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Technico Support

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Posts posted by Technico Support



    From the Studio That Brought You PITCH PERFECT




    From the studio??? Has anyone ever tried to make as desperate a tie-in like that?  


    I mean, Jesus, it's Universal...it's the Studio that brought you JAWS: THE REVENGE.



    I've seen a few movies advertised this way.  It's pretty awful.


    There's a variation on it that's almost as bad: "From the producers of..." 


    "So the studio execs who maybe found the money to make that one movie you liked and at best had a hand in hiring talent and maybe driving some of the creative but didn't actually write, direct or act?  They're doing the same for this shitpile so buy a ticket you mongs."



    I'm not disputing any of that, I'm saying there is a line to be drawn, and they stepped over that line.  It is worth getting fired for not allowing them to step over that line.  Searching any of my personal property without a warrant is a line I'm not willing to let my employer cross, and apparently Tom Brady feels the same way. 



    For fuck's sake.  Tom Brady "feels the same way" because there were texts on his phone that implicate him.  It's not like he's fighting for personal freedoms and taking a brave stand against THE MAN's overreach to teach Goodell a lesson about personal privacy. 


    If that is the case, what stopped him from deleting the incriminating texts and giving them the phone? 



    Maybe he's too dumb to know how?  ;)


    Could be arrogance, too.  "I'm Tom Brady, the star of the league.  They're not going to ask for my phone!"


    I don't know, man.  I just don't think he was taking a stand for what's good and right is all.

  3. I saw Zombie for the first time, finally.  I DVR'd it during the day and then deleted it, electing to DVR the night showing instead since I think I read that El Rey shows edited versions during the day.  I love their disclaimer about showing everything in order to "preserve the creative vision."


    I loved it.  Gory as fuck, dubbed because half the cast spoke no English, and rude 70s titties.


    If anyone knows more about the film, can you answer this?  I read on IMDB that the New York city bookends were added after Dawn of the Dead came out.  If that's the case, what was the original jumping off point?  Without all that happened in New York, why would the two main characters need to go investigate the island?

  4. Kalinda the investigator is the most bizarre CSI Miami thing to shoehorn into that show.  I hate every scene she's in. 



    Her character is so horribly written.  "Oh, she's a tough, strong, no-nonsense woman?  Let's make her a lesbian or at least bi."  Oh big 4 network TV written for lowest common denominator middle America, don't ever change.

  5. I'm not disputing any of that, I'm saying there is a line to be drawn, and they stepped over that line.  It is worth getting fired for not allowing them to step over that line.  Searching any of my personal property without a warrant is a line I'm not willing to let my employer cross, and apparently Tom Brady feels the same way. 



    For fuck's sake.  Tom Brady "feels the same way" because there were texts on his phone that implicate him.  It's not like he's fighting for personal freedoms and taking a brave stand against THE MAN's overreach to teach Goodell a lesson about personal privacy. 



    And, yeah, this EVERYTHING HAS TO BE A POLICE PROCEDURAL thing is annoying.  




    THIS.  My wife and I started watching The Good Wife (not sure how long that's going to last; it's getting tiresome already) and it's insane.  It's like the writers figured courtroom drama and political intrigue wouldn't be enough, so they glommed a halfass investigation element on top of all that.  It's fucking ridiculous.  I worked for a law firm for a few years and I don't remember them having an in-house investigator or their lawyers investigating crimes/gathering evidence related to the cases they're defending.  UGH so stupid.

  7.  I would love to see someone crunch the history of baseball if ball tampering had resulted in forfeiture of draft picks. This whole thing is hilariously over the top but I would expect nothing less from the NFL, which has been the best soap opera on TV forever now.


    It's definitely a bit heavy-handed for what is essentially circumstantial evidence.  I get the feeling that Patriots' past cheating incident plays a role in this sentence.  Also, as others have said, it's probably a heavier punishment because it'll get reduced on appeal.

  8. Trying to buy a new house and dealing with delusional seller's agents who overestimate the value of their property.  Sure, your 2003 house's price per square foot is almost $20 over the median of the area and is tied with that of brand new homes but I'm sure it's worth it.  Fuuuuuuuuck.

  9. I've only watched the first 5 minutes of the latest show so far but for fuck's sake what is up with this O'Reilly vs Sabin match?  When Sabin DDT'd him on the steeeeel grate, I thought that was it and this would be just an angle, not a match.  But instead we get Kyle, already injured, getting up from that and working a match.  Fucking stupid.


    I'm up for all kinds of indytastic unrealistic nonsense buy this was too much.

  10. Meltzer thinks the Lotus angle is lame, but judging from the observer he also seems to think Matanza was just introduced when Cueto called him his brother, so maybe he should pay attention a bit more instead of wondering what kind of doom and gloom shit he can make up next.


    If LU wants to cury favor with Meltzer, they just need to sign someone from New Japan or UFC.



    I'm trying to imagine Matthew Broderick (or Cusack) shaving his head and pulling off drug-kingpin Walter White.  I want to giggle.



    There's an alternate universe where people are praising Broderick/Cusack's amazing performance and snickering at the idea that "Malcolm's dad" could have ever payed that role. 

  12. Overexposure is a huge problem on the main roster.  NXT is on TV for an hour per week versus the main roster's 6+ hours per week.  Everything, characters, feuds, storylines, is burned through so quickly because they have so many hours to fill.  It's not going to get any better as long as WWE keeps getting the rights fees they get for generating that much content.  Who cares if the shows are hit of miss (more miss than hit, really)?  As long as USA wants to pay for 3 hours a week for Raw, they'll keep shoveling it out.


    The whole business model has changed.  It used to be about creating a compelling wrestling show to draw fans to house shows and buy PPVs.  Now they have their loyal base paying 9.99/month and they've seemingly given up on attracting new fans.  It's just about "generating content" for USA and how good the show actually is doesn't matter unless the core audience goes away.


    The one that blew my mind was Matthew Broderick turning down the role of Walter White.  I.....cannot see Broderick working in that role over the long haul.



    Matthew Broderick and John Cusack.  Both would have been a disaster.

  14. I read his review of The Hitcher (http://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/the-hitcher-1986) and he does have a point that the waitress' death was overly torturous and gruesome and a bit out of place with the rest of the film.  Still, he went a little far in extrapolating a critique of the entire film as "diseased and reprehensible" because he disliked this scene. He seemed to form the opinion that the scriptwriters were mysoginists and it colored his whiole review.


    Like most people, Ebert mellowed over time.  19 years later, he gave The Devil's Rejects 3 stars.

  15. Until now, The Wachowskis have been M. Night Shyamalan, except Hollywood wised up faster to Shyamalan with regard to giving him huge budgets thinking he'll strike gold again.


    I guess they finally got enough rope to hang themselves with with Jupiter Ascending and now they're stuck making TV for a streaming service.  Sounds about right.  Everything finds its equilibrium and the universe corrects itself eventually.

  16. That's how I felt watching it recently. You sit there and it's like "what the fuck did he just say? Seriously?" For my money the black/white buddy cop thing is done way better in Die Hard With A Vengeance, and they take race on properly. 


    Full disclosure, I cannot have a TV playing and pass by Die Hard With A Vengeance and not stop to watch the whole thing.



    Die Hard with a Vengeance is awesome and doesn't get nearly enough love.  Also, Ludvig Borga is in it for about 15 seconds.

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