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Brandon Bones

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Posts posted by Brandon Bones

  1. I wonder how differently Douglas would be remembered if the largest part of his run as ECW Champion wasn’t spent injured in the announce booth.  If he was feuding and pulling heel bullshit with his established faction during that same length of time and still find his way to Tazz. Yeah.  Probably a lot better.

  2. Well that was fucking awesome.  MOTYC on weekly tv for free that pushed the much vaunted 60 minute broadway that all the old timers seem to respect so much.  Count me in.  The announcers for once didn’t go total goofball during breaks of Osprey/MJF.  Liked the “Riggs needs to reset his shoulder” spot from Lethal Weapon.  Which got a fun unexpected “eww” pop from the crowd.

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  3. Quote

    A Prince of Darkness Match is a match where both wrestlers are hooded so that they cannot see their opponent. The added obstruction only makes the match more enjoyable for the fans as they watch the wrestlers grope around the ring, trying to find their opponent.

    I had completely forgotten what this was so I went and looked it up.  As kinda lame as the Jake/Martel blindfold match at Mania was.  I do like the suggestion of having coaches at ringside yelling instructions as an upgrade to an experiment that never quite worked.  I’m sure GCW could do a fun one with EFFY or Cardona.


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  4. As a guy who spent 20 years on forklifts.  There was so much wrong with how they worked their way into making that stunt happen.  Like… the guy who was operating the lift prior to them coming around the corner probably has a meeting in the bosses office this morning.  

    Ugh.  I could smell the propane from the exhaust on the forklift through my tv.

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  5. Another missed opportunity was I really wanted Britt to finish Monés shot she left on the table.

    Fuuuuuuck!  This show ruled.  I reeeeally wish Omega was in the mix right now.

    It was a good idea here in the moment of cultural high awareness of diss tracks for The Acclaimed to do another video for a song.  Though I’ve liked others they’ve done more.  It’s on brand, quick, and keeps it all on screen to develop further without having to give away a match.

    I recall some criticism over the Toni/Mina match at FD having a happy reconciliation as being anti-climactic.  But it makes sense more now in retrospect why that choice was made when you’ve got the real heartbreaker for this show.  What a classic angle.  Excellent use of a blade job.  And they really went for it to get it over.  Applause.

    • Like 4
  6. 2 hours ago, J.H. said:

    I was working at Marvel during the Hogan/Flair series. Even with free comics that recession had me cut back my monthly MSG shows. Welll... in hindsight that had more to do with visits to Show World*

    *if you aren't from the greater NY Tri-State area, I do not expect you to know what Show World was... but I'm sure you can figure it out


    Without looking it up.  I’m going with what podcast lore would refer to as a “Shoe Show”.

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  7. Loved the show.  A lot.


    JR had me howling when he called the Destino a “reverse backflip DDT thing”.  He was lots of fun in his cameo.

    Mońe has pretty much answered my questions over whether she can thrive outside of the system that produced her.  La Primera was chefs kiss.

    Osprey/Swerve was a classic.  Will probably be even better on rewatch.

    It’s a bummer that Bryan’s injury selling rubs people the wrong way.  I get it though.  It gives me the ick too.  But for me that’s part of the ride.  Also I’m feeling like it’s part of a continual story thread.  Good match but I vaguely recall the Dragon Gate USA match being an epic.  



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  8. 2 minutes ago, Curt McGirt said:

    I want to change what I said about Lady Frost and say she's more a midcard gatekeeper than a JTTS. One, 'JTTS' is somewhat denigrating of a term, and two, she seems above it. It's more fair and deservative of someone who honestly deserves an angle and a belt instead of where she's at. 

    Agreed.  But I feel the recent and frequent use of Lady Frost is a sign of her regard within the company.  Considering others like Julia and Skye have played similar roles and found avenues to get elevated to more high profile matches.  She should be feeling more confident in her position.  She’s hot.  I’m sold she has it.


    Bonus: Helping out Stephanie before Moné out star powers her at least sold me the match.  That’s gotta score some points.  We like points.

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  9. 23 hours ago, Travis Sheldon said:

    I forgot to mention Red Letter Media did a +/-90 minute video on The Acolyte and the online culture clash surrounding the show.

    It's a long watch, but if you're into those Wisconsin reprobates it's worth your time.

    I like those guys.  But I tend to not watch their Star Wars stuff anymore.  I kind of already know what they’ll do so I’ve heard it all at this point.  

    Complain all they want.  But they sure don’t miss a chance to make a Star Wars  video for content.  To be fair they’re mild compared to the rage farming dolts out there.  

  10. Not that I even remotely know of what I speak.  But the fact there’s no streaming service for AEWs archives is baffling 5years in.

    I suppose some of this could be hitched to the overall negotiations in making contracts.  But it’s startling to have gone so long minus this revenue stream.  

    I value it to the degree that it really fucks me off to hear the announcers go totally goofballs during commercial breaks.  One of the bigger disappointments about The Network was we all know “tape machines will keep rolling” during a break and posting full versions of classic tv matches would be a cool new way to see them.  So call the fucking matches!

    Say for instance the HBK/Angle 30 Minute Iron Man had viewers going to the website during breaks so you could more fully see (with commentary) what was on paper, a very promising match.  So it’s not like I’m imagining the availability and there’s value for the paying fan.  

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  11. 3 hours ago, Technico Support said:


    Yeah, I'm thinking flashbacks, because I would have never figured Disney Star Wars to be the next place we'd see a Psycho/Scream "kill the big star in the first reel" deal.

    I heard that comparison and thought it a fairly daring move if they had.  But that’s not how it works, I’m guessing.

    It’s like a double KO finish.  You do it once a generation.

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  12. Getting Ricochet is great news.  But a lack of talent isn’t AEWs problem.  But it could be Ricochets problem if and when he gets lost in the shuffle again. 

    But I guess a chance to put him with Osprey on tv in North America is a kind of novelty draw.

  13. 15 hours ago, Eivion said:

    Caught the first two episodes of Acolyte last night. No completely sold on it though I mostly like what I see so far. I kind of like the lead. The mystery has my curiosity.  I also like seeing one of the more political Jedi in play. Digging the characters. Do have to admit that it does feel like a waste for the most famous actor to be taken out already, but hopefully we get some flashbacks with them if just to eventually explain the truth behind the mystery.

    I’m certain we’ll see her again.  Stunt casting does nothing for the show when it amounts to a cameo.  

    Being that it’s a mystery show and the Jedi seen thus far are apparently responsible for doing something bad.  I’m guessing (like a lot people) that there are flashbacks upcoming where she’ll have to appear.

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  14. Half way through the show.  But I’m over the moon because Edge used the live version of South of Heaven from Decade of Aggression which comes factory installed with a free crowd pop at the beginning.  I’ve been using that trick for my simfed guy for years.  I’m so over, bro.

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  15. Mone having a Claire Danes level cry face emergency after being upset in her big comeback match.  It certainly turns the old trope of big star jumping ship to somewhere else right on its head.  We have seen a fair amount of splashy debuts over the years to know it’s a thing.

    OR is that sacrificing what Star power Sasha Banks has left?

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  16. Spoiler

    Pleasantly surprised that Bad Batch ended on an up note.  I was expecting them to go out like the Wild Bunch.  At least that’s what I thought the show was signaling (pretty sure it was).  But instead they subverted expectations and not only gave something of a happy ending.  But didn’t make it taste like shit.  Kudos.  Love this show.


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