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Technico Support

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Posts posted by Technico Support

  1. Oh no don't tell me that the Rock, of all people, produced the most milquetoast, inoffensive, try to please everyone and not take a side "documentary" imaginable.  Who could have seen that coming?  The Rock is a carefully presented, purposefully inoffensive brandbot, the product of unholy sexual union between your company's worst marketing person and a box of Chicken Soup for the Soul books.  He's cornier than the whole state of Iowa and nobody should be surprised he produced something middle of the road that never took anyone to task. 

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  2. I enjoyed the series so far buy my god was this episode infuriating. 

    • One (sort of) Sith can beat 8 Jedi, no problem at all. 
    • After 47 years of lore and (as far as I know) zero lightsabers being disabled by being slashed in combat, it happens 20 times in one ep.  Maybe in the 100 years between this and New Hope, the tactic was forgotten?  Or maybe lightsaber shafts were strengthened?
    • Jedi can use telekinesis, but only once in a while and only to sort of throw people, and then only a safe distance with no possibility of injury.  They can't just go ahead and break a dude's arm or maybe force a concussion and unconsciousness.  Force punch right on the button for a KO?  Never!
    • Padawan girl focusing on reading dangerous assassin, who has killed three Jedi as far as she knows, her Miranda rights before she has her handcuffed.
    • Sol can read minds but doesn't know that Mae swapped with Osha.

    Don't even get me started on Mae and Osha growing into adulthood separately but both still coincidentally deciding Rick James haircuts are the right choice.

    • Haha 2
  3. My best guess is, having worked for a little bit in low rent local radio back in the day, that the station owner asked his kid, who was was "good with graphic design," to create a logo.  The kid Googled "Thunder logo" for .08 seconds and was like "yeah, good enough."  Since the station started in 2001, I was going to say he likely did a little research and figured the logo was no longer in use, but I seriously doubt it.

    • Like 1
  4. 13 hours ago, dragonzombie said:

    I'm lucky to have most of my brunet hair at near 40.  I thought i would be bald at 28.

    A little after 40 was when I noticed that my hair in front was getting thin and small patches weren't growing at all.  Been shaving it weekly/bi-weekly with a #1/2 guard ever since.

    • Like 1
  5. 14 hours ago, Curt McGirt said:

    The only interaction I had with him on here was him giving me shit for bringing up Motorhead. 

    Ugh.  I don't know what Lemmy's actual views are w/r/t Nazis, and collecting Nazi memorabilia "because it looks cool" or to be shocking is really tone deaf, but jumping on a fan of the band for that (which, based on Bix's virtue signalling, is my guess) is lame.  My god, I'm as liberal as they come, and I just unironically said "virtue signalling."  That's how maddening Bix is.  Even liberals are tired of his bullshit.  Next thing you know, I'll be saying Bix needs to touch some grass.


    • Haha 3
  6. 10 hours ago, username said:

    Yeah trying to predict what a non-wrestling fan will dig is... tricky.

    Absolutely.  Years ago, we went to a ROH TV taping with a friend of mine and his wife, both non-fans.  It was a marathon show and my buddy, who is a more laid back, inquisitive type, dug the entire thing.  His wife, a more reserved and dare I say uptight person, was really pissed off and wanted to go maybe two hours in.  Davey and Eddie were tearing down the house and she was like a raccoon in a trap gnawing its foot off, desperate to escape.  My point is, non-fans will all react differently, depending on the individual.

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  7. 1 minute ago, AxB said:

    When Eddie Guerrero died, someone asked Vince if the company would be taking care of his daughters. And Vince said "Eddie's merchandise will be on sale forever, and the royalties will be going direct to the family".

    Counterpoint: Vince said a lot of things  🤣

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  8. 18 hours ago, odessasteps said:

    I think it’s more a misguided attempt to honor Bray than exploitation, but either way, a bad idea to be sure.

    Counterpoint: this is a billion dollar company and "charity is the new PR" or whatever Stephanie said.  Any "honoring" or charitable act is just exploitation in the long run.

  9. 2 hours ago, Niners Fan in CT said:


    I don't think WWE is perfect.  They are nailing presentation and story beats for their main feuds and a lot of it is being done outside of the ring which is not for everyone. I don't think diehard AEW fans want that.  Everything that people are loving about Punk/McIntyre,  The Bloodline Mafia Saga...  the Liv Morgan and Dom 'romance' and now the Wyatt 6 angle,  it's mostly done with exceptional camera work and people playing their roles on TV like trained actors. The Bloodline stuff of late has been way more Promo based to further the story than what they were doing with Roman and Sami. 


    What are they doing week to week, in-ring?  I don't watch but I'd like to know.  Have matches become such an afterthought and the story stuff so well done that it doesn't matter?  Like I said, weekly in-ring is what's really hurting AEW for me.  For every Briscoe Conglomeration party match, which is my shit, we get Ospreay/Cage in a main event.  Look, I love Brian Cage.  I have been watching him forever.  But there's no intrigue to Ospreay/Cage a week out from the PPV.  And it's unconscionable to put Hechicero vs Matt fucking Menard, who has done nothing but commentary for months, late in hour 2 of Collision.  This shit is maddening.  I'm wearing out the +10 button with this shit.


    58 minutes ago, Craig H said:

    I also dropped YTTV shortly after you did. I think it is by far the best streaming service ever created, but it got way too fucking expensive too fast. I got in when it was $40 a month. They even sent me a complimentary Chromecast for being an early adopter and sticking with it. But when it got to nearly $80 a month, I dropped it in April or May.

    I switched to Sling, and it’s fine, but I’m dropping that too. My friend has a Jellyfin server that he lets 6 or 7 of us access and we can all make requests for what to download and then within hours whatever we request is available for streaming. That includes AEW content (I gave him my XWT login info so his server could just scrape that for episodes). So now I just watch it that way. I can’t watch it live, but it’s close enough.

    I can't see why anyone would have YouTube TV when Sling costs half as much and is not too much different.  YouTube TV is better, granted, but is it double the price better?  Anyway, I had Sling until I realized that all I used it for was AEW, so I dropped it and got VPN and AEW+, which together cost less thatn half what Sling did.

  10. I mean, put aside the fact that gimmicks like this just plain don't work unless it's something like Lucha Underground...the whole thing is cynical and gross.  If AEW hired Brody Lee's cousin, made him a knockoff of the Exalted One gimmick, and slotted him into the Dark Order, we'd all see right through it.  If Dolph Ziller had died and WWE hired Nick Nemeth and made him work as Dulph Ziggler, that would be some bullshit.  WWE literally hired the dead guy's brother, who they released long ago and saw zero value in, had no plans to ever re-hire full time...seriously, what the fuck?  They're living off the goodwill and sad feelings of their fans, some real Fritz Von Erich shit.

    • Like 1
  11. I think filling TV with 95% JTTS matches is a large part of the problem.  When AEW had 4 PPVs per year, they could build to big matches on TV.  Now their TV is just something to fill time between their more frequent PPVs, where wrestlers who have matches on the PPV get reps in against people far below them, with no story or intrigue.  Like hey, Lady Frost is awesome, but I know she’s not beating Toni Storm a week before Forbidden Door.  And every show is like this.  There is almost no reason to watch unless you just love wrestling matches for the sake of wrestling matches.  

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  12. 59 minutes ago, Dolfan in NYC said:


    I like how the thumbnail makes him look more like the high school English teacher who isn't mad at you, just disappointed, for using Cliffs Notes, instead of a guy who had already done time.

    • Haha 3
  13. 1 hour ago, Zimbra said:

    I think there are worse things TK could burn his money on than bringing Shane in for some kind of one-shot appearance but I do not under any circumstances want to see him as a recurring character.

    Fuck it, throw a few mil to Vince to show up, drop a Winged Eagle in a trash can, and walk off.  Shit, he'd probably do it for free out of spite.

    • Haha 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    I love the Joe/Hook pairing. Their exchange before busting into The Premiere Athletes locker room reminded me of the exchange between Jules and Vincent from Pulp Fiction before busting into Brett's apartment. Too bad we already got Statlander and Willow cosplaying as Jules and Vincent because that would have been perfect for Joe and Hook. Shibata could be Jimmie, in his bathrobe with his gourmet, expensive coffee. 

    "Doom time???"

    "You told me to be a little extra!'

    "We need to workshop that."


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