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Lawful Metal

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Posts posted by Lawful Metal

  1. It's perception.  If Weidman is perceived to be the new GOAT, then his fight with Belfort should do gangbusters.  If he's perceived to be a fluke, it won't.  Hell, Anderson doesn't think his wins are legit.


    Weidman is Matt Serra.  I hope roided out Vitor kicks his head off, and I hate roided out Vitor.


    Rousey dominates everyone they put in front of her.  She's the biggest positive news story of the UFC.  She's spearheading a new division that is catching on with more than just her fights.  The TUF women's fights, as flawed as they were, beat the TUF men's fights.  And unlike Weidman, she has personality and no question marks about her wins.


    Although I think I can make an argument that Aliens should be fighter(s) of the year.  They took out GSP.

  2. Weidman's wins over Silva still stink.  1st one appears to be a lucky strike against the GOAT who was inexplicably not defending himself / not taking Weidman seriously.  2nd one appears to be him standing there while the GOAT breaks his own goddamn leg.  Both times the dude ran around a celebrated like he won Miss America and raising the American flag like he's fucking Rocky in Rocky IV.  Sure, he may have been winning those fights, but the way he won still looks fluke-ish.  He's got a perception problem. 


    And the way he chooses to wear a hat makes him look like a douchebag.  Weidman is Bo Dallas.


    Yeah, Ronda's got her own perception problems, but at least she's Stone Cold instead of Bo Dallas.

  3. V/H/S/2 "Safe Haven" by Gareth Evans is the best horror short I have ever seen.  Wow. 


    Didn't care for the "eye" one that much, and the "alien abduction" one was ok.  The "Bike Ride Zombie" one was very good and even a bit moving -- it's the one I watched twice -- but it pales to the sheer madness and creepiness of "Safe Haven." 


    And, sheesh, someone call whoever doesn't win on SyFy's "Face/Off" and get them to work on some of the costumes used in movies like this.  "Eye" and "Alien Abduction" really suffered for it (and "Safe Haven" too, but that might have been somewhat intentional).

    • Like 1
  4. I hate how finishers can go unnamed for months in the WWE.  Every announcer should know two names for every finisher: the gimmick name, aka the Attitude Adjustment, and the "technical" name, aka the Fireman's Carry Slam.  And they should know what part of the body it hurts and why. 


    What the hell is Seth Rollins flying stomp to the head called?  Ambrose's front DDT?  Hell, what's the name for Daniel Bryan's flying knee?  Besides "That's the knee that beat John Cena!!!


    What part of your body does the Cross Rhodes hurt?  And when?

    • Like 2
  5. So, did Disney and Pixar trade Wreck-It Ralph and Brave? Because Ralph feels like a Pixar film and Brave feels like a Disney film. I get the same vibe from Brave as I did from Tangled.

    And I really liked Ralph. But then again, Pixar made Cars.

  6. Here's some convoluted smoke and mirrors:


    Bryan enters #5 or so, throws some forearms around, but the Harper and Rowan come out to interfere, not as part of the Rumble, and they pull him under the bottom rope, and he brawls with them up the aisle.  As they go to the backstage, the cameras switch to Bray Wyatt standing over a knocked out Bryan.  They take him to some dark room, about to perform some ritualistic sacrifice or some such.  During the Rumble, they occasionally go back to Bryan's plight.  Bryan eventually snaps out of it, breaks free of the Wyatts.  He's wanders his way out of the room, still backstage when he runs into Kane, who reminds him he hasn't been eliminated.  Bryan runs back and starts throwing some forearms.  Bray Wyatt comes in at #30, and that's the last guy Bryan eliminates.  Bryan doesn't take any bumps, and has maybe 5 minutes of ringtime, with the rest some pre-recorded backstage malarkey. 


    Not that any of that would actually be good, but I could see something like that happening to "protect" Bryan and have him still win. 

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    My dream is Texans take Mathews with the #1 or Trade with Cleveland. Then with the 33rd Pick (First of the 2nd Round) They take Carr

    Haven't the Texans done enough to that family?


    Haven't the Carrs done enough to the Texans?

  8. I like Helix. Its claustrophobic as all get out. There's some good mystery. And I was kicking and screaming about Julia not telling everyone she was infected, and then she went and told. I hate shows that move the drama by having characters just not tell each other crucial stuff.

    Yeah, there's hardly any depth to anyone and the acting isn't exactly stellar, but I'm digging it.

    Definitely need to give Hannibal another try. I DVR'ed the last season and never watched it.

    • Like 1
  9. I beat Beyond Two Souls last night.  More of an interactive movie than a game (all the action is QTE type stuff) but a great story.  I really liked it, and there's some great emotional moments. 


    Probably liked the Last of Us better, but both were great adventures with their hearts in the right place. 


    and screw that douchebag Ryan.   I let them cut his eye out, and hell if I would ever want to end up with him.  I ended up with my homeless buddies.  And singing that Beck song during the Homeless chapter is as good an emotional moment as meeting those giraffes in the Last of Us.

  10. Arian Foster's getting grief here in Houston over pressuring the girl he got pregnant to have an abortion.  Of course, now that she went public and put it all over the local news, she's negotiating for a "settlement."


    Here's an actual picture of her:




    Yeah, that's real. 


    Arian probably should've known better.  Still want him on my team, though.

  11. I just want to see some Manningface and someone leave Tom Brady hanging on a high five. I guess that means Pats win.

    I also hope someone talks up the patriot way and how they take problem athletes in and turn them into great citizens.

    Actually, I just want to see Manning fail again in the playoffs. Manningface!

  12. Looper.

    Felt like it was 5 hours long. Time travel movies have all sorts of hurdles explaining rules and such, and even with voice covers constantly it still didn't make a ton of sense.

    And that makeup job on Joseph Gordon-Levitt was horrible and embarrassing and distracting. What's wrong with his face? Its the movies; we can suspend our disbelief. But not with a metric ton of makeup and prosthetics on your star's face.

    Thought the concept was cool, but the execution was terrible.

  13. Nobody wants the Attitude Era back. I just want midcarders that aren't all boring as fuck.

    I do. Or at least, all I want is wrestlers who are characters. I couldn't care less how they look in the ring as long they entertain me. If they just happen to be good wrestlers, that's a bonus. One of my favorite wrestlers as a kid was Dick The Bruiser - couldn't outwrestle a trash can, but his charisma overcame everything. That's what I want in wrestling - nothing but big, dumb meatheads with over-the-top personalities who aren't afraid to look silly. Brock Lesnar would be perfect if he wasn't being the intense, focused, serious guy. I want sombrero-wearing Brock with mariachi accompaniment each and every week. If WWE went out of business in two weeks heeding my advice, so be it.

    I blame UFC. There needs to be more guys who wouldn't be credible based solely on looks if they claimed to be an MMA fighter. There need to be fewer guys trying to emulate an actual athlete.

    And that is why Luke Harper is the best thing in WWE right now.

    Looks, moves, talks, walks and wrestles like a damned swamp monster.

    Well, I'd say Rowan is more the swamp monster. I don't think they teach European uppercuts and Liger bombs in the bayou.

    Actually, I like the dichotomy between Rowan and Harper. Rowan is the swamp monster Bray is turning into a wrestler, and Harper is the wrestler Bray is turning into a swamp monster.

    I kinda want a storyline where Harper's normal parents find Harper and are appalled at what he became.

  14. I can't help but think how awesome the Brock Lesnar stuff would be if we just switched Big Show and Mark Henry's roles around.  Have Big Show be made an example of, break his arm, then have Mark Henry throw Brock around.  I mean, at least we'd take a guy that's over put him in a match with Brock, and Mark Henry and Brock have never had a PPV match, if I'm not mistaken.  Plus, a) no one really expects Show to be Brock, and b) if Brock somehow loses to Show, it's a freaking travishamockery.  If Henry and Brock fought, I could see a scenario where Henry beats him in a titanic match, and I could see a Brock win where he "respects" Henry after the match. 


    But Big Show v. Brock?  BOO.

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