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Posts posted by AxB

  1. So, clearly none of you have actually watched any MCMG matches recently. Neither of them has lost a step at all. If anything, Shelley is in better shape now than he was 10 years ago. They'd be a good get now. They absolutely still have it.

    • Like 7
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  2. 4 hours ago, Curt McGirt said:

    Never heard of that. So it was legit and not an angle, he shot on the kids? (Be funny to know who the kids are, btw... hint hint)

    Death Match Kings (Necro & Mad Man Pondo) vs Anthony Franco & Matt Turner, Chikara Tag World Grand Prix night two. 19th February 2005. It's,not on YouTube, but it is on IWTV. So if you had a friend who had an IWTV, they could potentially watch it on the Discord).

    • Like 1
  3. I went to an indie show this evening! It were dead good!

    1. Flash Morgan Webster beats Lionel Da Silva
      Jacob North beats Benjamin Harland
      SCRAMBLE MATCH: Hazz Hype beats Luka Romeo, Big Bubba Quaide, Visage, TJ Sky and guy whose name I didn't catch
      Brendan White beats Lucia Lee
      Wild Boar & Ricky Regan beat Nishiki & MJ Grayson
      Zoe Nix beats Violet Nyte
      NEW WAVE WRESTLING CHAMPIONSHIP: Leon Cage (c) beats Jack Knudsen
      Harland, Nix, Cage and especially Knudsen are really, really good for their age and experience level. Stars of the future maybe.
    • Like 1
  4. Bigoted England fans, furious over this:


    Apparently they think it's a gay rainbow. I'm seeing a distinct lack of orange, yellow and green. It's closer to the bi flag colours than anything.

    Also, the cross of St George is White and Red. Blue is the Scottish colour. We should be complaining about that. The Union flag is for the whole UK, not just England. Might as well colonise some Dragons or Shamrocks, if we're sticking Blue on there.

  5. Also, The Acolyte is the first Star Wars project to feature trans people both behind and in front of the camera - Abigail Thorn is in the cast (but not appearing in the trailer), and Jen Richards is a part of the writing staff.

    (Kenobi was the first to feature a trans person in front of the camera, Morgana Ignis was in it (as a puppeteer and creature actor)

  6. Anyone who was asking before the show about Adam Copeland and blood, he had a couple of matches with Mick Foley (one vs Foley at Wrestlemania, one tagging with Foley vs Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer on a WWECW PPV), that were all blood and barbed wire and FIRE. He was well on his way to becoming the best Mainstream Hardcore wrestler on the scene, and then the PG era started.

    EDIT: I've put both matches in Blood Sucking Freaks, if you're interested.

    • Like 2
  7. I own the Cyberpunk Red TTRPG, I already knew the Johnny Silverhard lore. Although his gun is lot more OP in the videogame than it is in tabletop. It's Powerful in the TTRPG, but it's not the one-shot kill (headshots aren't just total decapitations, the whole entire head is just gone) it is in the game.

  8. I bought it on PS4 and am playing it now. It works. 

    It's very annoying when you get the flashback Johnny Silverhands scenes, and he's got shitloads of health and his handcannon instakills almost everyone, and then you go back to playing V and she's so much weaker and the enemies are bullet sponges.

    The bartender who is also a racecar engineer, who takes you illegal street racing, she's the nicest character I've met so far.

    The depressed Cop neighbour, it said go away and come back later to talk to him, and then it said come back to check on him, but I had no vehicle and was on the other side of the city for days. When I made it back, he was dead. But I don't think it was my fault for not saving him.

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