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Everything posted by T.Rex-n-effeckx

  1. This is a discussion board. It is not twitter, not tumblr, it is a discussion board. There are separate threads for people who want to post pictures or post matches ( I don't think we have a animated gif thread) without discussion.But for the most part, discussion board. Why would someone participate in a discussion board if they aren't interested in discussions?
  2. Henry is a guy who is super physically impressive live, and I think it never quite comes across on TV.I was at the pre-WWE Smackdown with the Angle v Undertaker main event that ended in DQ when Henry splashed Taker through table. And it is really weird having watched it live, where Angles arms were so atrophied, there were times where it looked like Taker was wrestling himself and the Henry splash was a giant holy shit moment...on tape Angle looks far more credible and the splash doesn't have the sheer force that you experienced in the Arena.
  3. Based on what physical evidence?Did you watch the trial? According to the forensic expert who testified there was no DNA from Martin on Zimmerman's gun. The story that Zimmerman told his friend (again Zimmerman did not testify so we only have the stories he told others) was that Martin grabbed Zimmerman's gun and Zimmerman somehow luckily was able to wrestle it out of Martin's hands. Forensic expert said that there was no physical evidence to demonstrate that. Forensic expert also testified that he found none of Zimmerman's DNA on Martin's fists or clothing that would match up with Martin beating Zimmerman bloody. Because of the SYG law the police didn't take Zimmerman's clothes at time of killing, so the only physical evidence we have would be that found on Martin and Martin's clothes. None of which backs up Zimmerman's story. Again this is taking Zimmerman's word (or the word of his friend who testified as to the story Zimmerman told). We have no way of knowing if Zimmerman approached Trayvon wielding gun, threatening him or anything else, we just have the word of the friend of the shooter against a dead kid who can't tell his side of the story. Martin's furtive movements were one of the reasons Zimmerman's defense gave for Zimmerman giving chase.If your going to complain that someone is suspicious for running you can't also turn around and complain that there is something suspicious about not runningYou can get shot for running (why did he run if wasn't guilty)You can get shot for moving slow (why is he moving slow, he must be guilty of something). Really?Really? Are you one of those people who believes it isn't rape unless she screams, too? No one has testify that Zimmerman asked him "what are you doing here?"?I'm not sure how Martin is supposed to just instinctually figure out the reason Zimmerman is following him. At no point has anyone testified that Zimmerman announced "I'm a self declared head of neighborhood watch".That is not part of Zimmerman or anyone else's story.In fact in the lead detective's write up he pointed out that Zimmerman did not identify himself as concerned citizen.Martin had no way of knowing if Zimmerman was following him because Zimmerman was a mugger, lunatic, rapist or wannabe Batman. Why would anyone announce "hey this is the reason I'm in this neighborhood" to someone pursuing him?Would you? We also know that Zimmerman was arrested for resisting an officer with violence and battery of a police officer, his former fiancé had put a restraining order against him for domestic violence, and his cousin accuses him of molesting her when she was between the ages of 6-16 ( I don't know if she screamed). He is a self declared "captain of a neighborhood watch". According to the National Sherriff's Association which is the parent group of USAonwatch Neighborhood Watch, he was not a member of any group recognized by the organization. Being part of an actual registered Neighborhood Watch group allows you training and for watch group to coordinate and communicate with police. The National Chair of Neighborhood watch also has said that Zimmerman probably would not have been allowed to start or participate in the program due to the combination of criminal record and particular history of frivolously calling the police. Exactly when do you think racism should be fought?One of Nikki Haley's aides resigned from her staff when it was found out that he was a longtime chair of a white-supremacist group. He defended himself by claiming that he wasn't racist "Racist is when you hate somebody so much that you want to destroy them.”Would you agree that it only racist, if you actively promote genocide or do you define racism more broadly than that?
  4. I don't buy that. That's the same bullshit argument behind the stop snitching movement and behind the people who complain that someone can't protest wallstreet greed if they own consumer goods.Father-in-law started the sit-in movement in N.C. He had support that came from womans church groups as well as from bootleggers and gun runners. Racism effects everyone, not just the pure of heart.
  5. Never seen anyone in a "Fuck Bitches get money" shirt wearing a pink ribbon. Have seen people in a "Cool Story Babe now get me a sandwich" not only wearing pink ribbon but cheering on breast cancer awareness events.
  6. The jurors were instructed of Stand Your Ground law. The police were limited in not being able to gather evidence as a result of SYG. words have meaning
  7. Wait you don't believe in the existence of white and black Hispanics? Is Felix Trinidad not a black Hispanic in your world? What is he?What is Louis CK?
  8. Bernard Goetz still rides public transportation every day. Based on lawyer, Zimmerman and his brothers statements I think it's safe to say they all may be gunning for Fox anchor roles, not hiding from public eye.
  9. A pink ribbon won't cure cancer either...it's called public support.
  10. Yeah, that was my point. Mark Henry is a guy who is really good at monster v monster. Big Show is a guy who is really good at monster v monster. WWF booking does a lot of monster v monster meetings and rarely good. Henry and Big Show stand out as guys who pull those things off. Kane v Henry was as uninteresting as Kane v Snitsky: at best it was as dull as the average Kane v Taker match just without the special effects and booking tricks, and at worst and bordered on the worst of Andre v Studd.Big Show is a guy who I semi-look forward to working Kane.
  11. Pretending like the getting caught in the ropes spot is laziness is kind of silly. Andre has multiple get caught in the ropes spots since the 70s. They are really important spots as they are "monster is now vulnerable" spots. The Big Show could've really used more spots like those as a lot of his career he either had no point where crowd could identify with him being vulnerable or just looked silly when opponents transitioned to offense by just transitioning to offense the way they would against any normal sized opponent.------------------------------------------------------------------ In defense of Show, in terms of Dylan's discussion of Show vis a vis Henry. It should be pointed out that Show is a guy who can get some watchable stuff out of Kane. Kane's a guy who has some good comic timing (Kane/Al Snow, Kane/Danielson, Kane/Boogieman). Kane will get a watchable match with a smaller bumping guy ( there will be one good Kane v Xpac match in their series, a good Kane v RVD match in their series, v Matt Hardy, v Jericho, v. MVP, v Christian, etc....there rarely is more than one match in those series that I want to watch but there's normally one). Kane is pretty much Edge's most regular opponent. According to Meltzer, Edge has had more 4 plus star main events than anyone else. Still not a single Kane v Edge match I want to see. Kane v other monster is normally death. That Show has been able to do a couple different watchable things with him in a monster v monster context is pretty impressive.
  12. That really isn't accurate. Henry may have had more movez ( mostly big jumping moves/leap into elbow leaping legdrop, etc) or at least ran through them a lot faster in early period. And in the WWF, it didn't matter how many moves you had...if you were working heel you were required to work a face escapes the chinlock section. The only real exception to that was Helmsley who likes to work a heel overcomes odds/escapes submission section in his matches. Ehh. His ECW stuff doesn't hold up, but when you watch Nash v HBK and LT v Bam Bam from same PPV, Bam Bam does a better job making LT look credible than HBK does making you believe in trained wrestler Nash. I also don't know who else could have pulled off Bam Bam v Scott Norton which feels like the match that Norton was able to live off of for the rest of his career.
  13. Baba in the U.S. feels like a monster. Well 80s Moose Cholak is bad, but yet to see a 60 moose performance that I didn't like. Looking around youtube it looks like the Chene v Cholak 2/3 falls match is longest thing you can look at. There also appears to be a Cholak v Sweet Daddy Siki (who I think I've only seen at end of career before) that I've never seen before.
  14. I assume if Akira Taue worked a mania match opposite Hogan they would do a bodyslam challenge spot. Brazo De Plata works large sections around dueling bodyslams (although he is super short vis a vis Hogan.How much Moose Cholak footage do we have? Cause everything I've seen has been choice.Would Fritz meet your definition?Would Baba?And well Abby has had a five plus decade career of not being slammed.
  15. Ian Ziering was surprisingly affective action lead and really the key to holding the whole thing together. If you want to do a sequel you don't replace him, you replace the monster. Ian Zieiring in Pirranhacane, Perchquake, or Sharkano..
  16. Knight and Aneesa are some of the more amusing folks for doing commentary, it's a shame both are saddled with folks who won't get them far. I think my two favorite goofy moments from episode 1: -Paula's realization that the key to staying in the game is to keep the men happy. -Johnny Bananas flipping out about how much of a manipulator CT is. CT has never ever been shown to be able to accomplish or even attempt to accomplish any type of social mind game.
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