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Brandon Bones

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Posts posted by Brandon Bones

  1. On 12/22/2023 at 4:40 PM, sabremike said:

    I so badly want to go to this but you know the show isn't ending until at least midnight and last train back to NYC from Hempstead is a little after 1am. You do not want to end up in Hempstead overnight for 4 hours, trust me. Public transportation totally sucks for the Coliseum. 

    Been there.  Done that.  Got stuck at a tiny store waiting for a Greyhound and it took 10 hours until the next bus came.  I’m pretty sure I died there.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, hobo joe said:

    Swerve should beat Dragon. Strap a rocket to that motherfucker. Someone needs to beat MJF while we’re waiting for Cole to heal up.

    But the TNT title is beneath both those dudes.

    As Bryan Danielsons 2ND best fan.  Even I still agree with this.

    And I’m not at all bitter about it.  

    Anyone got that TheNatural bat signal meme?  

    • Like 1
  3. Speaking of getting choked up a bit.  I got the fucking FEELZ when Nick hit Darby.  

    That degree of starvation applied to a young man who would sacrifice ANYTHING for an authentic fatherlike experience is insanely relatable. 

    I’m the same age as Christian Cage.  But I’m pretty sure he could talk me into it too.  

    • Like 1
  4. 12 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    It's cool, man. I joke about it enough, so maybe some people don't know the hell it's put me through. I just take it one day at a time. That's all I can do. 

    I didn’t know.  Though I was referencing some other posts that I had read as bit more clowning in tone.  So I was adding to that.  If I read the room wrong I could see why it could be taken in poor taste.  

    With all respect I apologize.  I will abstain from my next hit of weed.  

  5. 3 hours ago, JonnyLaw said:

    I’ll be slightly amused/depressed when the Filoni movie “underperforms” at the box office because it’s going to be more niche than what people claim the MCU, but it’s going to be right up my alley so I can’t wait.

    Totally.  I couldn’t give two shits if the rest of the world doesn’t catch up.

    ”You say you like the Star War?  Then fucking watch it”.

    • Like 4
  6. On 9/14/2023 at 3:13 AM, ExcellenceofAirPollution said:

    I feel bad that I'm too stoned to post more.  this was a really good show and everyone worked hard.  they deserve better than this shitty post.   I liked all of the matches.  I'm gonna drink a beer and smoke some more pot.  AEW Rules the motherfucker world.  RIP Dean.  Bye for now.

    This is entirely gimmick infringement, sir.  Carry on.



    • Haha 4
  7. On 9/8/2023 at 12:05 PM, The Natural said:

    Before AEW, Bryan Danielson had never had a ***** according to Meltzer. Bryan now has 6.

    I’m not upset about it.

    Bryans run in WWE isn’t just remarkable because of all the awesome matches he had.  He certainly had a fuckton of them over a long string period of time (even with the time out). We knew he could even in an unwelcoming environment.

    The run in the E is more remarkable because he was never supposed to be there.  ANY success he could muster would have been an overachievement.  That he basically took the company top spot by force of the will of the people is practically cosmic in its elevation.

    Especially because I watched my ROH guy get murdered week after week to the tune of “Wild and Young” on the original NXT.  When he lost to Khali and his fucking HAND CHOP?  I thought it was over.  

    I admit that in hindsight I kind of respect the troll move of having MIZ be his senior (even when Punk was right there).  But MIZ did put Bryan over strong and helped the comeback after the baffling firing.  

    Am I remembering correctly that the week after Bryan got fired. RAW faded to black with the crowd chanting his name?  

    But it be can really seen in contrast of what it looks like when the company is behind you like say with… Ultimate Warrior.  To put that much into a character build and still kinda fail.

    Versus putting any and all effort into suppression and blowing up with that.. much.. success.  Fucking really?

    But he really kinda beat them in spite of it all.  And he got to do all that while having years worth of great matches.

    • Like 6
  8. 1 hour ago, LF2 said:

    I love how certain posters talk like they’re Street tough, and they could fight Miro. Based on the fact I posted a few months ago that I thought Swerve and Hangman would be a good feud I’ll post another idea I hope Coach TK uses. Please book that loud obnoxious scrub that begs Ricky Starks to stroke him while he calls Starks his daddy in a fight against Miro. I’d love seeing Just Dickhead shit himself the moment Miro touches him. 

    Face it Just Damian we all know you don’t have any self defense skills, and if you really did you wouldn’t be playing internet tough guy for an audience that thinks you’re a joke.

    I don’t recall him fucking with you just now.  

    How about not this time?

    • Like 9
  9. I have to say I have a much higher appreciation for the crew of folks who post here with this talk.  

    As a scene weenie most of my buddies were sXe but they didn’t give a shit that I was a stoner wastoid.  Think the guy trying to light his cigarette during the fight in Dazed and Confused.  That was me with my glass bowl in the pit.

    They didn’t last at it anyway.  Nor was I the bad influence either.  Cuz some of my dudes got way into drinking, coke, and the big H.  That shit ain’t me.  But it was almost like they were just holding back and burst at the seems.

    Being in the northeast in Merrimack Valley as a Masshole.  I didn’t really see too many skinheads and when I did they weren’t up to anything.  I have had some encounters since then that weren’t great.  But whatever, I got lucky I’d say.

    Earth Crisis was something of a punching bag in our set.  We thought they were hilarious on “Firestorm” letting the “round ups begin” and all that wannabe Nazi horseshit.

    But then again.  10 Yard Fight took the most brutal beatings in mockery with all their football metaphors for life and sXe.

    We always wanted to do a parody band that was basketball themed call “Full Court Press”.

    ”You double dribbled over the edge!”

    ”You lost my TRUST… GO!”

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  10. 32 minutes ago, NoFistsJustFlips said:

    Well from a business perspective you don't want to give up market share. If you're a lapsed or casual fan and check the PPV guide and see Edge v Chris Jericho you might be more apt to purchase it vs seeing Adam Copeland v Chris Jericho. From the WWE point of view, why would you want to give the competition a single bit of extra fire power? Ultimately sometimes it doesn't matter. Hall & Nash did just fine without the Diesel & Razor names. But why chance it.

    I guess because I just don’t see the firepower as threatening to them.  I’m supposing that whatever starpower that a guy like Edge carries isn’t going to tip any scales in ratings, merch, or ticket sales.  

    Now if we were talking about The Rock.  I’d definitely put a stop to that.  He has actual cultural penetration on just about every level.  Edge or (another) Adam it really doesn’t matter (cost) that much in pride or revenue.

    Actual Edge being in AEW would only reflect fondly on both companies.  I’m not betting on it happening.  But I can see the angle that has an upside for everyone involved.

    • Like 2
  11. 47 minutes ago, The Natural said:

    Speaking of merchandise, $1.4 million made at All In according to WON.

    Riding the wave here toward a bigger money deal with the WBD.  Points on the board.

    Still I wonder what can be done to improve the weekly crowd turn out.  

    Wembley as a one and done and making such a big splash IS greatness and all.  But the Canada tour really seemed to struggle from the news I’ve read both here and elsewhere.  

    Perhaps the burden of selling several shows vs. a single biggie has to approached differently even when the common metric is two underserved markets being booked first time ever.  

    Not sure that approach would be.


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  12. Is Nemeth going to make it?


    A guy basically and minimally known as Dolph Zigglers weirdly similar looking brother and that guy whose bits get skipped on BTE.

    Could his self flagellation, willingness to humiliate himself, and “loveable” loser gimmick slow burn him into getting over?  I’m sure his brother has Matt Cardonas phone number to get him some advice on how to make that happen.

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