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Technico Support

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Posts posted by Technico Support

  1. I don't blame Yukes so much because all they are only doing is what they are directed to do. If I recall correctly. the NJPW games Yukes made are supposed to be quite good. These games suck more than anything else because of the annual schedule. i think you would see a sizable change if WWE ever decided to give them an extra year.


    Re: Yukes and the NJPW games.  I remember the late 90s/early 2000s when I had a modded Playstation and NJPW1 & 2 were the just the fucking BEST wrestling games.  Seriously, you have to remember that the only other wrestling games for the system were horrible (the Acclaim WWF games and Nitro) or barely passable (WCW vs the World), with one bright spot being Power Move Pro Wrestling, a somewhat dumbed-down localization of NJPW 1.


    Then I heard the NJPW team -- Yuke's -- was making a Smackdown game and I was so fucking excited.  And then we got what we got.  Simplified, awful control scheme that did away with NJPW's elegant paper/scissrs/rock controls, fewer gameplay options, worse graphics.  Amazing.

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  2. The stuff with Hamlin is awesome because he really is a decent guy that Jimmy just abjectly hates. Even when he tried to be a prick to Kim to cover for Chuck he couldn't do it.



    That's a really great point.  In the hands of lesser writers and directors (big 4 networks), Hamlin would be a one-note Snidely Whiplash.

  3. Which show is better?  Who cares?  I just think X7 gets a lot of undue praise for a card that had Eddie/Test go 8 minutes for a worthless belt with a horrible botch where a dude got literally stuck in the ropes on the biggest show of the year, Raven/Show/Kane stumble around hardcore fuckery, RTC vs APA and Tazzzz, a Chyna singles bout and a battle royal where the winner had to be the guy who couldn't take a bump.  Oh and was that the card that had HHH take a bump on an obvious crash pad?  Neat. 


    And holy shit, you want to talk bad booking as your metric for show quality?  Mania X7's main event and post-match booking killed the company's hottest period in history.  That's a million times worse than "the wrong guy won a world title which is essentially meaningless today."


    The better matches of X7 are better than the good matches on Wrestlemania (Play Button) but this year's show's "lows" (Sting should have won I guess?) are far ahead of the low points of X-7, so I'll be charitable and call it a push.


    Also LOL @ "I'm on 3 wrestling message boards and nobody agrees with you."  That is fucking beautiful.  You have made my day.


    Is hindsight, I probably enjoyed Mania because it was the only WWE show I've watched in months aside from maybe 2 matches from the last PPV. :D

    That does explain a lot, actually - you're unaware of the build and why that made the finish suck.



    Oh no, I keep tabs on it.  I listen to the Metlzer podcasts and read a quick recap on Tuesdays, I just know it's not worth my time every week, even with fast-forwarding.  I understand the buildup.  Though maybe my lack of investment in it keeps me from caring too much.


    It was a fun match. I couldn't get worked up over the finish because Sting doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. It was a guest spot for a guy who is essentially done so who cares if he's "dead in the water" after? There is no "after." People argue that Wyatt should have won because he'll still be there tomorrow. Well so is HHH. Christ, I watched Sting beat Flair for the title in person, what, 26 years ago? This is like getting mad about your favorite band from decades past having their greatest hits CD not win Grammy.

    Finishes haven't mattered in WWE for a long time now. Doubly so for Wrestlemania recently. Getting mad about these finishes is like is like seeing a Michael Bay movie and being mad that it wasn't as good as Citizen Kane or whatever.

    There is most certainly an "after" if they're going to try to sell a single PPV using Sting ever again - especially Sting-Taker.

    Never understood or cared for the attitude of "appreciate this shit for being the shit it is instead of wishing it were better." WWE can do better than Michael fucking Bay.




    They don't want to be better.  You're in the minority.  Why watch something and wish it was better?  You're eating at McDonald's and are pissed it's not Ruth's Chris.  Only wrestling fans and followers of bad sports teams put themselves through this.  If a TV show sucks, just watch a better show.  There's too much awesome wrestling out there to waste your time pining for the days when WWE was consistently good.  Actually, those days never existed; you just got "smarter" as a fan and your expectations grew.  I'll never understand these fans for whom WWE does nothing but they still watch.  You're right; their week to week booking is garbage and I can't stand it.  So I just watch NXT, Lucha Underground, ROH, PWG, etc and I'm happy.


    Is hindsight, I probably enjoyed Mania because it was the only WWE show I've watched in months aside from maybe 2 matches from the last PPV.  :D

  6. It was a fun match.  I couldn't get worked up over the finish because Sting doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.  It was a guest spot for a guy who is essentially done so who cares if he's "dead in the water" after?  There is no "after."   People argue that Wyatt should have won because he'll still be there tomorrow.  Well so is HHH.  Christ, I watched Sting beat Flair for the title in person, what, 26 years ago?  This is like getting mad about your favorite band from decades past having their greatest hits CD not win Grammy.


    Finishes haven't mattered in WWE for a long time now.  Doubly so for Wrestlemania recently.  Getting mad about these finishes is like is like seeing a Michael Bay movie and being mad that it wasn't as good as Citizen Kane or whatever.

  7. You don't need Wyatt to draw every night.  Did pushed Wyatt sell one ticket?  He's a midcarder.  They're trying to sell 90,000 tickets a year from now and some guy vs Undertaker who has lost 2 in a row just doesn't have that special ring to it.  Again, they only built him up to do this one job.


    Do you job Cena to Rusev?  Where does Rusev go from there?  Heel vs Heel program with Rollins?  Do you push Cena, your biggest draw and merch seller, further down the card? 


    Big Show won a jobber battle royal.  Nobody in their right mind should get worked up about that.


    Whether the main event was booked well is a matter of opinion.  No way should Reigns have won, so at least they did that right.  I would have rather seen Brock win clean, myself, but I did enjoy the cash-in.  My only problem with it is this: the idea was that they were apparently raising the IC and US titles so Cena & Bryan could fill in as headline champs in Lesnar's absence.  Now what?


    Anyway, we'll just disagree here, but I can't see how these finishes were so horrible.  "Guys I don't like won" =/= bad booking.  All your arguments come off like the CM Punk "they're bringing in part timers to beat the boys who bust their asses year round" complaint. 


    I don't care for Bray Wyatt at all, but if there is a bullshit finish at the "greatest wrestling show of all time," and there were many, it was Taker/Bray.


    Let's not cry crocodile tears over Wyatt.  He's been on the treadmill to nowhere since last year's Mania and was only pushed hard recently just so he could do the job here.  You don't beat Taker two years in a row if you need him to draw next year.


    What were the other "bullshit finishes?"  HHH/Sting was a fun, goofy match between two part-timers and, IMO, who won the match didn't much matter.  The finish was secondary to the extracurriculars, which were fun.


    The American superhero beating the evil Russian on the year's biggest show is a perfectly acceptable finish.  Heel runs into his manager and then gets beat is a straight-out-of-the-80s finish and fit well with the old time cartoony characters in the match. 


    Sorry, I just don't see all these bullshit finishes but your opinion is your own.

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