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Posts posted by Chaos

  1. I cringed when they announced it as a two part film. When they expanded it to three, I knew this was going to be a rough outing.


    I'll end up seeing Battle of the Five Armies because my fiancee enjoys the series, but she also was feeling weighted down half-way through this one,

  2. I watched Desolation of Smaug last night with my fiancee, and I wrote these thoughts on Facebook:


    We are nearing the end of this one, and I can't help but to feel that this trilogy is unnecessary. Spreading this story across three films, one cannot help but to notice how drawn out and unnecessary a lot of scenes in this turn out to be. It's basically the Star Wars Prequels all over again


    Expanded Thoughts:

    Best scenes of both films thus far:


    Riddles in the Dark

    The Barrels scene

    Bilbo's first encounter with Smaug


    I think this would be a much more enjoyable film-going experience had Jackson just stuck strictly to the less than 200 page novel and focused on a much tighter story than what we have been given with these three films.


    Also, I found myself going "Dammit, Kate" during quite a few Evangeline Lily scenes in this.

  3. I watched The Past last night and really enjoyed it. Here were my scattered thoughts on Letterbox.


    Farhadi delivers a strong follow up to 2011's A Separation with The Past. He takes what could have easily become a tedious, boring piece of film making and delivers one of the most captivating films of 2013. The dynamics of all of these characters throughout the film is very natural and real. As an audience member, the histories of these characters felt alive and real as if these actors were not only together just for a few weeks of production. The movie does struggle and drag slightly as it concludes its third act but not enough to prevent me from wholeheartedly recommend you check this movie out if you see it available. Also, check out A Separation, which may end up on many top ten of the 2010s lists when the end of 2019 rolls around.

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  4. After we had the discussion last week about dwindling down our games, I picked up Gears of War 3 for $5.


    I own the other two, haven't finished them, and figured I might as well fill in the trilogy.


    I may play through them in the next few weeks and see if they will net any coin sold together.

  5. Sting being the second option for the third man was something I did not know before this interview.


    I would have liked to see "that" version of the nWo.



    Austin is an expert at a few things.


    1) Drinking Beer

    2) Pro Wrestling

    3) Drinking Beer

  6. Chloe has the Abby Sciuto from NCIS thing viewer appeal going on.  There is no way she will end up being the villain and end up eating a bullet from Jack, unless they gave script writing duties for that ep to George RR Martin.


    Enraged fans would march on Fox like torch-wielding villagers from a Frankenstein movie.


    Which sucks because that would be a great swerve and wonderfully Cold War old school..


    It's interesting because it would be one of those "24" things that doesn't fit with the rest of the series, but 24 has rarely been consistent.


    I still think Chloe watching Edgar die is one of the more moving pieces of television ever. It was one of those rare two hour fox mid-season specials that delivered.


    24 also has one of the more satisfying moments in TV history when Jack kills Nina. I would argue it's more satisfying tha something that happened a couple of weeks ago on a certain popular Sunday T.V. show.


    Jericho was and still is clearly a bit miffed about doing the job for Fandango at Wrestlemania



    I think this is the exact opposite of the truth.




    Jericho does seem to be one of those "respect the business" guys, and he would like to help guys get good in the ring. 


    He also recognizes that he is an established guy and wins and losses do not matter. He even took fans to task for the wins and losses thing by pointing out all of the wins he had last year after fans were complaining "that he came back and jobbed every week."

  8. Man, the game took like an additional 4 hours to install. You could access the menus but only play an exhibition game with a few teams after an hour. Not thrilled so far. 


    The load times were abysmal. Apparently, it doesn't improve after the install's complete.


    I don't understand the game having to download each team and each stadium individually.

  9. If they really wanted to have surprise twists, Chloe would turn and Wincott and the Serb would remain a good guy.


    As it stands right now, I fully expect Wincott to be behind the plot somehow even though Chloe should be part of the villain solution.  She can't find the drone hacker because she's the fucking drone hacker.


    Jack having to put a bullet in Chloe's head would be one of the more heartbreaking moments in t.v. history.


    It would also continue the 24 theme of the Jack Bauer curse.


    I'm downloading this soccer game. I know squat about soccer, but it's free.

    It's the only sport to have a player blade himself right on the field because his team was losing. That's all you need to know.

    And, no, I'm not making that up.



    The FIFA series may be my favorite sports series because it's so easy to get into the flow on the pitch and every possession feels like life and death.


    Pro Evolution used to be viewed as the premiere soccer series on consoles, but that really started to change with the 360/PS3 Generation.  PES is also hurt by the fact that they do not have all the licensing that EA does.

  11. Hah, I preordered the Show from the PS store and they're having "technical difficulties" and the download isn't up as of now.


    I just cannot see buying sports games digitally until I'm basically forced to do so because physical mediums no longer exist.


    I don't keep Sports games for longer than a year,and it's usually trade bait for another sports game or the next installment.

  12. I am caving and picking up The Show today on PS4. It'll be the first baseball game I've owned since MVP 2005 (Still the best baseball game ever released IMO). 


    It'll be the first time I've played a game in The Show series since maybe 07 on the PS2.

  13. I'll give it a try, otherwise it's time for something different. 


    Edit: All is well!


    Any game that allows multiple save points, take advantage of them. It's better to have to replay two or three hours than it is to have to replay an entire game.


    I also normally try to save after the intro/tutorial stuff so that way I am at least an hour in and that's an hour less I have to play if I didn't build something correctly early on and NEED to start over with the game.

  14. If you were really trying to hide it would be much more believable if he was off in some 3rd world country totally off of the grid.


    If he was in a friendly nation, I think it'd be more believable if he were on the Mexican side acting as a mysterious border agent... trying to stop gun running and drug cartels one by one.


    I mean I know we sort of branched into that territory in season three.

  15. Isn't the press conference thing REALLY a steal from Evolve/DGUSA? They did that like 3 months ago. WWE IS COPYING THE INDIES!!!


    Although, i'm sure the WWE style looks much more professional.



    I'm guessing they were thinking more UFC/NBA Playoffs than independent wrestling.

  16. I know 24-logic is its own kind of comic book logic.


    I just find the "Jack out of hiding" premise here to be a bit far fetched. He's in hiding from the CIA, and he's in London?


    I would think if you're an ex-government agent on the run that you would choose somewhere other than our nation's largest ally. 

  17. Because we get one every week, I know that we take it for granted. I still have to ask: how great was that Heyman promo?


    He turned an ECW rah rah speech into another plug for Brock ending the streak. Brilliant!

    • Like 1
  18. If someone already posted this, well my apologies.


    This is a good lineup of free Xbox games this month:


    Starting May 1, Games With Gold will offer Dust: An Elysian Tail - normally $15 USD - for free through May 15. On May 16, Saint's Row: The Third - normally $20 USD - will be available for free through May 30.
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