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For Great Justice

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Posts posted by For Great Justice

  1. Also it feels like the NXT women’s direction went from a bit of a stagnant mess a month or so ago to now having very clear direction until WM. Ripley over Shayna, Shayna to main roster (RR winner?), then Ripley on to Io. Meanwhile Kai/Knox, leading to Ripley/Kai. And all these people are super over at the moment.

    Business is picking up for the ladies. 

    • Like 2
  2. We need a Breakfast Club remake with Riho as the sweetheart, MJF as the dickhead jock with a secret heart of gold, Mox as the maniac from the wrong side of the tracks  and Orange Cassidy as the aloof, weird-yet-cool-in-way outsider 

    • Like 8
  3. 16 hours ago, Cobra Commander said:

    it's not a wrestling advertisement without at least one preventable typo


    Need that Murdoch/Bubba barb wire match uploaded asap. Holy shit that had to rule.

    I’m also picturing Arn stalling and powdering repeatedly to rile the fans up in the Valiant match and it’s glorious.

  4. 2 hours ago, LoneWolf&Subs said:

    Yup... If last weeks team felt like Barry & Dustin, then this weeks felt like Lex & Barry. with the two blonde athletic partners.

    Barry Windham ain’t do no moonsault to the floor.

    Not trying to harp on this but I’d suggest Page simplify things. He’s got the babyface fire and big lariat down. Throw some big suplexes and backbreakers and shit. There are so many juniors on the show already for the other stuff and he’s a bigger guy on this roster. 

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  5. 1 minute ago, TheVileOne said:

    Yes. It's a show based more around logic and a minimum of hokey, cringeworthy BS. That's why I prefer this show. 

    I thought the announcers did a good job of that tonight. Ross has his usual, understandable errors but the way the narration was grounded in logic was on point by all three.

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  6. I thought this week’s show was incredible and the best one yet. The crowd, the tag wrestling, the amazing Cody vignette. I also think the commentary team is rounding into form - they were great tonight. 

    Awesome two hours! PPV looks stacked.

    My only negatives are the lack of Luchasaurus and the continued issue about so many people using the same moves. Like Hangman, my dude, if you’re wearing cowboys boots don’t do standing SSP’s. 

    Lots of dudes looked like stars tonight. Pentagon and Darby stood out to me.

    • Like 3
  7. 2 hours ago, Raziel said:

    Has there ever been such a failing Try Hard "Top Guy" as fucking lame as Rollins?

    I honestly can’t think of one. Jarrett on top of TNA was cringeworthy but he was a heel. 

    Roman was heavily boo’d of course but never had an issue coming across as authentic, love it or hate it. Same with Cena.

    Rollins really is the worst.

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