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Andrew POE!

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Everything posted by Andrew POE!

  1. You will be getting the best version since both PS3/360 versions are running like ass. They really need a XB1/PS4 version.
  2. That's because I haven't gotten my copy yet and I don't know if BL88 has either. Time for some jolly fucking co-operation!
  3. I saw a video on Youtube (which has since been taken down, stupid EA) of one of the campaign missions and I had a biggest "FUCK YEAH" feeling watching it. MAG's environments + Brink's wall running + COD's perks + Chromehounds = Titanfall? J.T., I might be tempted to rejoin Team Xbox and get a Xbox One. Unless a PS4 version gets announced....
  4. Just a heads up: On Youtube already, there are spoilers for boss fights in Dark Souls II. Also, Titanfall & MGS V Ground Zeroes are already being sold in UAE, so the street date has been broken. I know with Titanfall, the servers aren't live yet.
  5. Luftrausers does look nice and like a version of Missile Command but in HD.
  6. If Dark Souls II was launching the same week with XB1/PS4 versions, I think it could very easily steal Titanfall's thunder. But still, Titanfall looks amazing and I wish I was more of a multiplayer gamer. I would feel too much of a sense of urgency to actually enjoy it.
  7. The visuals took a hit, but damn does that game look nice. Can't wait.
  8. You make it sound like XBox One won't be getting Watch_Dogs. That's because Xbox One is not a real console. You are so de-friended from my 360 List when i get home, fella! Oh yeah, I almost forgot. BUY A MIC! The Xbox 360 is a game console. Xbox One plays The Price Is Right. I'm no longer a XBL Gold subscriber. EDIT: I'm not on my 360 as often as I used to be when I was a XBL Gold subscriber. It's pretty much my Japanese RPG/bullet hell shmup system at this point.
  9. You make it sound like XBox One won't be getting Watch_Dogs. That's because Xbox One is not a real console.
  10. Watch_Dogs is confirmed as coming out on May 27th, 2014. The PS4 looks to have an amazing year so far (Wolfenstein: The New Order is also coming that month).
  11. I may pick up this game, but I think Dark Souls II and Infamous: Second Son will be occupying most of my gaming time this month.
  12. What about this for the Arkham Knight's identity?
  13. Well, the first girl hasn't responded to any text messages or phone calls, so at this point I am assuming that she's not interested. I am complaining about it because of my dumb luck and stupidity for trying to set it up in the first place.
  14. Don't take it so personally. I work in sales and people can sense desperation and react accordingly. Relax. Trust me when I say this, but....I wasn't being desperate with the second girl. Really. I was actually surprised because she opened up a lot about her life to me. Then it was like, "Nope, sorry I don't want to go into anything personal with you" on Monday.
  15. Probably because the first girl was sorta nuts and I wasn't that broken up over it. I really didn't feel any connection with her at all during the date unfortunately.
  16. Fuck me and my stupidity with women. I go on a date with a girl a week or so ago but I never hear back from her about a second date (so I basically assume she just moved on). I go on a date with a different girl and we talk for a long time and I feel that there is a genuine connection between us. I text her on Monday thanking her for the date and then she tells me "I just don't think it will work out." I'm convinced at this point that I'm not just meant to get married or have a girlfriend. Oh well. The younger me would have been angry at the women for daring to reject me, but the only constant is me so the problem has to be me.
  17. I know, but it was the Oscars' chance to do something different with the animated film category and not just give it to the better Disney/DreamWorks movie of the year. They had one job and they blew it. I have no dog in the fight since I haven't seen any of them, so I probably should shut up now. I guess Mizayaki getting a Lifetime Achievement Award is to be expected at this point.
  18. Frozen over The Wind Rises and Ernest & Celestine? A movie about the guy who designed the planes that bombed Pearl Harbor and the struggles he faced over that (which also happens to be an animated film) and a French movie about a mouse in an orphanage....loses to Tangled in snow? I'm done with the Oscars.
  19. You pretty much just sold me on Disney Infinity. I'm a sucker for those 'collectible toyz' games that are the rage. If Nintendo would do something similar with Mario, et al. on the Wii U, they might do OK this gen.
  20. Strider seems too much like Shadow Complex to me. I was hoping the art style would be like Strider 2 was but for XB1/PS4 gen consoles. But it's also an easy Platinum from what I'm hearing as well, so I may grab that during a sale.
  21. To me, if they kill the multiplayer aspects by closing servers, they should automatically give everyone who ever connected to multiplayer all the related trophies/achievements after it's done. I understand that it's not that simple (because what triggers them are certain conditions being met), but it can very easily be done with a patch.
  22. Trying to get 1000 Gamerscore on Eternal Sonata (I figure why not). The "Mysterious Unison" dungeon is just....bad. Boring design and it's not too confusing, just really bland. I heard you get a different ending with Claves alive though. I finally Platinum'ed Medal of Honor (2010) and they can shut down the servers for it tomorrow for all I care. After that, I'm hoping to finish up FFXIII (PS3), try to make more progress in GT5, and maybe not buy any games for quite awhile.
  23. Got my 17th Platinum trophy with Medal of Honor (2010). It's everything that is wrong with video games today in one place: shitty multiplayer trophies/community and a bullshit difficulty trophy.
  24. I would get DKC: Tropical Freeze, but considering the size of my backlog, I can wait.
  25. This is kinda why I didn't like Guacamelee as much as everyone else did. The gameplay is just bad at times IMO.
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