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Andrew POE!

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Posts posted by Andrew POE!

  1. Finished Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon on PSN. I'm disappointed that there is no final boss, but this game.is.awesome.


    It's pretty much the Saints Row: The Third of first-person shooters. I'm not going to spoil the last section but....I'm gonna fire mah lazor.


    Cena was smooth in that restaurant scene.  I wanted to see that one Funkadactyle's boyfriend confront Brodus.you know Kevin Dunn has to be busting a nut watching this


    You know if there were ever a thing made for reality tv, the boyfriend going after Brodus would be it. I guess that was an actual unscripted moment, otherwise he would have found Brodus and they would of had words.



    And Ariane's boyfriend would have ended up in the hospital. Brodus would have taken the guy to school.

  3. Eva Marie is indeed hot but I get a serious psycho vibe from her. Not AJ "she's crazy" vibe but a "I have a knife and I'm not afraid to use it" vibe. Her going against management is fine by me since I'm not too convinced any of them know what they are doing anymore. Their VP of talent relations is even more clueless than Johnny Ace and she looks like Jane Lynch but really old.


    Nikki & John's 'moments' annoyed me quite a bit - I can just see Cena dumping her because he's playing her.


    JoJo is way too tiny and small to be a wrestler. Just have her be a backstage interviewer and sing the National Anthem.


    I'm hoping the WWE crowds will let Vince & co. know to push Natalya.

  4. Fez II cancelled


    and for... strange... reasons


    I predict that by the end of the year, Phil Fish will commit suicide.


    EDIT: The more I think about it, the more I think Marcus Beer was in the wrong for his comments. Marcus Beer should stick with what he's good at....drinking beer, not writing about video games.

  5. There is an option to turn off the ringer on your phone, which you will eventually want to do because Roman will be calling you every five minutes to go out and get a drink or play pool, and if you don't, his feelings get hurt and your approval rating with him goes down.


    The whole girlfriend/friend mechanic in IV was one of the worst things they've done in the series.


    Which, after playing Sleeping Dogs, I'm surprised there weren't any missions/skills learned in having a date with Michelle. Stealing money from people, perhaps?

  6. FF9 is better. Other than that, I haven't gotten into too many PS3 RPG's, mainly due to time, although I'Ll probably pick up Lightning Returns just to wipe the bad taste FF13 left in my mouth.


    So you want to wipe the bad taste of FFXIII by having more of FFXIII?



    This is going to be great. Let me read all about it...




    Posted Image


    A Firefly game should be one or two things:


    1) FTL style space combat roguelike game.

    2) A third person shooter with RPG like elements a la Mass Effect.


    This will be bad, very bad.

  8. Apparently xbox live gold members are getting free games to download on the 1st and 16th of every month now. Got assassin's creed 2 for free. I'm guessing they're stealing this idea from ps+?


    Pretty much except you get to keep the game permanently after your Gold subscription lapse. Of course, I wonder when Microsoft pulls the pull on 360 Xbox Live will you be able to  actually access the game....

  9. I missed out on the sale with Fez.


    I ended up buying Tomb Raider Collection for $17, Preicipice of Darkness 4 for $2.50, System Shock 2 for $2.50, and StarDrive for $10.16. I'm thinking of getting The Swapper but I may wait on that until the winter sale. I'm in no hurry to get it.

  10. I want to know where Flordia dug up their prosecuting attorney. How that idiot passed the bar exam I don't know. He may have dug it out of a cereal box.


    I'm disappointed in our country because apparently the rights of an unarmed civilian are superceded by the rights of an armed civilian harassing the unarmed civilian. George Zimmerman was instructed by 911 to sit in his f*ckin' truck until someone got there. If he can't follow simple instructions and want to play cop, he should be held responsible for disobeying instructions and should be behind bars. But whoever the jury was in Florida was too dumb to figure that out.

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  11. I ended up buying Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition (already got this on GOG.com for free....and I buy it again just to have it on Steam? WOW), Ys I & II Chronicles, Toki Tori 2+, and Sniper Ghost Warrior 2.


    I have my eye on a bunch of games including: Rogue Legacy, Gunpoint, Monaco, System Shock 2, Starseed Pilgrim, Cart Life, Anodyne, Evoland, Another World 20th Anniversary, Reus, The Whispered World, Primordia, FEZ, Stardrive, Precicipe of Darkness 4, Trials Evolution Gold Edition, The Swapper, and Mars: War Logs. Any and all gifting of these items would be great. If not, I totally understand.

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