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Andrew POE!

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Everything posted by Andrew POE!

  1. I guess I should be more specific on which Russell T Davies I was referring to. I mean Ninth Doctor/first season of Tenth Doctor for Russell T Davies. Not his later stuff and especially not "Journey's End/The Stolen Earth." That won't work with this Doctor. That's the dynamic I was referring to -- the stories felt serious but had humorous moments too. There needs to be an episode like "The End of the World" or "The Empty Child" with the new Doctor. Capaldi's Doctor needs to take Clara to a place where she needs to know for herself if she really wants to be a companion. Getting grilled by Vastra over Clara's crush on the 11th Doctor and his change is not really want what I had in mind. I felt like at the end of the episode they were trying to make Capaldi an older version of Smith, which is just wrong (at least that's how I interpreted it). I also think his character will essentially be a 'reboot Doctor.' He's essentially going back to pre-First Doctor. Also:
  2. I like Capaldi as the new Doctor, but hated most of the episode and the material he had to use (Attack eyebrows? Brains of pudding? I'm Scottish, so I can complain about things? Who writes this shit?). What really bugged was that everyone in Victorian England seemed so complacent about a friggin' Dinosaur walking around. It felt like a bad episode during Matt Smith's days. If Steven Moffat could just leave and Russell T Davies would come back....it would be perfect. Capaldi's Doctor has the potential to be equally intense as the 9th Doctor.
  3. On NeoGAF, there was a page showing this weekend's Flash deals and a PAX Prime sale (which may be this weekend as well or on Tuesday) but both were quickly removed. Some of the games on sale include Transistor, Trials Fusion, Child Of Light, Sly Collection on PS3 & Vita and others.
  4. It's also being done by Evolution Studios, who did the last MotorStorm game on PS3. I have no faith in this game whatsoever.
  5. All you need is Bloodborne, whenever that comes out. I may got for Mordor, Destiny, Far Cry 4 & AC Unity as well.
  6. Count me in for Diablo 3 festivities (again) but on PS4. If I'm not boosting in Far Cry 2 or trying to Platinum Just Cause 2, I might play online this weekend. And for whatever reason, I also got Plants Vs. Zombies Garden Warfare on PS4 along with Tales of Xillia 2. Can't wait for next week and Infamous: First Light & Metro Redux.
  7. Am I misunderstanding you, or does the mean that they're shutting down online access for it? I've got that game on PS3, and I've logged more hours than I'd care to admit. I still revisit it sometimes. No, the online access for GTAIV is still up. It's just that earlier this year, Gamespy (who hosted the leaderboards and ranking system) finally shut down at the end of June/July. Rockstar at that time after Gamespy finally shut down released a patch removing Gamespy altogether. One problem: Cut Your Teeth and Wanted trophies became unachievable. The latest patch restores the ranking system, lets people level up and finally earn those trophies. The reason why I recommend to go ahead and do it now is that 1) Rockstar may finally pull online support for GTAIV later and 2) it's a good idea when something like this happens to take advantage of it. The problem is currently GTAIV's online is mostly dead and you may have to find a boosting group online to get the remaining trophies (if you care about that sort of thing).
  8. Rockstar Games has recently issued a patch fixing online functions for Grand Theft Auto IV on PS3. So if you're interested in getting a Platinum and haven't gotten the multiplayer trophies yet, it's highly advisable that you do so.
  9. Are you trying to say it's not a smart move for Microsoft to have exclusive games on their console? Haha. Wow. No, I'm not saying it's not a smart move for Microsoft. But to basically frontload it with paying another publisher/developer to make a game exclusively for their system strikes me as a 'panic move.' BioShock, Mass Effect, Oblivion, and Fallout being on the 360 in the early days was a smart move and did a lot in helping Microsoft win the 360/PS3 gen. Overall, Microsoft had the better system spec-wise -- they didn't necessarily need games like Uncharted and The Last Of Us to win. This time, it's completely different. MIcrosoft's system is the weaker system (sales-wise and spec-wise). Would ROTR look better on the PS4 and PC? Yes, absolutely. But the move plays into Microsoft's M.O. the entire time -- if they don't want to spend money on development for anything, just pay someone else to do it (or buy them up, one or the other).
  10. I honestly think Square Enix is dumb enough to have ROTR be XB1 exclusive and leave out PS/PC players. This move is a money move, plain and simple. The problem I have is this: 1) It's not 2005 anymore so the days of Mass Effect, BioShock, Oblivion, and Fallout showing up on the 360 are gone. 2) Microsoft must have helped pay for the development costs rather than using that money towards first-party development of a new IP. and 3) the relative tone-deafness of Crystal Dynamics, Microsoft and Square Enix towards their audience in this case. I think the end result will be....absolutely nothing changed. No one bought a Xbox One for Titanfall (or if they did, they had buyer's remorse and quickly sold their copy/system). As much as I love Sunset Overdrive and wish I was playing it, I'm not sure how much of an effect that will have overall. ROTR is along the same line -- it'll be nice to have for XB1 owners, but I don't think it'll be overall worth getting the system just for that game. I think we will see Rise of the Tomb Raider on PS4 and PC -- when I don't know. But like I said, no one knew that BioShock, Mass Effect, and Fallout would be on PS3.
  11. I don't know what to think. I'm normally not bothered with celebrity deaths, but this one really gets to me. Robin Williams is like me. Like a lot of people who are scared, vulnerable, and sensitive to the world around him/her. They feel too much too soon and know how much life hurts. But they tough it through for awhile and try to make other people who are suffering the same and their lives better, even for a little bit. Deaths like Robin Williams makes me question what the hell am I doing with my life -- why are the good ones like him leaving us too soon. Why are we stuck with Kim Kardashian and Justin Bieber? Why I couldn't do anything to change life experiences the way he did. What's weird is growing up I was told I had Robin Williams' sense of humor. I got his humor very easily. So like Super Ape I 'got him' (although I didn't have autism, was just misunderstood). Still tomorrow won't be easy, but I think I'll be OK. What really is the kicker for me is Robin Williams' last Tweet was to his daughter, wishing her a happy birthday. That hits like a punch to the gut.
  12. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood is probably the worst AC game so far. ACII was/is so perfect (the stealth was tremendous, where if you get detected, it was your fault, not the game's), but AC:B just can't get the basics right. You hire women and they should distract the guards. Do they get distracted? Nope, they instantly aggro on you anyway if they see you.
  13. I voted yes on a Cena heel turn, but on several conditions: 1) Get freakin' rid of Michael Cole as the 'voice of the WWE.' Cole doesn't know how to put over the wrestling in the ring and would definitely ruin the moment with stunned silence. J.R. made you believe that this was an important moment. Cole can't/won't do that. The closest was (unfortunate to say this) when Jerry Lawler had a heart attack. 2) The WWE gets better writers that know wrestling backwards and forwards and build up the rest of the roster. Daniel Bryan happened despite the writers not knowing what to do with him. 3) The storyline for Cena heel turn needs to be really good and not be 'well, just because.' For the WWE, this needs to be their 'death of Superman' moment or certainly better than the Invasion angle. It needs to almost go back to the Attitude/early 2000s era.
  14. It's rumored that Resident Evil 2 is also getting a HD remake/remaster in 2015. Send your left nut to Cpapcom CreativeControl.
  15. He had ONE JOB! And it's not "Tonight's Main Event: WWE Social Media Guy vs. Alberto Del Rio in a Hell in a Cell."
  16. "Assault" is probably not the right word. He's had run-ins with staff members, but there aren't any specific stories. Kevin Dunn being assaulted by ADR is wish fulfillment/wishful thinking.
  17. The thing is the WWE employee telling the racist joke needed to realize that he's dealing with a wrestler. ADR isn't going to HR over it -- he's going to attack the person who said it. Also, the WWE employee is not a wrestler (or 'one of the boys') so he really needed to be careful on what he says and who he says it to. I'm not excusing ADR's behavior whatsoever. If anything, both ADR and the WWE.com guy need to be shown the door. Still, ADR's behavior is totally inexcusable and not surprising. Considering that he's had several incidents in the past with assaulting staff members, it was only a matter of time before he was gone.
  18. Since ADR was released, his match on Main Event is his last match with the WWE. Unless this whole thing is a storyline.
  19. Until there's a true backwards compatibility on PS4 (where all you need to do is download a system update and insert the disc), I won't bother with PlayStation Now. I hate to see how the program will work on games with pulled multiplayer support.
  20. Just saw Guardians of the Galaxy -- it's a weird mixture of The Fifth Element and Star Wars and feels so good. Because I'm not as familiar with the characters (except for one major villain), it felt like a Big Dumb Action Movie that Marvel movies become but more consistent in tone and story. Oh and Chris Pratt would be PERFECT as Nathan Drake whenever Uncharted comes out.
  21. I'd rather have the main character be a Krogan or a Turian during the First Contact Wars, but if BioWare wants to insist on a human main character, they should make the first 3 Mass Effects be like "Rapture" and the new game be like "Columbia." It should seem very familiar to those who have been playing it but very different too.
  22. Just got my 24th overall Platinum trophy and 1st on PS4 with Killzone Shadowfall. The last level and the last mission seem unnecessarily hard even on Hard.
  23. And please please don't attempt a Platinum with this game, people, like I am. I apparently am nuts. Just got one trophy (Hard Mode) and a Platinum on Killzone: Shadowfall.
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