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Posts posted by Zakk_Sabbath




    So is Shawne Merriman actually receiving a tryout with WWE?


    He's already signed with them and is reporting to developmental.



    Oh gosh, that should be interesting. He could be Wahoo, or he could be Mongo. We shall see.



    Wahoo seems unlikely.  Kevin Greene, maybe.



    Kevin Greene was pretty good in the ring for what he was. I remember my dad marking hard, since he used to be a Steeler

  2. I know this is going back a couple pages, but just talking about prospective wrestler movies/biopics, has anyone heard any news on that series that The Rock was supposedly developing for HBO centering on the '70s? I think it would be a really, really cool way to tell stories about real backstage happenings without naming names. Kind of how Law & Order does those "ripped from the headlines" stories.

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  3. I'm not sure that this is the right thread for this, but I was thinking about this at work earlier, and wanted to run it by you guys. It might even be too early for this kind of thinking, but:


    Years from now, does this WM get overshadowed by Warrior's death? Granted, it was a couple days afterward, but I can't help but feel that the two things will be forever associated. But on the other hand, we got some HUGE moments with Hogan/Rock/Austin's promo, Bryan's wins, the streak ending, Cesaro's possible ascension, and some of the further events on Monday.

  4. Nothing concrete, but I've seen a few reports that Undertaker was taken to the hospital after the match. Hacksaw Jim Duggan seems to be the only semi-credible source so far, with a tweet stating "Taker may b hurt!!!!   hope not." But there are some on Reddit, who are in town, claiming a lot of crazy things.

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  5. That Taker-Brock match did exactly what Jake was talking about in his HOF speech last night: it fucked with my emotions. I honestly didn't know I could still be that invested in anything in wrestling. The match itself was pretty underwhelming, to be honest, but I was absolutely shocked by the finish.

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    It seems like you guys have some pretty sophisticated taste 'round here (what else is new!) but has anyone tasted the new Zakk Wylde? The harmony part of the solo is pretty sweet, but the rest of the song is kinda meh. I enjoyed the last album a lot, but in actuality, I think the whole BLS thing kinda peaked around The Blessed Hellride (I'll be generous and say that there are some decent cuts on Mafia, if only because that was probably the height of my fandom):



    I thought the last two albums were mostly garbage, but I have high hopes for Catacombs for some odd reason. He did do one of the better cover songs I have ever heard in the past year, and I have been listening to a lot of 1919 Eternal era BLS recently. So that may have a lot to do with it.


    I thought OOTB was a huge improvement over Shot to Hell and Mafia, so my hopes are high as well. Are you talking about Ain't No Sunshine as being one of the better covers you've ever heard, or did I miss one somewhere along the way?

  7. I'm watching Raw best-of tonight and saw an Owen/Taka/Headbangers vs. Los Boricuas from the night after RR 98. I'm sitting here mindboggled, thinking "I remember the DX promo, I remember Tyson.. why don't I remember this match occurring?" And then, like a ton of bricks, it hit me: oh, I was probably watching Nitro. Like, it never occurred to me that the old Monday Nights were even a thing. It bummed me out man.

  8. It seems like you guys have some pretty sophisticated taste 'round here (what else is new!) but has anyone tasted the new Zakk Wylde? The harmony part of the solo is pretty sweet, but the rest of the song is kinda meh. I enjoyed the last album a lot, but in actuality, I think the whole BLS thing kinda peaked around The Blessed Hellride (I'll be generous and say that there are some decent cuts on Mafia, if only because that was probably the height of my fandom):


    • Like 2
  9. I love Yokozuna, but purely from a standpoint of what I would have wanted to see, I'd rather Savage won the Royal Rumble in 1993 and put over Bret Hart cleanly at WM IX. Let Yokozuna beat Hogan on the undercard in a double-main event. That would have been a pair of awesome matches, and you save Bret/Yoko for Summerslam or Survivor Series. It also would have bought us a few more months of Narcissist Lex Luger, who would be my KotR winner in this alternate universe. Then, you maybe do Bret/Luger at SummerSlam and Bret/Yoko at Survivor Series. 


    I hate that Vince McMahon was so set on making Randy Savage a part-time attraction at this point because I think he had a ton of value left as a wrestler, which he immediately showed upon jumping to WCW and being good all the way into 1997. 


    I love everything about this post. I've been catching up on '93 via the network, and now I'm really pissed off none of this happened.


    And FWIW, I thought Savage had some okay-to-decent matches in '98. I don't think he was outright bad until that team with Sid. But even that was fun as hell, for all the wrong reasons, naturally. I remember that whole bit where he brought a bucket of shit to the ring but then Nash had a contortionist in a duffel bag dump it on Savage instead. It's even funnier when you consider that the WWF was building to the Taker/Austin rematch and I think that Rock/HHH strap match or iron man match (cant remember which) by this point.

  10. I'm watching Cena/Rock part 1 on the Network. I forgot how much these two potato each other throughout the match. I also forgot how much I loved this match. 


    But then I remember how much I hated Cena/Rock II the following year. 


    I can't think of a more disparate reaction I've had between two matches with the same guys in them. 


    What's the maximum time allowed between matches? Because if there's no statute, I have to go with Hogan/Warrior '98. Not that the first was a technical classic, but hoooooooly shit

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  11. eric szulczewski, he wrote for 411/InsidePulse, and was a *slightly* more mature version of Hyatte.

    Last I saw of him he was the "spokesperson" for the Chicago branch of Anonymous, thus killing the entire gimmick.


    Oh my gosh, I totally forgot about that guy. One minute, he'd be talking about Kurt Angle or whatever, and the next he would launch into this whole deal about how they changed the dosage on his meds and instead of sleeping, he would just sit upright in a chair for eight hours thinking and being really depressed.

  12. Was Dave Scherer and Bob Ryder's site 1wrestling.com? I know I used to battle the popups there as a lad.


    I've told the story here before, but I got linked to there by a banner ad on ECW's old website as a 9 year old, and that's how I found out it was all a work. So pissed off my stepdad was right.

  13. Somewhere between 1997 and her return (1999?), she had comedy-porn-star level implants put in. It was unfortunate, both for her looks and for her athleticism. I think she has since removed them.


    Her best 90's mainstream work for me is still the Alundra Blayze era. I am kind of partial to her 80's AWA run, though, because THAT HAIR!


    Hey, watch it buddy, I became a man looking at those jugs

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