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Everything posted by Antacular

  1. Oh, look. We found his mommy issues. I'm disturbed you were looking for it.
  2. No it just means you find passive aggressiveness annoying, like any other normal human being.
  3. Like anyone here plays sports. (Besides mental gymnastics)
  4. I have no idea what the Nielson breakdown is, but any free TV show is bound to have SOME female viewers. My point is that girls aren't watching/taking interest in it unless their sigothers are. And again, I point to the 1%ish of total posters here that contain XX chromosomes as evidence of that position.
  5. WWE Films. Any guy that's the face of the company for the better part of a decade is going to be "mainstream" in whatever form you want to use the word "mainstream." But being "mainstream" doesn't necessarily translate into more revenue for WWE. They've had a near monopoly on north american wrestling for 13 years and financially their performance has been less than spectacular. "Mainstream" doesn't mean shit if it doesn't make them money.
  6. I will leave the snark aside in the interest of fair play and rational discourse. Certainly how "hot" a wrestler is deemed by the female audience is not the ONLY barometer of how successful they will be, but as Burgundy and my wife both pointed out, it's an important component to mainstream appeal.No it's not. Almost the entire roster is relatively attractive one way or another. And the one who lacks such a look is currently the most over guy on the show.Look I like Daniel Bryan as much as the next guy, but are you really going to suggest that he has appeal outside the WWE fanbase? Perhaps you'd like to list the movies he's starred in?Outside of Rocky, NO wrestler has had anything resembling a "successful" acting career. The "mainstream" notion is antequated, the only thing that matters at this point is the fanbase. Have you missed all of Cena's appearances on various tv shows? I'm not about to compare Cena's minimal acting career to Rocky's but the fact remains that because a thing is done once it can be done again. And if all that counts is the fanbase, I assume you've taken note of all the signs for Reigns? Ken fucking Shamrock did TV appearances. Means nothing. I'm not saying Reigns won't be a huge star for WWE, he could very well headline several WMs down the road. My points are 1) The female component of the WWE audience is so minimal that the whole "my-wife-likes-this-or-that" holds zero relevance as an indicator of predictive powers, and 2) that Reigns does not ooze the natural charisma of the Rock.
  7. Roman Reigns is NOT the next Rock. This is so silly. I will leave the snark aside in the interest of fair play and rational discourse. Certainly how "hot" a wrestler is deemed by the female audience is not the ONLY barometer of how successful they will be, but as Burgundy and my wife both pointed out, it's an important component to mainstream appeal.No it's not. Almost the entire roster is relatively attractive one way or another. And the one who lacks such a look is currently the most over guy on the show. Look I like Daniel Bryan as much as the next guy, but are you really going to suggest that he has appeal outside the WWE fanbase? Perhaps you'd like to list the movies he's starred in?Outside of Rocky, NO wrestler has had anything resembling a "successful" acting career. The "mainstream" notion is antequated, the only thing that matters at this point is the fanbase.
  8. You're right. Until we get a selfie from BLR, I'm hesitant to include her. So 2. Two female posters. I will leave the snark aside in the interest of fair play and rational discourse. Certainly how "hot" a wrestler is deemed by the female audience is not the ONLY barometer of how successful they will be, but as Burgundy and my wife both pointed out, it's an important component to mainstream appeal. No it's not. Almost the entire roster is relatively attractive one way or another. And the one who lacks such a look is currently the most over guy on the show.
  9. I've only been to a handful of WWE/Indy live events, but at none of them did I see a row of girls attending with their friends. Any girl at these things are with their sigothers, who all have dicks attached (as far as I could tell). Without the accompanyment of the D&Bs, 99.99% of those girls wouldn't know Daniel Bryan from Mark Henry. This is one of the most popular wrestling message boards, and out of the hundreds of posters here, there are THREE females. THREE. THERE'S your "casual female audience." Clearly these are numbers WWE needs to reach.
  10. No, I said how hot a wrestler is deemed by a fema-, I mean, girl (or guy) to be used as a barometer of how successful they will be down the road is absurd. But I used to feel myself up to Zack Ryder, so what do I know?
  11. Spoken like a man who has never been with a woman. Did you not read my above post about the Reigns false dichotomy?
  12. No they're the "casual female audience" WWE is is so trying to capture. And by "casual" I believe everyone here means "casualty" because that's what they feel like everytime you guys make them watch it.
  13. That's none of your damn business and I'll thank you to stay out of my personal affairs.
  14. Doesn't have to be an either/or dichotomy.
  15. Weekly fingerblast session on Mondays at 10:15 PM = HEZ GONNA BE HUGE. Got it.
  16. Dumbest fucking thing I've read on here in a while.
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