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Ultimo Necro

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Posts posted by Ultimo Necro

  1. Paranormal Dean Ambrose is the greatest. The ghost clock story, the Usos managing to freak Dean Ambrose out even more, Dean seeing deer everywhere in the North West, his theory on how the pyramids were built (answer, lots of pushing), Dem Rotunda Boys being the most gullible people ever. All great stuff.

    One of the most fun podcasts ever. Jericho was great as well, him and Snitsky on a boat on Loch Ness looking for the monster is such a great visual!

  2. I saw Sabu wrestle last night. He didn't look too bad, but I was more relieved than disappointed when he was eliminated first in his match with Drew Galloway and Jack Jester.


    Damo vs Mastiff was a really fun super-heavyweight match even if I wasn't really buying Damo's Van Terminator attempts.

    I saw Damo when watching some stuff for March Madness, he seems exactly the kind of guy this board would like.

    He's like a Seamus, Finlay, Mastiff, Brody mash-up and has that European ass kicker style. I like him a lot and need to see more, there ain't much out there on YouTube though.

  3. The graphic of the meteor / space ship crashing to earth graphic and the Cape makes me think there was some truth in the Neville was going to be an alien rumblingz.

    Cena with a mighty fine stalling suplex.

    PTP promo was great, Titus is like an awesome WWE version of Terry Crews.

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  4. MLW puts out so much free content I've never been inclined to sign up. Although I'm interested to hear the Sullivan podcasts. I quite like Court but he is cropping up everywhere now, his podcast with John Pollock is always very good.

    The main show varies but when Konnan is on top form it is usually a great listen, especially when they veer off track and poke around MSL's private life.

    Cornette I can give or take, It depends on the guest for me.

    Talking Shop can be legit laught out loud funny, but again depends on the guest I feel.

  5. I was looking at the card for tonight's CZW show and came across this new entry into the lexicon of terrible wrestler name: Lucky tHURTeen.

    Although, if the job was to get my attention then it definitely worked. I'll be looking him up later.

    He used to be known as Lucky, when he was in the NJ All Stars with JC Ryder, he's actually one of the most rounded guys CZW has, he can go in normal matches and fills in a garbage spot as well. I've always found him enjoyable.

    Terrible name though.

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