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Everything posted by Basara

  1. So Crota's dead. OK, so we didn't 2 man him (yet). A guy we've played with a few times friends clan was online so they jumped in and helped us finish that ugly son of a bitch off. With one guy on boomer duty and 4 shooting Crota he was dead with 2 swords. Netted myself the shader, emblem and the Song of Ir Yut. My iron Banner armor is now 32 and i just need to hit a button and my raid armor is 32 as well. Once i get the missing chest piece for my Titan i'm sitting pretty until the next DLC hits. My bad for the triple post!
  2. Good haul tonight. Hit rank 4 in the Iron Banner, which is as far as i intend to go. Picked up my chest armor, and a Jolder's Hammer just because. Also got a second Gheleon's Demise as a random drop at the end of the last game i played. I re-rolled it 5 times until i got firefly so now all 3 characters have a scout rifle that pops heads (my weapon of choice). Then hit up a Crota run with my alternate Warlock. Just my luck i got a second raid chest piece, kind of making the Iron Banner pointless but i do like having a change of clothes. Plus its a lot easier to upgrade the Iron Banner piece and i can break one of the raid ones down for much needed shards. The luck continued, in a good way this time, and finally got an exotic from the Deathsinger. I'm now sitting on a brand new Thunderlord.
  3. I'm 83 points away from rank 3 in the Iron Banner. Looking at the values of the bounties i could get away with doing the 3 easier to achieve ones (10k points, 20 headshots, 10 hand to hand) over the next 3 days and i'd only need 1 win to hit rank 4. I've unlocked all the upgrades for my Warlock raid chest piece and i'm tempted to just blow the 10500 on converting energies to shards so i can hit 32. I've still got 2 more characters i can run through some Crota checkpoints with this week so hopefully i can put a dent in it with those before it comes to that.
  4. Not a great showing in the Iron Banner tonight. The new maps threw me and i had no idea where i was. I was reading up and apparently 6 games (winning half) and 3 bounties a day gets you on level 4 by Sunday. I went 1-5 but hit 3 bounties, i'm a few points down and it wasn't going well so i called it quits there. Jumped on Crota and we went as far as the Deathsinger. Finally, finally got chest armor! I've now got all the pieces to the puzzle that is a level 32 Warlock. I just need to get it upgraded and convert some energies to shards. I'll still hit up the Iron Banner, i need a second chest piece for my other Warlock, and its nice to have some variety, but all going well i'll have 2 32s by the end of the week.
  5. Stubbornness I guess. At first we were just doing it to farm the lamp maze checkpoint. But getting anything other than gauntlets from there seems to be a very low percentage. So we kept pushing, and getting further and wanting more. Couple of times we've got stuck and thought about hitting up a group just to get it over with. But then we'll find a way and move on to the next problem. Just one problem left now, Crota himself, but it seems doable. Kind of want to go all the way now we've got this far. Thing is with all the practice on the first 3 checkpoints now it only takes about 20mins a character to get to Crota.
  6. As I've said before, there are only 2 of us who play regularly. So, the quest to 2 man Crota continues. First we couldn't get through the Lamp maze but we eventually cracked it. Then came the Ogre bridge, once we got the jump down to cheese it, it became pretty easy if a little risky. The Deathsinger wasn't too bad, after a week of trying we can finally drop her consistently. Crota seemed impossible for 2 people with no decent rocket launchers between them. We dropped him to a knee twice tonight, got his health maybe 20% down. I feel, with a little planning and a lot of luck, this is achievable...
  7. I heard it was Omnigul again too. I hope it's not, this will be the 3rd time it's come up since I started doing Nightfalls. God I hate that strike! I haven't done a Summoning Pit NF yet.
  8. Good advice. I'm fine with the void bomb, I've been known to make a little space magic on occasion. I think it's just a case of taking my time rather than try to knock it out as fast as possible. We'll see how it goes after I've got my chest piece in the IB, 32 is my goal at the moment and Crota isn't being generous!
  9. It's my warlock I've got it with. Never thought to use grenades and melee attacks to add to the kill count. Does the Warlocks super count as well? I might try and bang out enough of the Iron Banner to get the chest piece by Saturday and try my luck in the regular Crucible on Sunday. I'll be that guy behind a box at a control point with a shotgun...
  10. I've actually done the Phoggoth part twice already with friends who were finishing off the bounty. The first attempt is best forgotten but once we knew what to do it actually wasn't too bad. I might stick a void damage shotgun in and see how it fairs in the Iron Banner tomorrow. Though that's probably not the best environment to be experimenting in.
  11. Screw that Thorn bounty, it can gather dust in my inventory until i acquire a void damage primary. The Bad Juju one however is incredibly easy. I played 3 games and i'm about 40% done already.
  12. So i got some Sunbreakers today out of a purple engram from a random chest on mars. They are max light 30, the Cryptarch is screwing me with last years left over stock!
  13. Good to know at least. Guess I used up my RNG luck for the month on this weeks nightfall.
  14. Scored some raid arms for my Titan, so now i'm just waiting on chest for all 3 characters to hit 32. If all else fails i can buy 2 warlock chest pieces in the Iron Banner next week. Does the Deathsinger still dish out exotics on normal mode or has the latest patch changed something? I killed her once last week and 3 times this week (with 3 different characters) only to get materials each time.
  15. Yeah, I've never really used hand cannons before but i'm loving this one! I'm all set for the Iron Banner this time around. I didn't pay attention to it last time until i was alerted, by people here, to the fact that you could get light 36 gear from it. By then i only had the Friday-Sunday to put any time into it. I've still yet to have Crota chest gear drop for me so i'll be buying my way to 32 unless i get it with my remaining characters this week or next Tuesday. I wont be caught short next week, 25k glimmer in the bank and 58 codex/banner/keys/beads etc in the vault!
  16. Soloed the Nightfall this morning, as long as you play it smart (sit back with the icebreaker) the triple burn makes it pretty easy. I died twice, both times to Fallen ships during the boss fight, its shots are basically one hit kills. Thank you Warlock resurrection! Finally got a good drop from it, i'm sitting on a brand new Hawkmoon!
  17. 10 Fallen majors too if you want to go for the hat-trick.
  18. So we two manned it all the way to Crota for the first time. Perhaps pure luck that we killed the Deathsinger. She died with a single, solitary, lonely, second left on the clock. And of course, nothing but 2 shards for me. Don't get me wrong, Crota killed us both without breaking a sweat but it was pretty nice to be able to make it all the way there with just the two of us. Definitely going to need some more firepower, hopefully i will get that all important chest piece on the reset and jump up to 32. Going to need a better rocket launcher too, i was just using whatever i had with me and his shield recharged faster than i could reload. One day....one day....
  19. Ah RNG Gods, you are cruel with your generosity. I complained of never having an exotic drop for me since starting the game, I've brought or bountied my way to all the ones i have. So on my 3rd Nightfall of the week i finally get an exotic gun as a reward! and its No Land Beyond. The RNG continues its mocking of me.
  20. Got my first worthwhile item from Nightfall yesterday. 12 strange coins. Not the exotic drop I was hoping for, I've still never got an exotic I didn't buy or do a gold bounty for, but at least I can buy something shiny with them. I'll have about 70 once I finish off the weeklies. Still plugging away at Crota's End. Hit up the first 2 checkpoints with my second Warlock and got more gloves and boots and got nothing but shards with my Titan. Not the chest peace I long for but at least now I've pretty much got enough radiant shards to upgrade to a 32 once it final drops. At this rate though it will be back to the Iron Banner for me to earn a light 36 chest the hard way!
  21. After that Omnigul Nightfall the past 2 weeks have been easy! Didn't have much time yesterday so we did a Nightfall and the first 2 Crota checkpoints with our main characters. Killing the Deathsinger still eludes us but we are getting closer. Not bad since there's only 2 of us. Still had some fusion rifle kills left to do for a golden bounty and the Murmur set on arc cleaned up in there. I had it finished before we'd even got to the Walker. The RNG still continues to mock me, I got a legendary rocket launcher for finishing the Nightfall, the same rocket launcher I was using to do the Nightfall. And nothing but shards again from the lamp and ogre bridge checkpoints in Crota's End. I just want a chest piece, is that to much to ask?
  22. Finally finished leveling up my second Warlock to 20 today. I've hardly even started the Venus missions, most of the xp has come from bounties. I've got enough legendary and exotic Warlock gear kicking about that i can jump it straight to 29. Also, took another shot at Xur with pretty much my last remaining motes of light and netted my self a Light Beyond Nemesis which i'm pretty happy with. If i can score a chest piece from Crota next week then a level 32 Warlock is a reality. I also grabbed some Crota's End raid boots for my Titan.
  23. So we made it across the ogre bridge in Crota's End, bagged me a new pair of shoes. Had a couple of shots at the Deathsinger, we killed the 2 wizards and orbs to release her but got took out pretty quickly afterwards. Still not bad for 2 people on a first attempt. Feels like its doable with the right tactics and a bit of luck. Rolled the dice with Xur for an exotic helmet engram, got one for a hunter, the one class i don't have, son of a bitch! i need to get 4 more motes of light before Sunday if i want a second crack at him. Brought Heart of the Praxic Fire because i think its the only exotic warlock chest piece i don't have (there's only 3 right?)
  24. Despite dreading this weeks nightfall we took a shot at it and everything seemed to fall into place. I don't think i actually went down once. Took our time getting to him, clearing out each area safely. The tank that used to haunt my dreams is nothing to Icebreaker. Once we got to the boss we just sat on the platform above his head where it seems its very difficult for him to shoot you, couple of Icebreakers to the face for 5 mins and hes no more. Double dipped the daily for some much needed shards and did the lamps with my level 27 Titan (well, i sat at the start while a friend ran through it). I was hoping for some much needed gear to boost him a little but all i got was shards. Still, i'll need them in the long run. Never used to use shotguns but after everyone started raving about them after the update i dusted off Invective for the daily. Damn thing eats Minotaurs for breakfast! Couple of shots on even the shielded ones and they are no more.
  25. I like that you can check faction rep etc now without having to run around looking at them all individually. Did the weekly, noticed the new matchmaking, thought it was a good idea. The guy it stuck with us went down 9 times, including for the entire boss fight, and got the better of the rewards at the end. Would have been better off without him!
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