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Posts posted by Jamal

  1. Just burned through the whole second season. I thought it really picked up towards the end. Loved some of the new back stories that we got like Rosa, Gloria, Morello, and Sister Ingalls. And the finale was so satisfying on so many levels.

  2. I really enjoyed Bayley/Charlotte too. And loved the look of joy and awe on Bayley's face as she realized Paige and Emma had her back. Nxt Summer is so much more interesting than Raw Summer. So, good to have her back.

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  3. I think a lot of the hate Nattie gets isn't because she stinks. It's because she completely lacks self awareness thinks (as well as her fans) that she's Manami Toyota or Bull Nakano or something. That is a very big reason why Nattie gets so much shit and Total Divas certainly hasn't helped her any in that regard.


    It's sad that people are buying what Total Divas is selling. Away from that show, she has never appeared anything like that. And other Divas have had nothing but good things to say about her behind the scenes. 

  4. I enjoyed Paige/Alicia too. It wasn't as hate-filled as their Raw/Superstars matches but it was still good and they tried to get the crowd into it. I'm glad that Paige retained since having her lose this soon would cut her legs out from under her. But I hope that they at least have something in store for Alicia. She's been fantastic these last few weeks 

  5. Even an average worker (and I don't think average is a negative thing, especially when you're average at the highest level of your profession) can go out there and steal the show when thy're allowed to do their jobs correctly. Nattie is perfectly capable when she's given the chance to really run, whereas she, like most of the roster, look terrible in shitty little 3 minute affairs with no logic or storylines. 


    I saw some cool moments in their match I've never seen before. The slaps in the figure four off were so fucking good, tons of emotion, hate, and frustration.

    yeah Nattie didn't just suddenly get good. She's had decent to good matches with plenty of women for years now. Just check old Superstars stuff with a pre-crazy Alicia Fox, Kaitlyn, or Layla. When given time, Natalya, like most of the divas, comes off far better than people expect.

  6. I agree that Paige/Tamina was really good. I also enjoyed the PPV match and good to see them get another go in front of a more vocal audience. I took a while in coming around on Tamina but she has really come a long way.

    Man, when we get the eventual BFF implosion and Sasha and Charlotte finally go at it, the crowd is gonna eat it up.

  7. Man, just when you think Alicia Fox can't get any better. Unhinged Alicia is an awesome Alicia.


    While the match itself was fine, these Raw/Total Divas crossover matches are just weird because they try to act like none of us realize that the show was actually filmed months ago.

  8. Speaking of all these potential turns, is there any hope of Emma turning on Santino? It would just be a simple low blow and shouting "You made me dance wear a pink cobra sock!" Hell, she could even beat Santino in a match before moving on to give Paige a decent challenger.

    If only. Man, watching Emma just makes me think of all of the wasted potential.

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  9. I'm so glad people are finally coming around on Alicia Fox. It's a shame they don't do anything with her and she loses on TV every week.

    Yea Fox has been good for a while (love anything with her and Gail Kim or Nattie) but she seems to be even better now! I really hope WWE takes notice although I hear she's just happy to wrestle either way and isn't really into lobbying for herself.

  10. Gotta hand it to Tamina. This was probably her best match yet and loved her channeling Cheerleader Melissa and tossing Paige into the barricade. The Diva Death-slot is usually a foregone conclusion but this was not a bad match at all. 

  11. Like everyone else, I really liked Bayley/Sasha. I've liked Sasha even when she was a face but becoming heel has brought new life to her character.

    I didn't dislike Nattie/Layla but it just felt "there" and the lifeless promos didn't help.

  12. I know that this is pretty much a show within a show within a show and that none of their personas here can be believed, but I still find Ariane the most annoying personality wise of them all. 


    I want a spin off series with Miss Sandra and Nattie's neighbor where they go around making clothes, solving crimes, and talking smack. 

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  13. I really think they could support an hour long divas show (wrestling, that is, not Total Divas) on the network and give the girls actual ring time.  Have a handful of matches, some promo segments, etc.  Give them a chance to develop their in-ring ability and their characters more.  Put it on, like, Wednesday night or something.

    I'm right there with you. Between the Nxt women and the main roster Divas, they certainly have enough talent

  14. I think Aksana does great with character stuff but her wrestling has always been kind of messy. Having said that, it was great to see the Divas given some time to work. I think having the two of them stuck in the Diva death slot contributed to the crowd's non-reaction. So hope they get more opportunities like this and less 80 women clusterfucks.

    Poor Emma. If any wrestler suffers from the lack of match time, it's her. She went from kooky wrestling machine on Nxt to just kooky. This does not bode well for Bayley.

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