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cool arrow

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Everything posted by cool arrow

  1. Here's an interesting bit of trivia: Stu Hart was only four feet tall.
  2. FWIW they tried to give Rowan a personality during his abortive babyface run.
  3. This should be good. Um... based on what, exactly?
  4. That's Roman? I thought they accidentally put Adam Cole in there.
  5. Shynron is the guy who did the double-rotation moonsault and landed on his face, right? The idea of him wrestling Jeff Hardy is perversely intriguing. Also, I assume Matt isn't going to beat Ethan, so which of Matt's alter-egos is he going to return as?
  6. The first time a death match ends in an actual death!
  7. The only Rock match I would want to see at this point would be against Sting or Michaels, and ain't neither one happening.
  8. Same here. Although a lot of the memories aren't the kind you really want to remember.
  9. Has anyone mentioned Sean Morley, weed entrepeneur?
  10. Fighting spirit is only additive, never subtractive.
  11. As it should, but perhaps we shouldn't compare differing opinions with double murder.
  12. One stray spark and it's the first accidental Inferno match.
  13. SWERVE~! Nah, apparently that was just for Japan.
  14. That's the way TNA does "live." It's on a tape delay.
  15. Sting's done. Well, I suppose he could come back after this neck surgery, but he'd be like 58 before he could wrestle again.
  16. Recall that "ZOMG DA DIDN'T CANCEL TNA MELTZER IS LYING!!1!1!!11!1!!!" was just a few months ago
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