan of at least half the group...hope Taichi gets a few big wins this time! Not sure how I feel about the 20 minute time limit, I did like the shorter BoSJ matches and the amount of matches in the G1 probably makes it a necessity (and also why I think they are trialing the idea for a potential 40 man G1 down the line), but as pointed out it screams that there is going to be a large number of draws compared to other years.
  22. RE: Kevin Kelly & Chris Charlton burying guys - They do this quite a bit with House of Torture in particular (EVIL & Yujiro in particular, SHO they do play off that he's so capable but has gone down the wrong path) which is very much understandable, but I do think they can take it a bit too far at times. Specifically until this year's Super Junior they've been extremely harsh on Master Wato, who initially was the drizzling shits but sneakily started improving in 2022 yet they'd constantly bury him at nearly every opportunity. Sometimes I think they try to push online sentiment too much... RE: Worst NJ dojo graduates - Mitsuhide Hirasawa (Captain New Japan/BONE SOLDIER) is the first to come to mind. Outside the one amazing Nagata carry job, Tadao Yasuda was terrible too. Michiyoshi Ohara is another that comes to mind too that was just as bad as Yoshitatsu/Yujiro/Kenzo. There are a fair few of those 80s/90s dojo guys that maybe someone that has seen more can judge better than I too that could go on the list (i.e. Shunji Takano, Fumihiro Niikura, Shinichi Nakano)
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