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Posts posted by caley

  1. 8 hours ago, RIPPA said:


    - The company could theoretically run for up to 3 years without making a profit. (Ideally he wants to be making a profit within 2 but Scooby Doo made him a lot of money)



    You know for a movie that has almost been completely forgotten/ignored in popular culture, it's kind of understated what kind of impact it had:

    -Prinze's windfall

    -the screenplay was written by James Gunn who made so much money off it and so much reputation that he was able to launch his directing career off of it

    -somehow made $275 million (!!) on a $74 million dollar budget

    It's something that seems to have had a massive impact but rarely comes up as any sort of Hollywood success story (And this isn't me bigging up my closet favourite show, haha, never seen this and never had much of an interest in Scooby Doo, even when I was little which might be a result of my dad's hatred of it, in particular Scooby's pal 'Scrappy' whom he called "Crappy" as far back as I can remember...I don't know what he'll do if his grandaughter becomes a fan!_)

    • Like 2
  2. I REALLY love 2.0 since they joined up with Jericho and are just leaning into their douchey goofiness ("Hey newsman, you wanna scoop?") and the JSA introduction mirroring the old WWE intros is so good and a big pop for "The AEW Galaxy!" Fireball was good, then turned silly with the announcers going "There's no place for that!" "Sickening" "Here's what's coming up!" in such short order.

    Not to get all Caleynetico...but I honestly don't remember anything after Hikaru Shida's outfit....

    • Like 7
  3. Just now, caley said:

    You just know someone was like "She kinda looks like Arianna Grande...Arianna Venti? Arianna Grant? Arianna Grace.  Boom. Named."

    Also the Kianna vignette was HILARIOUS, with her wearing GLASSES and talking on a phone in an empty room to signify that she's a tough businesswoman!

  4. 20 minutes ago, Dolfan in NYC said:

    Should make note of the announcement of the 1st Women's Breakout Tournament on NXT last night. The first 4 names are...

    Arianna Grace (Santino’s Daughter)

    Lash Legend

    Kiana James (XTina Kay)

    Sloane Jacobs (Notorious Mimi)


    You just know someone was like "She kinda looks like Arianna Grande...Arianna Venti? Arianna Grant? Arianna Grace.  Boom. Named."

  5. 2 hours ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

    Hey, can we get the male wrestlers to stop using "bitch" as the go-to insult for each other?  Besides the misogyny and the overuse, Jade Cargill is over here using it to refer to herself in a positive/strong manner.

    Cargill also uses it to denigrate her opponents. She used it against Shafir just last night.

  6. 3 hours ago, Technico Support said:


    Is Britt normally this shaky and nervous on live promos?  The best part was when she threatened to "wipe your face with the mat."  I was hoping she'd also say her opponent had matched their meet.  Why do yinzers wave those towels at thin

    That was an AWFUL promo with bad delivery. The Ruby Soho line about her looking like "one of the Little Rascals" had to be written by someone else (someone old, as even the LR reboot movie came out when she was only 3 years old) because it was such an old-fashioned, awkwardly delivered insult with no reaction from the crowd whatsoever. 

    I really like the KOR mini-push. I think he's actually underrated, playing a slightly different wrestling character and is always fun in the ring. I actually thought WWE might use him as a sort-of poor man's Daniel Bryan when the latter was on his way out the door and KOR was breaking away from Cole.

    • Like 3

    A little late to the Gottfried discussion but I stumbled across this video about a month before he died and as someone who has never seen a minute of The Apprentice,this is AMAZING. Just Gottfried being himself, not worrying about the competition, the other contestants, Trump or anything really. Just saying or doing whatever he thought was funny.

  8. 6 hours ago, Blue Dragon said:

    It's just their Bash at the Beach.


    But why make it "Spring" themed?! It's May in Florida, isn't it pretty hot already?! I guess they don't want anything else "Summer" themed. 

    3 hours ago, Blue Dragon said:

    Because it's better pal.

    In NXT 2.0 news, James Drake and Zack Gibson have no first names anymore, so from now on both only have last names – Drake and Gibson. 


    I noticed they went out of their way not to call them the Grizzled Young Vets either, just "Drake and Gibson"...and no entrance. And they lost pretty cleanly and decisively.I'd wager their NXT futures might not be very long.

  9. On 4/18/2022 at 11:35 PM, Curt McGirt said:

    And I have never seen all of Port of Call New Orleans. The idea of doing another Bad Lieutenant was so offensive to me that I only saw part of the end on TV and the clips that of course showed up later. I want to see it so, so bad nowadays though. Really, WTF was wrong with me? I already loved Herzog from My Best Fiend and the subsequent viewing of Aguirre. I already loved Cage from Wild At Heart. It's peanut butter and chocolate. 

    You should rectify that! Amazing cast: Cage, Eva Mendes, Val Kilmer, Fairuza Balk, Xzibit, Jennifer Coolidge, Brad Dourif, Michael Shannon, Shea Wigham and Irma P. Hall. But it's Cage's show, even though he basically publically disowned the movie, just completely unhinged. Hmm, I think I might have to rewatch it tonight...

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Blue Dragon said:


    Oh Spring Breakin'! When they kept saying it all night I thought it was "Spring Break-In" Like a home invasion.

    But why are they have a Spring Break-themed special almost two months after US Spring Break. Heck, even Canadian Spring Break was a month+ before this!

  11. On 4/11/2022 at 11:52 AM, odessasteps said:

    Nicholas Cage did an AMA and said his three best moves were Bringing Out the Sead, Pig and Leaving Las Vegas. 

    Any alternatives? 

    Bringing Out the Dead: is great. I remember reading that one market it totally appealed to were..EMT drivers who said they basically sat around watching this because it was so spot-on. I've watched this countless times. It just gets more and more insane as it goes.

    I'd add:

    [b]Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans[/b]: Which is manic Werner Herzog gonzo filmmaking (Iguana-vision camera! "His soul is still dancing!" and on and on and on) coupled with arguably the most insane, unhinged performance of Cage's life. I genuinely thought he was on drugs during the film (Maybe he was) but it just absolutely unlike anything else out there. The fact that some studio thought Bad Lieutenant could be turned into a movie franchise is questionable at best, the idea that they figured the best person helm that movie is Werner Herzog is some legendary Hollywood madness.

    [b]Adaptation[/b]: In which Cage turns in two wonderful performances as screenwriter Charlie Kaufman and his fictional brother Donald Kaufman as the former works on the adaptation of 'The Orchid Thief' while the latter tries to follow in his footsteps. It's an absolutely insane screenplay that adapts the book, while also satirizing the way Hollywood adapts books. Cage is so good that you tend to forget he is playing both roles. That both Charlie and Donald got best screenwriting nominations is the cherry on top.

  12. 2 hours ago, Yo-Yo's Roomie said:

    How long until Vince changes his own name?

    I am very much here for Vince coming out on Raw as Vance McGarnigle and pretending like it was always his name. Also for the ensuing chaos as people sell WWE stock thinking it's  being run by someone else. "I trust Vince McMahon to run this thing into the ground, but not this Vance character! Sell sell sell!"

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    • Haha 5
  13. I still maintain that the best story ROH never told was after their long feud for Silas Young to come out and save Dalton Castle from a 2 on 1 because he had earned Silas' respect with his toughness, then had them team together with Young constantly frustrated with his partner's embellishments but always had his back no matter how annoyed he got. Then he could have turned on him after Castle won the title. I so badly wanted Castle preening in the ring with his Boys while Young shook his head with disgust on the apron.

    • Like 5
  14. That Suzuki-Joe match was so much fun. I liked that Suzuki seemed to be having fun. The end was a bit abrupt but they were short on time. The debut was a flop because of the aforementioned "lights out" gimmick but also because the way you debut a new "big" guy is to bring him through the tunnel and down the entrnceway so the audience can get a long look at just how big he is. If he's already in the ring, you don't get that feeling of unavoidable dread as this mountain of a man should bring.

    Also, this should be his theme music, because it's awesome and seeing him lumber to the ring to it would be amazing plus it makes me reminisce on 'Master of the Flying Guillotine"


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  15. I enjoyed the opening Cody-Vince...er Miz exchange. "It's a title, a belt is something that holds up your pants!" and "They're superstars, not wrestlers!"

    Then I got distracted and forgot to finish the show, but now I'm watching  a pretty great 1940s film noir where a lovelorn Raymond Burr is making everyone's life a living hell. He's playing the "good" guy against the girl, the bad guy against the good guy and the girl, even though he's clearly the toughest and meanest guy in the show. They should book Otis like that.

    • Like 1
  16. 29 minutes ago, A_K said:

    Blackpool Combat Club sounds like a name you give a generic Create-a-Stable on a '90s videogame. Whoever came up with that to cover two of the biggest WWE/AEW draws of the past 5-10 years needs to be referred to the Cody Rhodes Focus Group testers.

    I think it speaks volumes that Regal NEVER seems to use that name when referring to the group. I think it's funny that you have WWE who are ABSOLUTELY opposed to creating stables/naming stables until the last possible minutes vs. AEW: "These two guys teamed once...give them a name!" Not saying one or the other is right/wrong, but it's just funny.

    In the same vein, I also enjoyed Danielson outright laughing at Moxley's corny "raining blood!" promo.

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