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Death From Above

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Posts posted by Death From Above

  1. The funny thing is when I go into the Fallout 4 mod menu and add/adjust anything, when you exit and it builds the new load order my game consistently crashes. This doesn't seem to matter though. And in actual gameplay I've had all of 1 crash. Weird.

  2. 1 hour ago, RIPPA said:

    I finished Andreja's quest so I reluctantly switched to Barrett

    I do feel like he is probably the best choice to have for the Crimson Fleet stuff so that might work out

    I had Sam with me and mostly he seemed to not care, though it's weird as hell being a nasty person while hauling his kid around with us to be fair.

  3. I'm enjoying this game enough I want to yell about it some more without clogging up other threads, so anyway here's my current mod setup. Everything is through the in game mod section, haven't touched the Script Extender or anything that is Nexus only. I saved that for Skyrim, it was kind of a pain to get set up, and I'm spending more time with this game anyway right now. Just dumping stuff mostly in the load order Fallout 4 assigned to it.


    HUDFRAMEWORK, WORKSHOPFRAMEWORK - I'm not sure if I even needed this as they're mostly modding tools but I downloaded it anyway

    TRUE STORMS: WASTELAND EDITION - Pretty good stuff. Comes with configuation holotape.

    MODDING FOR CHARITY: TRUNK'S MALFUNTION - A quest chain involving a crazy robot

    PIP BOY PAINT JOBS - There's a whole bunch of these. Does what it says on the label.

    SIM SETTLEMENTS 2, chapters 1-3 - Massive expansion built around fleshing out the settlement system and also comes with like a game's worth of quests. Starfield desperately needs these people to make the outpost system not a collossal waste of time.

    IMPROVED MAP WITH VISIBLE ROADS - Does what it says on the label

    ENHANCED BLOOD TEXTURES BASIC - Does what it says on the label

    A bunch of radio stations. Most of them work flawlessly except for the Silent Hill soundtrack one that seems to conflict with some distress call so I turned that off.

    SQUIRREL - Adds squirrels. Essential.

    ELI'S ARMOR COMPENDIUM - Adds an armor crafting workbench and some craftable armors

    WASTELAND IMPORTS: GOODIES FROM ALL ACROSS THE WASTELEND - Adds some lore friendly items from other Fallout games, I think.

    TALES FROM THE COMMONWEALTH (and a DLC patch)- Shit ton of extra content

    FALLOUT 4 HD REWORKED PROJECT - Does what it says on the label

    BEARDS N' STACHES - Does what it says on the label

    VANILLA RESONATING LIGHTS FIX - Does what it says on the label

    UNDERGROUND FIREBASE - extra game content

    AUTOMOTRON: PROTRECTRONS EXPANDED - Does what it says on the label

    DLC CREATURES IN THE COMMONWEALTH - Does what it says on the label. Raises difficulty.

    PONYTAIL HAIRSTYLES - Does what it says on the label

    WEIGHTLESS JUNK - Does what it says on the label. Absolutely essential. Listen I played Skyrim for years I play Starfield, weighted junk adds literally nothing to the game experience especially in this game where junk collection is actually key to settlement building. It's a busywork mechanic that is frustrating. This turns it off and I make no apologies. If unnoficial patch is the most essential mod, I'd call this number two.

    FIREFLIES - Adds a fireflies camera effect during evening/night. You can even configure their colour. It's neat.

    AMERICA RISING: A TALE OF THE ENCLAVE - A ton of new content. I'll speak from experience you probably don't want to dig in this too early without some big guns.

    BARRENWOOD - A new worldspace. I haven't gone there yet.

    NORDIC EUROPA RESEARCH FACILITY - A new worldspace. I haven't gone there yet.

    HALLOWEEN COSTUMES  - Does what it says on the label.

    HALLOWEEN DECORATIONS - Does what it says on the label.

    FOG CRAWLERS OF THE COMMONWEALTH, COUPLE MORE DEATHCLAW SPAWNS, KUDEMBROTS OF THE COMMONWEALTH, DREADSHARK SPAWNS, MORE BEHEMOTHS  - Does what it says on the label. Raises difficulty and makes traversing the map more interesting IMO.

    SCAVENGING HUNT: BOBBLEHEAD EDITION - Adds a console in the vault you can use to spawn a quest to track specific bobbleheads. Convienent for treasure seekers.

    THE COMMONWEALTH RESPONDERS - Basically adds a new faction with their own questline.


    KELLOG'S CYBERNETIC IMPLANTS - Lets you build Kellog's implants if you so desire.

    MAD ROCK - QUEST/SETTLEMENT - More game content. I haven't gone there yet.

    GO GREEN! GO GHOUL! - Adds a weird new power generation option for settlements.

    WINDMILL GIVES 10 POWER - Does what it says on the label.

    CHEAT TERMINAL - I've yet to even touch the thing, but sure.

    EVERYONE'S BEST FRIEND - Restores a conceptual feature from game development where you can use Dogmeat and another follower at the same time.

    VISIBLE COMPANION AFFINITY - Just makes it easier to track how that's going.

    BOSTON IVY RED - Adds some plant colour to the game world.

    ENEMY SCALING REVAMPED - Keeps the game from becoming One Shot City once you get around level 40 and above.





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  4. I think Fallout 3 is white bread bland, it's never been able to hook me. It's probably my least favourite Fallout game (not counting 76 which I haven't played).

    I highly recommend the Sim Settlements 2 mods, there's 3 of them and they massively expand the settlements in a good way while also adding a full DLC worth of quests while they are at it. 

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  5. Speaking of Bethesda, I'm honestly kind of shocked how much I'm loving Fallout 4. For years I heard a lot of Fallout fans kind of pooh pooh it but man, this game's really solid. Once you get through the pre-war sequence, the start is kind of slow. But then the quest log starts filling up and honestly, it's pretty fucking great. Helps that I'm only accessing it now with like 5 years of the modders going buck wild but even so, there's no reason at all to judge the game without that.

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  6. It's annoying as hell that some of the best Skyrim mods are dependant on the Script Extender which you just can't install through the game so you end up with two launchers and it's a bitch to get things running smooth at first, but at least once you get going it's still Skyrim.

    Honestly I am liking Fallout 4 a lot more than I expected overall as well, again with a ton of mods.

    Starfield is going to have a wild, wild next 5 years.

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  7. I ventured around with both Lin and Keller for a while. Lin has demolitions so I gave her a grenade at least just for the endless mirth of Bethesda AI chucking grenades. Keller has nothing going for him combat skills wise but at least he gives you random minerals I guess.

    Honestly, and I know I'm quite positive about this game, just pretty much anything to avoid spending more time with Barrett. That guy annoys me, a lot.

  8. I did build one very basic outpost on my first character but never did much with it after that. I watched a couple Youtube videos and I definitely missed out on some stuff that way, maybe I'll do a high Science tree character at some point just to focus that.

    I'm honestly baffled by how much hate the new lockpicking minigame has gotten online. Personally I actually think it's a perfectly fine little bit of puzzling that makes me pay attention, but doesn't stress my stupid ass brain too far. 

    Weightlfting 4 is honestly totally worth it just for the stagger protection. It's an S tier perk. There are a lot of enemies that will rush you with Rescue Axes and whatnot and it's one of the few combat scenarios that actually gets gnarly. Also virtually all the wildlife uses melee so avoiding 50% of staggers is a serious nerf to them.

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  9. I mind bringing in a 49 year old with hype a lot less here than in some other places in the past, mainly because say what you will about Tony Khan but he seems keenly aware about trying to keep the Seniors Tour and the World Title separate. It's not a WCW situation where it buries the stuff that actually matters long term.

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  10. I'm not really over the moon myself about the video game industry following film into the Remake Era but at least in gaming there's some (very minor) justification of bringing certain old games back so they actually work properly on modern hardware, which is at least cool. Demon's Souls remaster good, even if it's criminal we didn't get a PC release. The Dark Souls remaster basically having slightly better lighting and nothing else, not so much.

    • Like 1
  11. 8 hours ago, Kevin Wilson said:

    I scrolled credits on Starfield tonight. There is more I can do post game but my backlog for recent games is stupid (Sea of Stars, Madden, MK1, and Lies of P are waiting for me) so I'm going to call it a day. I'll replay it in a couple years when its all patched up and maybe has some DLC, kinda like how I plan on replaying Cyberpunk within the next six months. I don't think my hours played is accurate as I dunno if it counted when I had it paused but I probably put 60 to 70 hours into it if I had to make up a number.

    I did a lot, but I left a lot on the table. I did all the faction quests, every "real" side mission I came across (rescuing people and shit, not fetch quests or surveying). Ended the game at level 43 I think, never had any serious issues with combat. Had a couple cool guns. Found four snow globes (I suck at finding little things lying around), got most the powers. Had a good time.

    I did not do anything with outposts, only completed one companion quest, didn't do any long fetch quests, never built a ship 'from scratch', scanned next to nothing, and didn't land on any planets unless someone told me to. A lot of that was intentional - I do plan on replaying it so I decided to make my character a certain way and focused on combat and persuasion, while knowingly leaving some meat on the bone for my next playthrough.

    Overall it was fun. I have some quibbles - companions are dumb in combat, excessive time wasted with "inventory management," I didn't think they made the powers good enough to matter in relation to the hassle of getting them (I never used an "essence"), and I'm still kinda pissed off my home reset due to a bug and I lost a lot of shit. But I really enjoyed the combat, I thought all four factions were great sub storylines, and the main mission didn't feel like an afterthought. For playing it at release, a solid B+ effort by Bethesda, and probably an "A" once they fix up a few things. And I'll probably play it on PC next time so I can use some mods to improve the quality of life.

    Rolled credits myself tonight and I think most of this is fair.

    Honestly my feelings haven't changed much as I went through it. The quest design is good, and I'd say the best quests in this game are as good as anything quest wise Bethesda has ever done. Ship design is good if a little fiddly. Outpost management is bad and useless. A lot of the exploration feels uneccessary and not worth it. I think the game does a great job of giving us the best of Bethesda tour even if it honestly has 0 real innovation. I really enjoy what the game has to offer (and I now have a real itch to dive into the Bethesda fallouts which I've never actually played), but it won't win game of the year in the same year Baldur's Gate came out because people really, really love bad d20 systems that require save scumming to advance certain skills. What can you do. As much as I loved Skyrim, the fact there are so many quests you can pass with talking and speechcraft skills is a mssive step back in the right direction for what Bethesda does best.

    Very curious what they do with the DLC. There are a lot of options with potential fleet or outpost management, digging deeper into the alien side of things like a big game alien hunter thing, maybe a chapter that delves more into House Va'Ruun, or more piracy would be very welcome. Mods are going to be batshit crazy for this game in time.

    I've had shockingly few serious bug issues for a Bethesda title (one quest jammed and I fixed it through console, one other quest jammed and fixed with save reloads, one follower of minimal importance that just, uh, vanished), or a 2020's AAA title in general for that matter. I actually feel pretty safe saying this is the cleanest release Bethesda have done on that front which is at least promising that Elder Scrolls 6 might not be a pile of code held together by string. The game did commit a couple of gaming cardinal sins: escort sections with escorts that walk at like a third of your walking speed, and also a whole planet built around gambling where you can't gamble. Modders are going to fix that, but come on. I ended my run with almost 500K credits and nothing to do with them really. I do think the game lacks for "evil" options and in a lot of places played it very safe and sterile, but the writing in general is good enough to keep the engagement with the world.

    I also have a ton of other games to play so I might put this down more or less until DLC launches, but I look forward to it. I'd give the game a solid 8/10 personally. I don't regret pre ordering it, I enjoyed the 75 hours or so I've put into it, and I look forward to exploring it again when the time's right.

  12. You can also go to (at least some) doctors to remove the empath trait if you want, though I don't know why you'd want to do this unless you were playing as a complete scumbag, since for the most part I've found empath to be basically free buffs when you do stuff your companion likes.

    On shielded cargo holds: you really have to go all or nothing. I tried attaching one to my ship and it basically doesn't do anything because of all the unshielded holds, which seems weird to me but that's how it works.

  13. On 9/4/2023 at 8:30 PM, Octopus said:

    I think people sometimes are taken back by the vinegar-dill like combination as overpowering. As a tiny octopus I was not a fan. Stood out too much on a burger. Now I’m a fan and I feel it can add to a bite. Or even a spicy chicken sandwich, a bite with a good pickle can be a real treat.

    I think I just find it specifically weird that pickles are considered a complete weirdo pizza topping. I dunno, cutting up some baby dill pickles is a pretty easy way to (white person alert) jazz up your average grocery store pepperoni pizza, that's all I'm saying.

  14. I can say this safely without posting any real spoilers: there's a quest that's part of main story fairly late on called Entangled which is probably the single best quest I've played in the game. Super creative and interesting design.

    I'm not sure what I did to trigger the Crimson Fleet stuff. I don't actually think I committed a crime, although the game's script implied I had. Maybe it's an auto-trigger for Space Scoundrel at some point based on your past? Anyway that's a great questline too. Honestly, if Bethesda Quests are your jam you probably love this game, and if planetary exploration is your jam probably not so much. But I really have enjoyed this game thouroughly. The amount of hate it's gotten online is absolutely bonkers to me. I think my biggest gripe at this point is that outposts seem completely optional and don't really have any particular use that I can see. I'd bet anything one of the major DLC's will address that though.

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