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Posts posted by Shane

  1. I like Dishonored more and more as I continue to push through. The enemies are just smart enough to be annoying at times and, while entirely predictable, I'm enjoying the story/lore/world as well.

    I'm also a sucker for nearly any game with a crossbow or bow that I can use. I just find it way more satisfying than using guns for no reason I can pinpoint.

    Anyone play through the DLC? Worth picking up?

  2. I planned on watching the first match or two because its been an exhausting weekend and I need to be up at 4 am. Ended up watching the entire show because they totally nailed it from top to bottom, just about.

    Main was great, with Brock just steamrolling Cena. It was the lumberjack match and Ambrose showing more fire than anyone in the company has for ages that hooked me, though.

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  3. What in the world is Proteus? Just spent 15-20 minutes wandering around and it was...kinda fascinating.

    I think I'll give Fez another go. Own it on Steam, but it never really grabbed me. I've read enough about it to know that there's some deeper, weirder stuff to find but not enough to spoil anything. That's a good spot to be coming from.

  4. I had gotten WWE '13 the Christmas it came out. It ended up buried under the other stuff I'd been playing and, honestly, I sorta forgot I had it. Started playing it 2 weeks ago and I'm having a blast with the Attitude mode.

    I don't play wrestling games much anymore, so a lot of what this game offers is new to me and the crap everyone complains about doesn't bug me too much. It's fun to just have Lesnar or Austin mow through dudes and re-living the classic moments.

  5. here are some 3DS games basically no one will enjoy

    DRAGON CRYSTAL- a game gear version of the almighty genesis dungeon shitkicker FATAL LABYRINTH. Moves faster, soundtrack isn't as good. $3. digging it.

    There was a post somewhere on the old board where I took way too many words to describe how much I friggin' loved Fatal Labyrinth. May have to look into this one, because that type of game is an itch I haven't scratched recently.

  6. Agreed. Great read.

    Kent also has a book title "The First Quarter." Mostly the same content , but IIRC, there was a bit of separation between the two. Not sure if one is just the revised version of the other or which came first, though...

    Not enjoying Console Wars much. The extrapolated " dialogue" is horrid and pulls me right out of the book. I'd love to read this story done by someone else...

  7. Realized that I never actually finished Far Cry 3. I'd gotten to the Southern island and sorta stalled out or got distracted by another game. So I'm picking away at that, mostly taking outposts right now

    I also finished Lego Marvel to 100% completion. Maria Hill and her cart races can fuck right off. The first one wad the only race that really gave me trouble and I ended up having to cheat to win.

  8. Ha! I was thinking the same thing about the audio.

    It's been happening a lot more recently, but I've discovered that I'm past the point of a book (or movie, or...) needing to have "likable" characters for me to relate. It struck a chord because of the subject matter here. Maybe the distance of adulthood has given the perspective that, you know, I'm no friggin' saint myself. But here I am, creating my own narrative as I go that paints me in a way better light than I probably.deserve. Made me think...

  9. I actually get the most fun out of CoD these days just running bot matches. The bots are dumb enough to feel like human players at times, but will occasionally pull some aimbot-ty shots as well. It balances out pretty well, so it's all the fun of multiplayer without dealing with the mouth breathers...

  10. Little late here, but Thomas Was Alone is really neat, with a great script. I'm digging it.

    Yeah, I really liked it as well. It's about as minimalist as can be, but still manages to convey a funny, sorta touching story. Might be my favorite of the games I've grabbed from PS+ so far.

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