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Posts posted by Brandon Bones
Kind of a “meh” show for me overall. Like some have said already. There was something off about this show.
Glad to see Mox is back to drink blood. I recommend being at ringside for the Cole/Orange lights out match. I expect that Britt might blade during that match. For reasons. Fuck that crotch sniffer in the crowd.
It was a strangely small venue. But I kinda like that for a weekly show so that the bigger shows stand out.
PAC with the eye bandages… visually is reminding me of something I can’t quite place yet.
That was a good questionable injury bump by Darby to get him out of the way for a bit. Weird that I was less concerned for STING jumping off the stage than I was taking a drop kick into a flat back bump. The Acclaimed still have a ways to go. But it is definitely on its way.
Whenever that JE/Ass Boys match happens… fast forward. I’m leaning the same way on Archer.
I still love you AEW.
Well it’s coming together. I’m ready for Mando to show up (among a host of others people keep speculating about).
On 1/14/2022 at 4:33 PM, Tarheel Moneghetti said:
I'm hoping Disney is saving their good ideas for 2023. This year's slate seems like it's going to have to overachieve to keep me watching.
I’ve felt like that throughout the duration of the MCU.
Iron Man? Really? Then it turns out great.
Guardians? Who? Whoops it’s awesome.
Plus being a mostly Spider-Man/Avengers guy in my comics days meant at that point there wasn’t much hope in getting BOTH of those things in the same place.
But the MCU has routinely exceeded my expectations time and again. I even have an appreciation for the occasional retrofitting like going comedy with Thor. It’s fair to say I’m along for the ride.
If they decide to go full on “Hot Aunt May” and they cast Marissa Tomei… who am I to complain?
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7 hours ago, odessasteps said:
It's an interesting juxtaposition, since we just passed the anniversary of K Fed on Raw (and BTS did a good job last week recapping it).
I’ve always had this thought about that K-Fed deal. It was a weirdly overlooked detail for Cena opponents to never exploit in all the years of promo battles that followed. Or did I miss it?
Also: Why didn’t anyone (in WWE) call bullshit on Cena swatting Rey Mysterio for the belt the same night he won it in earlier in the show? Still fucking boo!
Ok. Time for my weekly AEW blow job.
Nope. Not this week. This week AEW is sleeping on the couch.
If I said this was probably my least favorite episode of Dynamite thus far. I’d be telling the truth. But it’s not like I’m jumping ship back into Vince’s vascular arms, pal.
I liked Punk/Wardlow well enough (including the sloppy inside cradle, since my dude WAS beat the fuck up after an army of power bombs). Brody Kings intro hit its mark. The promos were all fine and never over uhh stayed uhh it’s wellllcome uhhhh!
The rest of the show just didn’t do much for me. But then again I was watching this morning on crappy daily motion and being assaulted by flu shot ads every 2 1/2 minutes. It absolutely killed my interest in Sammy/Garcia.
Oh well. Next week it is.
I love you AEW. You’ll do better next time. You’re still the antidote to WWE.
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Good episode. If the fact that it’s another table setting episode is something that might bother you? You might not think so. I’ll advise patience.
After 2 seasons of Mando and 3 episodes of this it would seem to me that the format of these shows is a television novel. So all the meaty plot points and reveals will be weighted towards the end. It’s no coincidence the eps are referred to as “chapters”.
I laughed out loud when I saw Danny Trejo show up. Because OF COURSE he did.
I wasn’t blown away by the cyberkids speeder bikes. But Boba continues to build his organization and they didn’t come across as worthless.
I was a bit surprised by the plot twist with the twins bowing out of the fight. One has to wonder if Disney ponied up to get Emilia Clarke to be the big baddie instead. Which also (sort of) supports another big rumor of Han Solo showing up. Bring it!!!
45 minutes ago, Technico Support said:
Care to share names of the YouTube channels with the old house shows? I get my old timey fix from Monsoon Classic and Classic Wrestling Stuff right now. I just watched 1986 UWF and saw Koko Ware vs Rob Recksteiner. That was pretty wild because I never knew Steiner ever worked under his real name.
Well those are two channels I’m already subscribed to. Lol
Here is one:
And another:
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I just canceled Peacock. Since I’m really not interested in the current product and I’m really not much for nostalgia for things I’ve already seen.
The one remaining thread is my interest in all the Old School house shows that I never got to see. Years of Saturday morning syndicated shows in the 80s selling me on shows I had no hope of ever seeing. Yet right here is a fair amount of those shows collected from NESN or MSG Networks etc. So it’s harking back to an older time but I’m seeing a lot of it for the first time. Only I’ll be watching on YouTube instead now.
Its still sort of nostalgia, I guess. But I don’t really get a “it brings me back” sort of feeling.
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When it comes to Blacks entrance. I really wish they would cut away or go lights out again at the moment he moves to stand up on the stage. Otherwise it’s fine. But I like the creepy concept of “moving without moving” which the entrance almost achieves.
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2 hours ago, Dog said:
Walter/Dragon is my new dream match.
I ain’t mad at it.
I was under the impression that Marko had a shot on one of the prime time talent shows (The Voice?).
It’s inevitable that some people aren’t going to make the cut. But it’ll be interesting to see if AEW can NOT come across as the heartless corporate bastards that the E does. Good fucking luck with that. Someone always gets burned.
So are the brother and sister Hutt… fucking?
18 hours ago, Eivion said:
I'm guessing we see the one who trained Boba unmask before it ends.
I’m told that some sharp ears at some point heard Omega’s theme during the episode when the trainer Tusken was onscreen.
Or… it’s Mephisto.
I’m going to have to grade this one on a curve. Work has been super busy and I had zero energy to watch a wrestling show.
That being said…
The title match was perfection. I went into it with the question of “How are they going to sell a shorter match and still have it work” after a 60 minute draw. Fortunately, the prior match wasn’t sold that way. Instead it was Hangman basically won it had he had another few moments. This match validated that with the blood and selling that lead the viewer to understanding the earlier finish. There is a reason AmDrag has been my favorite wrestler for 16 years.
Loved Punks comeback after I thought MJF had murdered him with the Mania line. Live and learn, Max.
Unfortunately, I passed out during Jade/Ruby so I only saw the celebration. I have to wonder if there wasn’t a subtle message being sent to Big Swole in the highlighting of Cargills daughter.
Yeah, Luchasaurus has fell way off from where he should be. Too many times he was caught just standing there doing nothing while other stuff gets set up. You’d figure being 500 million years old and “having a Masters Degree” might have taught him a bit more. Who knows? Maybe it not entirely his fault as it concerns THIS match as the Luchas waste a lot of time doing convoluted set ups.
It was the kind of best of times this night. Maybe not the worst of times. But with a couple of lousy injuries putting a damper on things. I can see the point that overall, AEW has had better nights.
This post is drastically out of time! I gotta go!
Love ya AEW! See you this weekend.
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https://ibb.co/GcPCbGrPics from RAW the night after Angle won KOTR. Then Lawlor checks out a drunk guy passed out in the front row right behind the announcer table.
The Fink does not approve.
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*crosses fingers*
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14 minutes ago, HarryArchieGus said:
The Pillman promo was compelling. Clearly he's a terribly corny promo, but I liked here how he really went for it. Maybe the laugh was unintentional, but I was entertained. And I'm ready for Malakai to lay the beats. That promo also felt like it was transplanted from another era. I'm thinking 'Senior' in Stampede '88.
The Hobbs-Martin callback was quality. One of those little details that makes AEW so loveable. Further, all night they were dishing strong videos, and I'd be surprised if this doesn't become a bit more of the norm. It's a great way to get over the ongoing stories and could also work to specifically tell us about a new or 'newly intentioned' wrestler. In particular, that's how you have Shida cut a promo. Tape it and package it in with some highlights. Perfect!Obviously, I’ve got an appreciation for what they are doing since I pour so much love in their direction.
But really. Video updates/promos are a really efficient way to get your people (in an off week from doing matches) on tv and keep the audience up to date.
After a couple years at producing shows. The AEW team seems to really be settling into a house style and I’m here for it. Sure… they’ll miss a dive here and there. But overall it’s top notch in presentation.
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56 minutes ago, The Natural said:
To this day, it's way up there as one of my best moments as a wrestling fan since 5 years old. Mankind was the first heel I ever liked, I was 11 and Foley is one of my favourite wrestlers ever. Cool I got to meet him in May 2003. What a pop, the commentary call and reactions to Mankind winning the WWF Championship. That'll put butts in seats!Tony Schiavone having to say that line.
It was so loud. I left the show with concert ear and very little voice. Unforgettable.
Foley was my guy. So I got really lucky that I chose to buy a ticket to THAT show. Very validating.
Being that the rest of the show was fucking annoying because in the upper deck seats we had the grid lights above the ring shooting us in the face all night. The big moment went a long way to save the night.
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The thing I’m taking the most satisfaction in having The Undisputed Era in AEW is what a ball bag slap it is to WWE and their cunty approach to intellectual property and copyright law. Still… I never saw them even for a moment taking a breath of air on the main roster. But here being in a Main Event, even Bobby Fish didn’t look out of place. Efficient.
Vince. You’re a fucking idiot.
There might finally be something to Jade Cargill. Thunder Rosa is taking time away from my being a Bryan Danielson fanboy. She is so great.
I was looking to see if Trent was wearing the Yuta shit emoji knee pads but I couldn’t tell.
I miss Mox.
Bring on the 20 minute Jericho/Kingston promo battle.
I’m enjoying perpetually butthurt Bucks.
Good promos from Starks and Hobbs. I completely forgot Dante lost to Hobbs awhile back. They were VERY helpful in reminding me showing the highlights and all. Another point for efficiency and not letting some plot details go to waste. AEW has a very short history so use what you got (and maybe borrow some history too).
I surprisingly found Pillman’s promo compelling… eventually. He might have maxed out whatever credit he has left on his Sympathy Master Card. But he bought me and now I can’t wait for him to take a beating so ruthless. His sacrifice will make him my lord and savior.
I love you too AEW.
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1 hour ago, Raziel said:
I'm just stoked that they did a Boba Fett show where he's NOT invincible.
I had to suppress my wrestle brain in thinking Boba should have gone over in his first fight as the boss.
An interesting start.
Every new show has a lot of table setting work to do. This did what it needed to do as far as explaining the past and driving towards it future.
As much fun as it was to see the ROTJ stuff. It’s hard to say if this show is going to be any good going forward based solely off this episode.
Fortunately, I’ve got faith in Fave and RobRod to pull it off.
Hey! Grey sand pumpkins have water. Who knew?
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I think it was an ROH show called Honor Reclaims Boston(?).
Davey Richards and Rocky Romero had a really bad match in the opener that thankfully had better matches on the show afterwards. He wasn’t quite “a steel cage Davey Richards” yet. But he would get there eventually.
So a buddy of mine just texted me. He just now found out Sami Zayn was El Generico.
I laughed at him. Good times!
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I really underestimated this episode prior to seeing it. I didn’t feel very motivated to watch it.
Sammy’s run as champ had petered out. Even The Inner Circle wasn’t backing him up. Ironically, I really appreciated this being the match that he go out in. A last match of the night main event against one of the big guys in the company. Sammy will be fine overall, but there will need to be gear shift.
I’m back on the train with Cody and his narrative. It stands out compared to the going’s on of the rest of the roster. Cody is going to learn that when he goes against his nature with baby face moonsaults that have a habit of missing. Instead, overwhelm and over compensate with killer moves that keep your feet on the ground. He is listening to Arn.
Can definitely see Leyla Hirsh getting some character elevation out of some beef with how Statlander treated her during the match. The nose boops could very much be interpreted as condescending making the handshake come across as phony. Good match.
Hook is a killer. Do not question his No sells. Big Bear guy got up there for him. Kudos.
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Dynamite - 1/19/2022
Possibly NEO. My mind was trying to figure out which anime I saw 20 years ago that I couldn’t remember. But The Matrix is so referential that you’re probably onto something.
I know nothing about Tarot cards. Does the card saying “justice” suggest anything?