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For Great Justice

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Posts posted by For Great Justice

  1. Agree with the negative comments. The thing we have all said about these shows is how they seem to fly by. This one...didn’t. That women’s segment is the worst thing they’ve done in their short history. 

    Also, how does Jurassic Express of all teams get the jobber entrance? What the hell.

    • Like 1
  2. Hey maybe it’ll play out that Blade and Butcher, Dark Order and Brandi are all part of the SAME cult, and we get some big higher power reveal that of course has to be Taskmaster Kevin Sullivan, thereby connecting the AEW, TNA and WCW dark underworlds canonically and of course it’s later revealed that the new Even Higher Power, replacing King Curtis, is Meng.

    • Like 3
  3. 23 minutes ago, Niners Fan in CT said:

    These motherfuckers just failed to deliver the advertised main event on a fucking house show LMAO

    I could be wrong but I think the Network portion is only hour one of the show, and the live crowd gets more. But yeah.

    I didn’t realize it until seeing it next to the word Starrcade but that whole bit was indeed Crockett as fuck. Like Tully is fucking around with Magnum’s girl, the restraining order shtick, territory babyface Dusty/Owens stands up for what’s right, then Magnum walks tall at the end. Fans tickets are now available at the box office for the Magnum/Tully grudge match next month.

    Not making any comparisons regarding talent level nor execution of said angle.

  4. I was about to confidently post “Chris Cruise was easily the lowest-tier WCW announcer”, until remembering that Mark Madden happened. Shit.

    Dude sucked though and was easily sub-Lee Marshall. Only exception is him trying to reign in a completely insane Dusty during that WCW Prime run that I don’t think Turner brass even knew existed. 

  5. On the plus side, Rollins is 100x better as a heel.

    On the down side, Rollins is still employed, and not only is AEW currently doing "whiney top heel with heavies" better than Rollins will ever be able to do, you are doing it in your very own undercard with a dude (AJ) that, again, is doing it at a level far superior than what Rollins is capable of.

    But hey it's an improvement.

    Show was pretty good I thought. Charlotte/Asuka was really good and all the US title stuff was great. 

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  6. Also I have this booking idea to turn The Fiend into a Zelda boss. After months of dominance and the realization no amount of regular offense will do it, it’s discovered that the only thing he is weak to is singing, and Link / Keith Lee pounces his ass back to Carcosa to win the title. 

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