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Technico Support

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Posts posted by Technico Support

  1. I'd assumed he was bitten as well, which would mean they're taking from the "Fear the Hunters" storyline in the comics that happened a while back.  Rick's group was being stalked by cannibals (no Terminus or Gareth in the comics, just a group of dudes who were cannibals) and they kidnapped and started to eat Dale, who had just been bitten and had walked off into the forest to die.  It's pretty much the same scene, where Dale comes to and their leader gives him a speech about how "a man's gotta eat" and Dale starts laughing at them because they're eating "tainted meat."  Nothing really came of it, though, they just spit the food out -- just a gross-out scene with no other consequences.



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    Bill Mercer and Marc Lowrance say hello.


    Oh my God, I hated Mark Lowrance.  Chris Adams beat Rick Rude in a non-title match and all that fucker had to say was, "That Adams is a fine young man.  The only way he could be more loved by the fans would be if he were a Von Erich."


    I wanted to puke.  The fucking bias, I swear.


    No one will ever be better on color than Caudle / Crockett or Rhodes and Macho.



    I'd rather have David "GIT EM DUSTY GIT EM" Crockett than any of these clowns.

  3. I think the TV series never got into because setting that kind of "rule" would handcuff the writers.  Where would the show be if the characters were pretty much never allowed to use guns?  The comic series really stressed the fact that you pretty much should never use a gun and that any loud noise had the potential to build a herd.


    The show only relies of "loud noises attract walkers" when needed for dramatic purposes, like Merle setting off that car alarm last season.




    Mike Futter @Futterish · 2h 2 hours ago

    For WWE 2K15 fans. No, all six things are NOT included in the season pass. Just the Accelerator and three story lines.

    The other items (NXT, WCW, move pack) will be available at a discount, a la carte for season pass holders.


    That's shitty

    Wow, so now they're triple dipping. Christ.

    Don't buy them.



    I definitely won't.  Honestly, say what you want about DLC, but offering a season pass and then offering additional DLC not covered by season pass on top of it?  Holy shit.  That's some fucking balls right there.


    So do you disagree and feel it's cool for 2K to charge, essentially, $100+ for this?  Twice now you've been compelled to reply when I've commented on this topic, and neither time have you offered any argument or your own opinion, just snark.  It's the equivalent of jumping into a conversation and asking "why do you care?" which is bannable around these parts, last I heard.

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    Mike Futter @Futterish  ·  2h 2 hours ago

    For WWE 2K15 fans. No, all six things are NOT included in the season pass. Just the Accelerator and three story lines.
    The other items (NXT, WCW, move pack) will be available at a discount, a la carte for season pass holders.



    That's shitty



    Wow, so now they're triple dipping.  Christ.


    He would have been right at home underneath Tom Brandi vs King Kaluha.  Was Rasta the Voodoo Mon unavailable?

    RUMBLINGS are that he was contacted, but had to decline when he found out RoH had already approached Ta-Gar, Lord of the Volcano.  Apparently, the two have a non-compete clause between them.


    Edit: Am I the only person that thinks Rasta the Voodoo Mon and Chicken would be a fun tag time?  Seems a natural combination (I think they use chickens in voodoo.  Not sure).



    The gimmick would only work so long, since Rasta would eventually have to behead Chicken and give his blood as an offering to the loa.

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  7. I agree.  But it's easy to see how the Redskins get the most attention, due to their name being demonstrably worse than the others and due to them being on a national stage.


    You can still laugh at their ineptitude when they're called the Washington Warriors or whatever.  A name change won't change how bad they typically are.  ;)

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  8. For me it starts and ends here.




    Let's have a discussion about what people think are proper names and which ones are improper instead of picking one team out to shame.  There are a lot of teams named Redskins but only the Washington Redskins are being singled out.  


    No group of actual living people should be used as mascots without their approval, but the name Redskins is especially egregious since it's actually a racial slur.  Calling someone an epithet based on the color of their skin is a pretty shitty thing to do.  Naming a business venture after one is just ridiculous.  Hence the USPTO's retraction of Snyder's trademark.


    The Redskins get the most heat because:


    1. Their owner is a dick who has been especially in-your-face about his resistance to changing the name, which provokes his detractors
    2. As the last team to integrate, with a bigoted owner who fought against having blacks on his team until the league and government stepped in and forced him to, they have a dodgy history WRT race relations.
  9. Right.  There was a "herd" moving toward Terminus and they had a system in place (fireworks) that they use to distract the walkers and reroute them.


    The TV series never really got into the concept of loud noises attracting zombies and creating herds, which the comics did (Professor Sweet Mullet and Sgt. Ginger explain this to Rick's group pretty early on in the comic series).

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