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The Nature Boy

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Everything posted by The Nature Boy

  1. Followed by............. And concluding with..........
  2. That was a pretty brutal episode of RAW as far as violence goes. It also had the moment where Davey Boy Smith instead of hitting Mankind over the head with a chair, he whacked him ACROSS the FACE with it instead. Jeebus yes, that was one of the most brutal chairshots I've ever seen. Right up there with Rocky bashing Shamrock's brains in. IIRC Mick at least kinda got his hand up to protect himself somewhat but that was still a steel chair being swung full force by one of strongest guys in wrestling. And the Shamrock one was insane b/c Shamrock didn't even attempt to protect himself. As we learned at Rumble 1999, Rock wasn't exactly good at not hurting people with unprotected chair shots. Knowing what we know now, that I quit match was insane.
  3. Remember when internet fans were counting down to 2006 and his contract expiring? I remember the sentiment around 04 being "just another two fucking years." Amazing how fast he turned it around.
  4. The Usos need some kind of freshening up. They are beyond stale right now.
  5. Remember his 2005 comeback and his great match with Kurt Angle? It looked like Jannetty might've finally gotten it together.
  6. It's weird to think about but......... Lillian started in 1999, she has almost 17 years experience as a ring announcer.
  7. It amazes me how some stuff stays up for YEARS but yet other stuff gets taken down almost immediately. Really fucking random.
  8. To be fair, AJ didn't criticize the gay community in that video. He was just surprised. The host was the douche in that situation.
  9. Also, JJ played field hockey as a kid. That's almost as "middle class white kid" as you can get.
  10. Who the fuck needs a kitchen in their garage?
  11. I'm gonna laugh at this when he's fired at the end of the 2017 season for still not having beaten Ohio State. Hey, he could commute to Eastern Michigan and coach their team. He wouldn't even have to leave Ann Arbor!
  12. The Hype Bros belong on the main roster at this point. They're a solid lower card team that can job on The Main Event or Superstars. I can't see Mojo improving much more.
  13. http://www.theplayerstribune.com/jim-harbaugh-michigan-football-coach-ann-arbor/ Jim Harbaugh REALLY loves Ann Arbor.
  14. When I went searching for confirmation, I just found this: http://www.tmz.com/2016/01/31/camron-bret-hart-business/ It was announced yesterday that Bret is teaming with Cam'ron the rapper.
  15. I hope everyone that touched Jimmy Valiant got vaccinated immediately after. I shook hands with Jimmy Valiant a couple of years ago........... OH GOD!
  16. ....what? Trish was entirely "Look at how hot she is" for the first 2-3 years of her career. There was absolutely no substance to her beyond that. Even after she started wrestling, it was still about how hot she was. The "wow she's improved so much, look at how much work she's put in" is pretty revisionist stuff that started around the time she retired. I'd say that by 2005 or so, people had started to really comment on her improvement. It's revisionism to pretend that people didn't notice that.
  17. Alex Riley looks ridiculous and should just go back to being a talking head that they trot out whenever they need a panel. He was inoffensive at best as Miz's goofy sidekick but his Triple H cosplay is uninspiring and comes across as totally forced. No one wants to see or buys serious Alex Riley.
  18. Eva would be better off playing the bitch girlfriend of a lead heel. Not everyone has to wrestle.
  19. Which would be fine, but it was the awkward way that guys would take a typical wrestling bump, but fall awkwardly into a prone position on the ropes, that would never happen in any one else's matches, that made it so irritating. No one uses a powerbomb, until they wrestle Billy Kidman. Nah man, that's easy to kayfabe. Wrestlers are competitive people and they all want to be the first to powerbomb Kidman.
  20. Did TNA finance those studies? http://ucsdnews.ucsd.edu/archive/newsrel/soc/2011_08spoilers.asp Unless TNA is paying off UC San Diego, no. So, people's enjoyment would not have been dampened if It was accidentally spoiled for me. I shrugged it off and just got invested in the character development that led up to it.
  21. I once proposed the idea of eliminating house shows but that's apparently not financially feasible.
  22. Did TNA finance those studies? http://ucsdnews.ucsd.edu/archive/newsrel/soc/2011_08spoilers.asp Unless TNA is paying off UC San Diego, no.
  23. There are studies that show that spoilers actually enhance our enjoyment of a given television program.
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