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Brandon Bones

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Posts posted by Brandon Bones

  1. This was a really great show.  


    My job has me up very early in the morning so I can't stay up for shows like Raw and SmackDown.  Having tomorrow off and staying up to watch tonight really paid off.


    My take on the head drop is that Cena really doesn't know Nakamuras moveset.  I think he didn't rotate over enough because he assumed he was taking a suplex.  Oops.  However, getting up after that is very manly and worthy of a hoot or two. 

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  2. On October 7, 2016 at 0:22 PM, Raziel403 said:

    WrestleMania 11 was NOT a good show, although Bigelow really doesn't get enough credit for the carry job he did with LT.


    There's a fuckton of humor I never realized when they opened the show with Luger and Bulldog teaming up as the Allied Powers facing the Harris Twins.

    I had it in mind to rewatch the LT/Bigelow match for the last week or so. Just got done watching it and you're right. It's a damn miracle on par with the Stephanie/Trish match from 01.

    LT sticks with what you might expect from a football guy. Whatever he does, he starts in a full to semi 3 point stance. Bigelow accents this by taking those Misawa elbows like a real man and bumping like he got hit by a train. Nit picks go to the heat segment as I think Bammer should of stuck with the Boston Crab idea as that leg move was kind of weak. As was the moonsault.

    LT sold the shit out of the finish (or maybe he didn't have to sell) and more than earned his money and respect.


    It's basically the worst Wrestlemania. The only other thing I remember about the show was Kid killing Jarrett with a spin kick. I don't really remember much about this era. So it begs the question for a rebooking. What else do you do?

  3. If push comes to shove... they can always whoopee up a back up plan angle where Bryan trades Orton or something. But in exchange for the cruiser weights going non-exclusive. As a bonus it's a narrative sub-plot in the growing rivalry between the brands.


  4. Random High Thoughts with your Host… Brandon Bones.


    I would like The Outcasts to keep challenging dudes every week until they do something fucked up and go serious.



    In an age where titles fail to have much prestige. Would it be too much to ask that MAYBE Kalisto/Neville be the Main Event? It was the ONLY title match on the fucking show.


    If anything 2006 ROH taught me its that there is nothing wrong with having The Briscoes, Nigel, and Bryan rotating in and out of the Main Event. That brand of promoting would do nothing but good for Kalisto and Neville on a perception level.


    Natty has every reason to bitch about her placement in the pecking order when its more than satisfactory just being included. She made Charlotte look really good. Give her more next time.


    Get well Nikki.


    I'm down with The Golden Truth. I'm going to go massage MY groin. These two statements are entirely unrelated.


    Ok, I'm back.



  5. The Women's match was some good action that gave Sasha some much needed "get to know you" ring time without her eating a fall. I'd assume this might rotate around a bit until the big matches emerge and the pecking order is clear. Hopefully by the time she does her first job it'll mean something. I'm looking forward to Sasha's obvious and eventual betrayal even if they aren't really projecting that just yet.


    THEN they can start pushing into the waters they dipped their toe into on NXT. Meaning that the EPICS will come once confidence on the bigger stage is built.


    Until then… courage.

  6. I thought remaking Battlestar Galactica was a lousy idea. Mostly because remakes blow and the old show was novel but too cheesy. I even blew it off for the first 2 seasons until the Pegasus episodes showed up on demand. Hooked!

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