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Everything posted by Octopus

  1. This show was what I hoped Rampage would be like. Hopefully we get Brody vs Rush Could have used a wow moment bring a debut episode, but all in all I’m excited for it as a good wrestling show. A good cast of characters to work with and mix in various other workers that can hope between shows. Less of a straight brand split and more a difference in vibe an presentation.
  2. Was Moesha a wrestling show? That theme song was legit.
  3. Fellow nerds, with the Squared Circle Reddit page down, I don’t have a quick scroll all-in-one page for wrestling news. Any recommendations on similar pages?
  4. Holy smokes, I love that intro! No joke, I’m low key more excited somehow. Saturday wrestling! Hopefully we get some Rush on future shows to team with Andrade. All the drama surrounding everything dampened my excitement but this is a weird shot of espresso to freshen things up. Thumbs up for me.
  5. After the beating Excalibur gave Jimmy Havok they were afraid if another fight broke out and he got involved an actual star would feel the wrath of Excalibur.
  6. “Hangman? More like Dangman.” - CM Punk
  7. The treadmill says the same about me.
  8. Grandpa on my dad’s side was a Assistant Fire Chief in Minneapolis and Papa on my mom’s side was a goofy can’t not joke traveling paper salesman. They would make an intriguing tag team.
  9. Call me old fashioned but we need a CM Pop Standards
  10. His full name is Zakk_Sabbath D
  11. Eh, I’m not a huge bidding war storyline guy but I still think it can be pulled off well without minor leaguing AEW. Play up that the other side is loaded with cash from making a deal with the Saudi government and MJF wants some of that evil money. Dress Schiavone up in a flag shirt or something while it’s happening.
  12. Punk got Punked in minutes to Mox. Even without seeing Rocky. The guy is a selfless hero.
  13. Lil Octopus, Brother Giraffe, and I are all at Unmapped Brewing. We are outside and enjoying a nice day. There is a dog out here with the same name as a poster here. Let’s just say when he started barking and acting up, I just heard a bunch of “Damn it, Gordi!” “Hush Gordi!” ( @Gordlow)
  14. New Octo question: How would you rank AEW World Championship runs?
  15. See if Will Washington can trick Michael Cole or whoever to reveal that on AEW that Kingston will become champion. Let’s recreate the Foley win!
  16. Not from his past, but a returning Kingston as AEW’s savior would be neat. Not as likely though.
  17. Eh, I feel like we hit the same talking points on the Cody v Roman what if. (Not that it shouldn’t be discussed, go for it as I am now lol) The question of “well then what” is a tough one to answer because it depends on the competency of the booking and the ability of the performers. Would Cody as Champion after an all time great Wrestlemania moment make me want to see what happens next and could the feud with Brock involve the title? Does the implosion of the Bloodline need the title? I don’t really have the answers to that. I feel that WWE leading up to Mania was firing on all cylinders and I am fearful of recent memory WWE losing my interest when I emotionally invest in the promotion. I’m in a camp that I didn’t like the loss, but could very much love the loss with how everything plays out. With a Cody win, I would likely have my favorite WWE style match of all time. With the Cody loss, I have the usual feeling of a grand Vikings loss (which sounds and is negative, but heartbreak is a memorable feeling). This can all be said for Zayn and maybe even to a lesser sense Drew. IFFFFFF, Cody or honestly anyone else can create the same level of monumental pandemonium and Roman can maintain an intriguing (with the help of the cast of characters around him) for a hottest crowd in recent memory at a Wrestlemania main event, then they paid off and will likely have created my favorite wrestling arc of all time. Anything short of that or slightly less than that is what it is, less. Granted, that doesn’t mean it can’t be enjoyable still or win me back into the fold. WWE has done a remarkable thing by setting a very high bar and I’m excited to see if they can clear it! I guess this puts me in the wait and see camp. I’m giving them until Wrestlemania or a lolGoldberg moment. If they do not, I’ll blame mustache Vince. If they do, HHH is a genius. Will we get the Son of Dusty’s Hard Times or Cody’s Half-Chub Moments?
  18. For feuds/ Arcs I’ll go with: - Hangman saga - my favorite use of storytelling in [modern] wrestling? - CM Punk vs MJF - the best WWE style promo battles - Kenny Omega vs Mox (as an off and on rivalry from the beginning) - Battle for the Ace role - Jericho vs ROH - This save a lackluster ROH assimilation into the company while waiting for a tv show - Cody TNT title run - introduced beloved characters honorable mentions: Brit Baker vs Thunder Rosa (great matches, I don’t recall many segments though) Cody vs Jericho - my first favorite feud in the company. It was something special. MJF vs Cody (Should be on the list, the whipping of the chest was wild) MJF vs Danielson (several best matches in company came from this. A tad formulaic in the actual story) Orange Cassidy’s current ALL-ATLANTIC OR INTERNATIONAL run (this will make my five unless it ends stupidly) Hopefully I can add Don Callis vs the Elite because these crowd reactions are spectacular! what am I forgetting?
  19. I think you’re riding a fine line well here (and I think you’re a cool dude) and like how you didn’t “mean to pick on @Shartnado” I don’t mean to pick on you. I do find it troublesome (the same way you do with people saying a booking decision is “stupid”) to dismiss criticism (usually Art criticism like film criticism, wrestling booking discussions, music reviews, etc) with well it’s popular and makes money. I personally saw a lot of it when the first Avatar came out. The discussion of taste and evaluating story was often met with “well it’s popular for a reason.” I also feel the initial post you quoted was less an insult towards Roman having the titles and more a joke towards introducing a new title without having the other guy drop it, so we can have more titles. Gunther not dropping the IC title but bringing back the European belt or even a new one like AEW was initially mocked for having too many belts. But yes, if having Seth or whoever as an opposite show’s new main title makes WWE more money, then it is smart for the company to do. Someone can think it is “stupid” from a storytelling opinion without having to tip toe around language that involves financials. Or we as readers can use context and if we respect the person making the statement, understand where they are actually coming from. Twilight is stupid in my opinion, and yet people made an enormous amount of money from it. Buuuuuut, very likely I’m being a hypocrite here: I tend to eye-roll when people say things a long the lines of “[insert wrestler here] can’t layout a match” and things of that nature. I mentally require the same careful language that you are requesting. So yes, maybe I need to evaluate the feelings that arise when I felt the need to defend my wet-fart-hazardous-weather-friend from my name-playing-off-fun-tag-team-slogan friend, when I myself am in the same position of NoSpotsOnlyRestholds. So don’t mind me as I reevaluate my thoughts. I do this posts out of love of the game, self discovery, and a hope we can all grow closer and internet friends.
  20. @NoFistsJustFlips, I don’t agree with the necessity to feel that someone can not enjoy a booking decision when the business is doing well. Apologies if I’m misreading you. I personal don’t mind Roman as super champion. I wish things were a tad different at different points, but he is good at what they want to do. With WWE in general, I can dip in and out. I agree with @Shartnado in the point I feel he was making that bringing on a new world belt was silly, but if people can care about new World-but-not-as-good-as-Roman belt then neat. Get me to care, I actually think they can get me to. Fingers crossed. The stinker in me wants wants Roman to win the new belt and have a WWE Triple Crown.
  21. What are your all time top 5 AEW feuds/ story arcs of AEW?
  22. Who better to enforce the rules?
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