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Everything posted by StuntmanCrowley

  1. Wow. Finally finished. I haven't read all the comics and comments, so forgive me if im repeating sentiments. So basically, with the introduction of Kang, the (possible bread crumbs to God Emperor Doom).....is the MCU basically saying "Yeah, the Avengers should've lost, buckle up?" That's what I'm getting and I'm ALL IN on the next however many years of Fallout.
  2. I'm just going to continue to enjoy the shows and not read the threads, lol, goddamn.
  3. I'm still waiting for my Expendables/F&F crossover Expendably Fast and Furious. Statham is the link.
  4. Wonderful, Edge. At least we know Roman will make this watchable.
  5. I think it was here that I read that Karrion Kross is an entrance and nothing more and honestly, that couldn't be closer to the truth. I love the entrance, the whole presentation of it. Then when he starts wrestling it just does.....nothing.
  6. Well, that was something. I lasted until about 9:30 or so before I turned it off and continued to rewatch Oz. I needed coherent storylines and entertainment
  7. M. Night was responsible for Devil as well, wasn't he? I was a big fan of that movie.
  8. Outside of Orton/Riddle teaming and always MVP/Lashley, that show was trash. and poor Benjamin/Alexander. They deserve better.
  9. As one of the seemingly few Bray Wyatt fans on here, he really should ask for his release. They've butchered everything he's gotten over and any idea he has is neutered. He deserves so much better than this epic shitshow.
  10. The powerbomb from the ring to the ramp from Comoroto to (I'm drawing a blank sadly), was absolutely sick. Dude hovered, then dropped fast and bounced. Probably one of my favorite moments of the night Edit: Lee Johnson
  11. Wow at the main event. That was incredible.
  12. i was the first to trash Leto, 10 seconds in the trailer and im back in.
  13. This was 100% my thoughts when I saw it. I really would've hoped that they'd have differentiated it enough from any of the MCU Cap Uniforms, when in all honesty, he just looks like a cosplay attempt. I'm assuming it's the finished product as well(unless Walker gets a new uniform on the show), because it seems that Walker is the "Cap" we see during the halftime show in the trailer.
  14. I....uhhh.....F***! I don't get how 20 some odd minutes of WandaVision are as good as some 2 hour plus MCU movies, if not wildly better, but here we are. I was always more amped about Falcon and Winter Soldier, but I have no idea how the whole slew of series coming out, let alone just that one are going to live up to what we're watching. Perfect slow build and the payoffs have been incredible.
  15. No matter what im watching, the Royal Rumble is one of my favorite shows of the year. I'm beyond let down
  16. The Eagles hired someone to coddle Wentz and cowtow to Roseman. Wonderful.
  17. Is there anywhere I can find a clip or gif of the Cage/Allin table spot?
  18. Yay, Goldberg, here to put someone else months and months behind like he did with Wyatt last year.
  19. Yay! Goldberg. The fuck, that dude is wretched. I hated him 20 years ago, I think he's even worse now. Also, I thought the Firefly Funhouse match from Mania with Cena was pretty awesome (I refuse to acknowledge the Inferno match because it was beyond horrible). If it's done in a similar vein with a similar result, it could be good.
  20. Wolfwalkers was such a great movie, animated or not, albeit a little darker in parts than I expected when I watched it with my daughter. We both loved it as we joke that I'm a werewolf and she is my little wolf and we practice howling all of the time, but I highly recommend it.
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