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Technico Support

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Posts posted by Technico Support

  1. What type of reception did Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles get.  I vaguely recall watching a few eps - from season 1? - and liking it, but I didn't stick with it.  Worth investing the time.  The wife and I are marathoning old series or current shows we started watching after they were several seasons in, and we'll probably be caught up around mid-August.  I'm looking to pick up a couple more series to bridge the gap into the new tv season in late September.


    I really enjoyed Sarah Connor Chronicles but it got cancelled, so be ready for a major, crazy-ass cliffhanger at the end of the series that will never be resolved.  Fun while it lasted, though.


    As for recommendations, what have you seen?  The latest thing we're watching is, we've almost finished the first 3 seasons of Banshee and really like it.  But it depends on what kind of stuff you're into.

  2. War Machine does nothing for me, the April 4th match should have been a squash to get K.E.S. over before having them move on to feud with Daniels/Kazarian and REDragon.


    Put part timers over your full timers?  This isn't WWE.  ;)


    These matches signed for Brooklyn bring up the question: what is ROH supposed to be in 2015?  They now have weekly TV and they sort of have storylines but then they book cards like this that have nothing to do with what's on TV; they're more like ROH's old model where you book indy dream matches to sell DVDs.  It's very weird to me.


    If loving 11 Cajun herbs and spices is wrong, I don't want to be right.


    Holy shit, I thought Bojangle's had gone out of business and was absorbed into Popeyes.  Apparently:


    1) I'm wrong about that

    2) There's a Boojangle's right up the street form my job


    What a beautiful day this is turning out to be.

    You would get ran out of town for questioning the existence of Bojangle's down here.



    LOL!  Info online is sketchy but, from what I gather, any restaurants north of DC closed down sometime in the late 80s/early 90s.  Since I lived in Baltimore and this was pre-Internet, I assumed they were bought out by Popeye's or something since all the Bojangles near me disappeared and most were replaced by Popeye's.  Checking their site now, it looks like all Maryland locations are in the DC suburbs only, which is cool with me because that's where I live now.

  4. I enjoyed-

    His match with Johnny Mundo at Ultima Lucha which airs in about a month

    His squash of Marty the Moth last week

    The Atomicos match that airs this week - just a fun match all around


    His gimmick is that he's a rich classy guy, perhaps moreso than Dario Cueto himself, and he's OUT FOR REVENGE and will murder Johnny Mundo at the earliest opportunity.


    That doesn't come across in LU.  Are we just supposed to assume he's a rich, classy guy because that was his WWE gimmick?  I haven't seen him in a suit or driving an expensive car to the ring in LU.  Shit, he even wrestled in a T-shirt AND his boots still said "ADR" at least once or twice.  Nothing rich about not buying new gear.


    I'll definitely stay off the ffwd button for his next matches and give him a chance.  As I said, I think a big part of it was how dull he came across in WWE.


    EDIT: It's still not as bad as Son of Havoc's "masked biker who does Crossfit" gimmick.

  5. Just finished the Triple Tower of Doom match. I don't know what I just watched.


    I was there in person for the match and remember the buildup and I still have no idea what I watched.  They acted like the gimmick was that Precious was supposed to be lured to the dark side by Sullivan and that nobody knew whose side she was on, and that her siding with Garvin in the end was a big deal.  But I remember the shows leading up to it and in no was was it booked that way.  There was no doubt she was on Garvin's side so the ending was just anticlimactic.  The match was dumb and convoluted and, from what I recall, they never really explained the rules too well in the buildup.  All I really rememberis Sullivan's promos ("I AM BUILDING A TOWAH").  It was such a  desperate attempt to outdo the Wargames.

  6. I watched the first one again last night. Is it possible that in the original timeline before Reese ever travelled back that one of the other Sarah Connors was John Connor's mother, and it was a case of mistaken identity? I know I'm just trying to explain away a paradox, but it's been a long time since I've watched it and that hadn't occurred to me before.


    Oh shit.  Right, there were more Sarah Connors in the phonebook; I believe the one who got all caught up in these adventures was the third.  Maybe John  Connor was the son of one of the Sarahs further down.  So Skynet is wasting time constantly sending Terminators after the wrong people while the real John Connor lived a peaceful existence, maybe joined the National Guard or something.

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  7. Right, Rick Knox (who also refs for Lucha Underground) has had an on and off issue with the Bucks going way back. They had a pretty good sort-of blowoff a little while back with the Bucks and Brian Cage vs Knox, Steen & Generico.

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