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Posts posted by Technico Support
Prescription drugs are such a racket. My cat was diagnosed with diabetes maybe 4 years ago and the insulin cost about $100. Since then, it's increased steadily until now it's almost $300. For no reason other than the makers of it know 1) that it's the main insulin prescribed for cats and there's no insurance for that, 2) if you're the type of pet owner that cares for your pet instead of putting them down, you'll pay through the nose, and 3) their patent time period is up soon, so they need to make hay while the sun shines.
I've read that they may fuck around with the formulation in a desperate effort to keep the patent and block a generic. Greedy fucks.
Tough Enough: The Comeback needs to happen.
Charles Wright keeps getting cut and coming back under different identities. "Well we cut The Soultaker in week one, Kama the Supreme Fighting Machine last week, now let's see what this Papa Shango guy has to offer."
They got one thing right. Barry Horsemen was the best version.
On the "so TNA" scale, where does sending this week's show to The Fight Network with no audio track fall??
Somewhere between "Homicide unable to climb that cage" and "Chris Harris regularly jerking off in front of Bob Ryder in exchange for a push."
Corbin needs new gear, something that hides his weird belly button. Because his torso looks like a sadface.
I'm thankful I got to see Dusty do his thing live and in public if you weeeel. I got to see him almost in his prime, working the Baltimore Civic Center in the mid 80s,some spot shows, Bashes and Bunkhouse Stampedes. The guy had so much charisma it was unreal. Rest in peace, Dream. You and your friends taught young me that there was more to wrestling than the WWF.
I hope for the kid's sake his name isn't Virgil.
Nah, it's Midnight Rider.
Disappointed Becky's keeping that outfit. I think the trunks look terrible. Mojo dancing before dropping a hammer amused me way too much. Can't wait for Gable to finally convince Jordan to team with him.
I haven't watched yet but you mean Becky's keeping those horrid brown trunks that look like bloomers? Bleh.
I just finished the episode in season 1 with the hostage situation at the school and was actually shocked at the lack of visceral fisticuffs. I believe this is the first episode without a graphic brawl and it really threw me.
Cool, thanks. I'm glad I just misheard that. So he's better than Mojo Rawley.
Like Arn Anderson. Some guys just look perpetually locked in at 45ish.
I'll give him the benefit of a doubt and guess he must have meant any NXT rookie/person of comparable experience because yeah, holy shit.
Meltzer Japan Blinders: Fit Finlay's son, with about 2 1/2 years in, is apparently better than anyone currently in NXT. Come the fuck on. Many guys might be debatable but if he's better than Sami Zayn then I'm the pope.
I just hope Rich Swann helped Hero get a breather by singing the full version of All Night Long on the way to the ring, both times.
Hannibal Lector wasn't given a backstory until the awful Silence sequel novel, and that backstory was shit, ridiculous and did nothing to add to the character. "Nazis starved my family and I was forced to eat them" or whatever it was meant that Hannibal went from super intelligent monster to sympathetic figure and that's just plain dumb.
In many cases, explaining the antagonist's life before he became that person is a lot like making a prequel to a film you liked. There's just no reason for it. "Hey, you know that movie you loved and those characters that were so awesome? Here's how they were BEFORE that!"
Ever see creepy pics that older dudes take with Hooters waitresses? It's like that.
The key thing requested by the studio was to remove pretty much anything that would make it an Alien sequel/prequel. I guess they wanted to make it more audience-friendly, I don't know. This includes changing the location of the film from LV-426 to a neighboring planet/moon, which makes no sense given how we see the same "seated engineer" setpiece in both films. Here are a few articles about it. I've read the original script and it's funny how there aren't that many changes, but they do add up to make it a worse film.
Here's the original script if you'd like to check it out. Again, I don;t think it was a bad film, just not as good as it could have been because the studio was like, "let's make an Alien sequel, but we don't want an Alien sequel."
I really really don't want to debate Prometheus again but, as a guy in the anti-Prometheus camp, I just want to say that wasn't horrible, just disappointing. It was such a missed opportunity. The original script was so much better before Lindelof and the studio stepped in and I think that's the most bothersome aspect of the whole thing. Every edit and studio-mandated changed made it incrementally dumber, a death by a thousand cuts, until we got the disappointing, movie by committee mess we ended up with. Again, just my opinion and enjoy what you like, etc etc.
I have no idea when Kane wore a cape but that is boss. Looks like Dr. Doom.
Dave Meltzer @davemeltzerWON 5m5 minutes ago
@RealKevinNash Still stuck in 1992? Too bad, real world in 2015 more open minded about how they'll spend $ to see.
Twitter grammar best read in Bizarro voice
There's a lot of valid criticism abut Prometheus, which is really too tiresome to ever get into again, and none of it has anything to do with not running sideways. But seriously, there's no reason to talk about it. Some liked it, some didn't. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Just started watching Banshee. It's pretty good but god damn, is there a gruesome, graphic,,They Live style fistfight in every single episode? Because that's going to get tiresome.
John Carpenter's Halloween is awesome because John doesn't tell you shit about Myers so you have no idea what he is capable of. Zombie demystified Myers by giving him a sympathetic backstory. That was stupid.
Exactly. The best villains exist as forces of nature with no backstory, like the aforementioned original Myers, the Joker or even The Strangers in the movie of the same name. Evil exists and we rarely are allowed to understand why. It reminds me of why I only half-liked You're Next. When we get the big reveal
that the whole thing is just a plot to steal an inheritance
, it lost something for me. Silent killers in animal masks show up and murder everyone and it's never explained why? That's great. The other thing? Not so much.
Does this show have a comically mischievous name yet? Throwdown In Tokyo?
Yep, I remember when that happened. Ridiculous. Like you said, the drug didn't change, just the inhaler itself. Why it's almost as if these big companies have our lawmakers in their pockets!