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The Comedian

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Posts posted by The Comedian

  1. 12 hours ago, Cobra Commander said:

    Also take your pick on if Christian Slater doing a Jack Nicholson voice for an entire career is annoying or worthwhile.


    Hey, he's made one more Gleaming the Cube than most of us...

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, The Natural said:

    Previously unreleased statement by Ashley Massaro to Vice News. It's hard to read knowing what happened to Ashley Massaro and taking her own life so here's a warning:

    "During my time with the WWE, I had observed Vince McMahon making-out with other divas in the locker room, but he never paid attention to me, and I assumed I was not his type. This changed after my Playboy cover was released. I was fortunate enough to be allowed to fly on the company jet and stay at the same hotels as the executives for a period of time so that I could get home faster to spend more time with my daughter. On one of these occasions, Vince was attempting to get me alone with him in his hotel room late at night and I felt extraordinarily uncomfortable. He began calling the hotel room phone and my cell phone nonstop. I called Kevin Dunn to explain the situation and he said I should tell Vince I was not feeling well and would see him on TV the next day, so I did. Immediately after that night, Vince started writing my promos for me. Vince does not write promos for female wrestlers—that is the job of the creative department—and he certainly wouldn’t have, under any normal circumstances, written a promo for me. But he did, and the promos were written with the clear intention of ruining my career. I brought the first script Vince wrote for me to the WWE employee in charge of Creative at the time, Michael Hayes, and he said, ‘you’re not saying this, who the [expletive] wrote this?’ and I told him that Vince did. He said, ‘Well kid, these are the breaks,’ meaning that Vince wanted to end my career and destroy my reputation on my way out. He is known for this type of behavior and also did this to [REDACTED] upon her departure from WWE. In addition, after that night, each time I walk by him he would make vulgar sexual comments that were clearly designed to make me uncomfortable."

    Kevin Dunn - not quite as bad as we thought? 

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  3. On 2/1/2024 at 10:34 PM, Curt McGirt said:

    Ebert ripping it is one of those mind-bogglers. I think he had some weird beef with Hunter though. I actually read an article where they talked about I think five films that were shockingly unliked by Ebert, one notoriously being Blue Velvet, and Fear and Loathing was one of them.

    EDIT: I was wrong. There's 15 of 'em, and Fear and Loathing... isn't?! https://collider.com/roger-ebert-worst-acclaimed-movies/

    Christ, it should have been. He gave it ONE STAR. https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/fear-and-loathing-in-las-vegas-1998

    Ebert, great as he was, had this weird moralistic streak to him that often informed his horror movie reviews. Like, when I first read I Hated, Hated, Hated This Movie, in with all the hilarious reviews of legitimately bad films, there's his 0 star review of The Hitcher. The original, not the remake, mind you. He just goes on about how morally wrong and off it is. I mean, I suppose you could complain about the fridging of the romantic interest, but the way Ebert goes on you'd think he was reviewing Salo or Cannibal Holocaust or fucking Human Centipede ...

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  4. 10 hours ago, Curt McGirt said:

    I read an old DVDVR with DEAN reviewing the Wrestling Summit a couple days ago. Sayama vs. Bret Hart was, surprisingly (or maybe not), not good.

    Well, it's a guy who prides himself on safety above all else against a guy who tries to take every bump as dangerously as possible, so I can see the potential for a style clash...

  5. 1 hour ago, Cobra Commander said:

    Vince using the “WWE Universe” branding on his exit statement feels like a solid reason to pivot off of that branding to whatever brandings they’ll use for the next era of WWE

    This is a really good point, especially considering how closely associated all the insistent terminology in the WWE is with Vince himself. Have your champs talking about belts as much as they possibly can...

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  6. A lot of shit here to process...

    As far as "who knew what", I'm willing to give a broad pass for now. Because I think we all assumed; you, me, John Cena, and everybody else, that there was a culture of quid pro quo sexual harrassment in WWE. And that's already a horrible thing, but it's also a pervasive thing throughout society, and I think all of us collectively just held our nose walking by and compartmentalized it. And I believe it generally falls under tort law, so it doesn't carry the stigma that a criminal act of rape does, even though it should.

    But this? This is beyond horrific. This is a man who, upon meeting a young woman whose parents had just passed, his mind immediately went not to any sympathy or empathy, but, "Hey, what a great opportunity to mold my own personal sex slave!" And then proceeded to subject her to rape, gang rape, imprisonment, and coprophilia. You could know full well that Vince was a pervy old man and still not be aware that he was capable of these depths of depravity.

    The important thing to me is what comes next. There has to be full mea culpas from Vince's long-time defenders. And the sad thing is there won't be from all of them. I mean, guys like The Rock and Cena who have ongoing careers to think about, it would be in their best interest to make a clean break and make it yesterday. But a guy like Taker? I think you could find a torture dungeon full of womens' corpses in Vince's basement and Taker wouldn't badmouth the man.  I think we'll have to be done with Taker, but then I think a lot of people started that process anyway when they started to realize that he presided over a disgusting locker room culture for decades, and in particular participated in a gay-bashing sketch that may have ultimately contributed to Chris Kanyon's suicide. But Mark Callaway's got nothing to lose or gain at this point, so he'll probably sit back in his Texas mansion doing his little youtube Mt. Rushmore lists and patting himself on the back for not "betraying his friend".

    What about Triple H and Steph? It's a weird situation. I definitely think Steph was a victim. I have no doubt Vince was and is capable of incest. He sexualized his daughter from the moment he put her on TV. Rather than coming out about it, I think she played the long game of revenge, hoping to stay in his good graces long enough to take the company over and scrub it  clean of him. And I think Triple H came along with her on that ride. Just go back 20 years to the reports of him watching Samoa Joe's tryout with Vince and burying him for being "too indy", then fast forward to Trips booking him like a monster in NXT. Obviously he was playing a role. The problem is this: in playing the role, how many foul acts did the two end up collaborating in? The Ryan Nemeth AMA someone posted is just one example where Triple H had to be Vince's heavy to the locker room regarding sexual harrassment. I mean, if you cozied up to Stalin in order to eventually take him down, and he had you take charge of a few liquidations along the way, how much culpability do you ultimately have? Now obviously the relationship between Vince and his daughter and son-in-law became more contentious in the last few years, but I think there's gonna have to be some significant signs that they were working against Vince behind the scenes to keep them from getting scrubbed along with Vince.

    And yes, I know a lot of people are worried that Vince will once again Houdini his way through this...but no, I don't think so. He's done. This is Epstein-level shit. It's not his company any more. He's clearly more liability than asset, not to mention he's practically geriatric at this point. They're probably figuring out how to Benoit him out of company history as we speak...

    • Like 3
  7. On 1/17/2024 at 5:22 PM, odessasteps said:

    When did he start being billed as “from Lithuania”? When he turned face after Magnums accident or later? 

    I wanna say 1992, because you had the Lithuanian basketball team making news at the time because it was their first post-Soviet Union Olympic appearance and Bill Walton and the Grateful Dead supplied them with tie-dyed uniforms...

  8. 23 hours ago, Raziel said:

    Somehow it looks like Siranni is surviving, but Johnson and Patrisha are likely toast.

    Considering how horrendously awful Johnson's first NFL season as an OC went, it's pretty funny how obvious it is that all these head coaching interviews he's getting are just Rooney Rule satisfiers...

  9. 44 minutes ago, zendragon said:

    I don't know how long Bret's first reign was but he did have a one day reign as well.

    Flair's longest reign was about 2 years straight and he probably had a really short reign in death spiral era WCW 

    Also Hogan's first run was about 4 years and then you have BATB 2000 and I think his final WWE run was about a month

    Hogan's 4th run between beating Taker at This Tuesday in Texas and getting stripped due to shenanigans was only a few days at most...

    • Like 1
  10. I'm really starting to miss the days when Wayfair and their cute, friendly ads dominated my youtube videos.

    Nowadays I get bombarded with Mood Canibus and their obnoxious pothead soccer mom. I think what I hate most are their occasional disingenuous attempts to act like they're pushing the pain/stress reliever element when the other 90% of the commercials are basically, "hey, you can still act like a dumbass teenage stoner in your thirties or later!" Like, how would you go about replacing wine with canibus gummies on a girls' night? I mean, I take half a 10 mg Ozone gummy and I get a nice mild high for a nice peaceful night. A whole gummy is a more potent high. Throwing down gummies all night, especially if you aren't a long-time user, you're just asking for your high to go into paranoia panic attack territory that's gonna be a whole lot worse than a wine hangover...

  11. 5 hours ago, Raziel said:

    Fraudadelphia fucking sucks.  Last year was an anomaly.  At least a lesson in how important good Coordinators are.


    It's the one real consistent flaw of the team culture under Lurie/Roseman: great seasons make them overconfident. They get on their "Gold Standard" bullshit and expect to just be great again the following year without putting in the work.

  12. 13 hours ago, Curt McGirt said:

    I was pondering what are the craziest characters that Willem Dafoe ever played earlier. My short list is 

    1. Bobby Peru (Wild At Heart)

    2. The Lighthouse Keeper (The Lighthouse)

    3. Count Orlok (Shadow of the Vampire)

    There's got to be a top five but I'm struggling.

    The main bad in To Live and Die in L.A.

    • Thanks 1
  13. On 12/15/2023 at 6:16 PM, Contentious C said:

    Given NWR's whole schtick now boils down to color theory, ultraviolence, and electronica, it's not exactly hard to pin that tail on the donkey.  Here was a bit from IMDb's trivia section I figured you'd enjoy.

    "In an interview with director William Friedkin, Nicolas Winding Refn mentioned that he considers this movie to be a masterpiece. Friedkin proceeded to ask for an ambulance for Refn and berated him."

    There's a thin line between Mulholland Dr. and Inland Empire, and he crossed it...

  14. 17 hours ago, Curt McGirt said:

    If Okada could do anything in the world as a wrestler, I'd like his matches more...

    Personally, I'd just like it if the Meltzer/AEW crowd would admit that the top NJPW guys got surpassed in terms of match quality by the top NOAH/AJPW guys years ago. Danielson vs. guys like Nakajima or Miyahara or Kenoh would be a way better match than Okada at this point...

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